# Aap recipe for ctags, included by main.aap. # Stuff only needed for the ctags maintainer. # # Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar # Last change: 2003 May 14 # Header files used on all systems. Headers = args.h ctags.h debug.h entry.h general.h get.h keyword.h main.h options.h parse.h parsers.h read.h routines.h sort.h strlist.h vstring.h # Source files used on specific systems. ExtraSources = argproc.c mac.c qdos.c # Header files used for specific systems. ExtraHeaders = e_amiga.h e_djgpp.h e_mac.h e_msoft.h e_os2.h e_qdos.h e_riscos.h e_vms.h ExtraMakefiles = mk_bc3.mak mk_bc5.mak mk_djg.mak mk_manx.mak mk_ming.mak mk_mpw.mak mk_mvc.mak mk_os2.mak mk_qdos.mak mk_sas.mak # Various extra files in the distribution. ExtraFiles = configure.in configure main.aap maintainer.aap config.aap.in config.h.in acconfig.h Makefile.in mysign mkinstalldirs FAQ NEWS README INSTALL INSTALL.oth COPYING EXTENDING.html testing.mak maintainer.mak source.mak ctags.lsm ctags.html ctags.spec debug.c magic.diff descrip.mms .indent.pro # All the files that are distributed. # $DISTFILES has already been filled with the sources used by ":program". # CAREFUL: This list must exactly match the files that are to exist in the CVS # repository. DISTFILES += $Headers $ReadtagsHeader $ExtraSources $ExtraHeaders $ExtraMakefiles $ExtraFiles $INSTALL_MAN # create a tags file for ourselves. tags {comment = Generate a tags file for the sources} : $CtagsProg ./$CtagsProg * TAGS {comment = Generate a TAGS file for the sources} : $CtagsProg ./$CtagsProg -e * # # Obtain the version number from ctags.h with a bit of Python. # @r = re.compile('.*PROGRAM_VERSION "(\\d[^"]*)".*', re.DOTALL) :cat ctags.h | :eval r.match(stdin).group(1) | :assign Version # The "commit" attribute specifies CVS is used for "aap fetch" and "aap commit".# The server isn't specified, use the default. :attr {commit = cvs://} $DISTFILES # Commit all changes into CVS. Also deletes files! revise: :reviseall {logentry = updated for version $Version} # Tag the current set of files as a specific version. cvstag: :tagall {tag = ctags-`string.replace(_no.Version, ".", "_")`} # # "tar" target: generate a tar archive with all the distributed files. # TarFile = ctags-$(Version).tar.gz CLEANFILES += $TarFile tar {virtual} {comment = Create tar file with all distributed files}: # Make sure we have a tar command. :assertpkg tar # Copy the files to a new directory, so that the archive unpacks nicely. TarDir = ctags-$Version :del {f}{q}{r} $TarDir :mkdir $TarDir :copy {quiet} $DISTFILES $TarDir :sys tar cfz $TarFile $TarDir :del {f}{q}{r} $TarDir # "tarclean" target: delete all ctags tar files. Ignores $Version, it may have # been updated. tarclean {virtual} {comment = Delete all ctags-*.tar.gz files}: :del {f}ctags-*.tar.gz # vim: set sw=4 sts=4 :