Chapter 3. Publishing a Web Site

If you are maintaining a web site it is often a good idea to edit the files on your local system. After trying out the changes you then need to upload the changed files to the web server. A-A-P can be used to identify the files that changed and upload these files only. This is called publishing.

Uploading The Files

Here is an example of a recipe:

   Files = index.html
   :attr {publish = scp://} $Files

That's all. You just need to specify the files you want to publish and the URL that says how and where to upload them to. Now "aap publish" will find out which files have changed and upload them:

    % aap publish
    Aap: Uploading ['/home/mool/www/foo/index.html'] to scp://
    Aap: scp '/home/mool/www/vim/index.html' ''
    Aap: Uploaded "/home/mool/www/vim/index.html" to "scp://"

The first time you execute the recipe all files will be uploaded. Aap will create the "images" directory for you. If you had already uploaded the files and want to avoid doing it again, first run the recipe with: "aap publish --touch". Aap will compute the signatures of the files as they are now and remember them. Only files that are changed will be uploaded from now on.

The :attr command uses its first argument as an attribute and further arguments as file names. It will attach the attribute to each of the files. In this case the "publish" attribute is added, which specifies the URL where to upload a file to. In the example the "scp" protocol is used, which is a good method for uploading files to a public server. "ftp" can be used as well, but this means your password will go over the internet, which is not safe. The special item "%file%" is replaced with the name of the file being published.

Generating a HTML File

It is common for HTML files to consist of a standard header, a body with the useful info and a footer. You don't want to manually add the header and footer to each page. When the header changes you would have to make the same change in many different files. Instead, use the recipe to generate the HTML files.

Let's start with a simple example: Generate the index.html file. Put the common header, containing a logo and navigation links, in "header.part". The footer, containing contact info for the maintainer, goes in "footer.part". The useful contents of the page goes in "index_body.part". Now you can use this recipe to generate "index.html" and publish it:

   Files =    index.html
   :attr {publish = scp://} $Files

   all: $Files

   publish: $Files

   index.html: header.part index_body.part footer.part
       :cat $source >! $target

Notice that only the published files are put in the "Files" variable. These files get a "publish" attribute, which tells Aap that these are the files that need to be uploaded. The ".part" files are not published, thus they do not get the "publish" attribute.

Three dependencies follow. The "all" target is the virtual target we have seen before. It specifies that the default work for this recipe is to update the files in the "Files" variable. This means you don't accidentally upload the files by running "aap" without arguments. The normal way of use is to run "aap", check if the produced HTML file looks OK, then use "aap publish" to upload the file.

For "index.html" a target is specified with a build command. The :cat command concatenates the source files. "$source" stands for the source files used in the dependency: "header.part, "index_body.part" and "footer.part". The resulting text is written to "$target", which is the target of the dependency, thus "index.html". The ">!" is used to redirect the output of the :cat command and overwrite any existing result. This works just like the Unix "cat" command.

In the dependency with the "publish" target the :publishall command is used. This command goes through all the files which were given a "publish" attribute with the :attr command. Note that this does not work:

   # This won't work.
   Files = index.html {publish = scp://}

Using a "publish" attribute in an assignment will not make it used with the :publishall command.

Using ":rule" to Generate Several HTML Files

Your web site contains several pages, thus you need to specify how to generate each HTML page. This quickly becomes a lot of typing. We would rather specify once how to make a "xxx.html" file from a "xxx_body.part" file, and then give the list of names to use for "xxx" (if you have assocations with the name "xxx_body.part" that is your own imagination! :-). This is how it's done:

   Files =    *.html
   :attr {publish = scp://} $Files

   all: $Files

   publish: $Files

   :rule %.html : header.part %_body.part footer.part
       :cat $source >! $target

This is very similar to the example that only generates the "index.html" file. The first difference is in the value of "Files": It contains wildcards. These wildcards are expanded when they are used where a file name is expected. The expansion is not done in the assignment! More about that later. In the three places where $Files is used the wildcard expansion results in a list of all "*.html" files in the current directory and all "*.png" files in the "images" directory.

The second difference is that there is no specific dependency for the "index.html" file but a :rule command. It looks very much the same, but the word "index" has been replaced by a percent character. You could read the rule command as a dependency where the "%" stands for "anything". In the example the target is "anything.html" and in the sources we find "anything_body.part". Obviously these two occurrences of "anything" are the same word.

If you have made HTML pages, you know they contain a title. We ignored that until now. The following recipe will handle a title, stored in the file "xxx_title.part". You also need a file "start.part", which contains the HTML code that goes before the title.

   Files =    *.html
   :attr {publish = scp://} $Files

   all: $Files

   publish: $Files

   :rule %.html : start.part %_title.part header.part %_body.part footer.part
       :cat $source >! $target

Notice that "%" is now used three times in the :rule command. It stands for the same word every time.

After writing this recipe you can forget what changes you made to what file. A-A-P will take care of generating and uploading those HTML files that are affected. For example, if you change "header.part", all the HTML files are generated and uploaded. If you change "index_title.part" only "index.html" will be done.

There is one catch: You must create an (empty) xxx.html file the first time, otherwise it will not be found with "*.html". And you have to be careful not to have other "xxx.html" files in this directory. You might want to explicitly specify all the HTML files instead of using wildcards.

The same problem with wildcards happens for the image files. There is a solution for this: use the get_html_images() function. You can find an example in the section called “Publishing images for HTML files”.

A similar recipe is actually used to update the A-A-P website. It's a bit more complicated, because not all pages use the same header.