A-A-P Recipe Executive

Bram Moolenaar

For Aap version 1.090

The license for copying, using, modifying, distributing, etc this documentation and the A-A-P files can be found in Appendix A, License.

2007 Aug 07 11:33:05 GMT


This is the documentation for version 1.090 of the Recipe Executive, commonly known as the "aap" command. It is part of the A-A-P project.

The web site of A-A-P can be found here: http://www.a-a-p.org/

The HTML version of this manual can be read on-line: http://www.a-a-p.org/exec/index.html As a single file: http://www.a-a-p.org/exec/exec.html.

The PDF version of this manual can be found here: http://www.a-a-p.org/exec/exec.pdf

The plain text version of this manual: http://www.a-a-p.org/exec/exec.txt.

Table of Contents

I. Tutorial
1. Getting Started
2. Compiling a Program
3. Publishing a Web Site
4. Distributing a Program
5. Building Variants
6. Using Python
7. Version Control with CVS
8. Filetypes and Actions
9. More Than One Recipe
10. Commands in a Pipe
11. A Ported Application
II. User Manual
12. How it all works
13. Dependencies, Rules and Actions
14. Variants
15. Publishing
16. Fetching
17. Installing
18. Version Control
19. Using CVS
20. Issue Tracking
21. Using Python
22. Porting an Application
23. Automatic Configuration
24. Using Autoconf
25. Automatic Package Install
26. Debugging a Recipe
27. Differences from make
28. Customizing Filetype Detection and Actions
29. Customizing Automatic Depedencies
30. Customizing Default Tools
31. Adding A Language Module
III. Reference Manual
32. Aap Command Line Arguments
33. Recipe Syntax
34. Variables and Scopes
35. Common Variables
36. Assignments
37. Attributes
38. Filetype Detection
39. Standard Modules
The "D" Programming Language
GNU Libtool
The Qt Library
40. Standard Tools
41. A-A-P Python functions
42. A-A-P Commands
IV. Appendixes
A. License

List of Tables

2.1. items in a dependency
12.1. Special characters in the ":print" command
17.1. Install targets
17.2. Settings for the install target
33.1. Notation
35.1. Naming scheme for variables
35.2. Standard Variables
37.1. Virtual Targets
37.2. Sticky attributes
37.3. supported check attribute values
39.1. Variables of the D module

Part I. Tutorial

Chapter 1. Getting Started

Aap is a program that builds (compiles and links) other programs, much like the venerable make(1) program. However, Aap uses the power of Python to make the "recipes" (instructions on how to build a program) more readable and more flexible. Aap can also replace the age-old autotools and make toolchain.

Aap does not trade power for complexity. For many programs, you need only list the name of the program, the sources and libraries it needs, and Aap does the rest. A powerful module system makes adding new programming languages to Aap's repertoire fairly straightforward.

Aap supports C, C++, D, Qt's moc, KDE's dcopidl, and libtool.


To start using Aap you must have two applications:

  • Python version 1.5 or later

  • Aap

Python is often installed already. Try this:

    python -V

If you get a "Command not found" error you still need to install Python. Help for this can be found on the Python web site: www.python.org/download/.

For obtaining and installing Aap look here: www.a-a-p.org/download.html.

A summary for the impatient:

  • Create a directory called "aap/Exec".

  • Download the latest Aap zip archive and unpack it in the new directory.

  • Run "./aap install" or "aap install".

To check if your Aap program is working, type this command:

    aap --help

You should get a list of the command line arguments. Note that there are two dashes before "help". You can read details about the command line arguments in Chapter 32, Aap Command Line Arguments.

Chapter 2. Compiling a Program

A "Hello world" (of sorts)

Most programming languages start with a short example that prints a "hello world" message. With Aap, this is also possible. In a file called main.aap, enter the following:

    :print Hello, World!

Now run Aap by entering aap at the command line. Aap will respond something like this:

    % aap
    Hello, World!
    Aap: No target on the command line and no $TARGET, build rules or "all" target in a recipe

As you can see, Aap outputs the desired text, but also prints an error message. This is because Aap is not a programming language, but a language for describing how to compile and build programs (written in other languages). In other words, if you have written a "hello world" program in some language, then you can use Aap to compile that program.

Using Aap to compile "hello.c"

Suppose you have written a "hello world" program in C, and the sources are stored in a file called hello.c. Aap already knows about the C language (and several others), so the instructions to Aap about how to compile this program are very short. Instructions for Aap are stored in a file with the extension .aap. Such a file is called a recipe.

This is the recipe for compiling such a program with Aap:

    :program hello : hello.c

Write this text in a file main.aap, in the same directory as hello.c. Now invoke Aap to compile hello.c into the program hello:

    % ls
    hello.c             main.aap
    % aap
1   Aap: Creating directory "/home/mool/tmp/build-FreeBSD4_5_RELEASE"
2   Aap: cc -I/usr/local/include -g -O2 -E -MM hello.c > build-FreeBSD4_5_RELEASE/hello.c.aap
3   Aap: cc -I/usr/local/include -g -O2 -c -o build-FreeBSD4_5_RELEASE/hello.o hello.c
4   Aap: cc -L/usr/local/lib -g -O2 -o hello build-FreeBSD4_5_RELEASE/hello.o

You see the commands Aap uses to compile the program:

  1. A directory is created to write the intermediate results in. This directory is different for each platform, thus you can compile the same program for different systems without cleaning up.

  2. Dependencies are figured out for the source file. Aap will automatically detect dependencies on included files and knows that if one of the included files changed compilation needs to be done, even when the file itself didn't change. In this example, Aap uses the C compiler with the -MM option to determine the included files.

  3. The "hello.c" program file is compiled into the "hello.o" object file (on MS-Windows that would be "hello.obj").

  4. The "hello.o" object file is linked to produce the "hello" program (on MS-Windows this would be "hello.exe", the ".exe" is added automatically).

Other things to do with "hello world"

The same simple recipe not only specifies how to build the "hello" program, it can also be used to install the program:

    % aap install PREFIX=try
    Aap: Creating directory "try/bin/"
    Aap: Copied "test/hello" to "try/bin/hello"
    Aap: /usr/bin/strip 'try/bin/hello'

The PREFIX variable specifies where to install the program. The default is /usr/local. For the example we use the try directory, which doesn't exist. Aap creates it for you.

Other ways that this recipe can be used:

    aap uninstall    undo installing the program
    aap clean          cleanup the generated files
    aap cleanALL     cleanup all files (careful!)

See the reference manual for details about :program.

Several Source Files

When you have several files with source code you can specify them as a list:

    :program myprogram : main.c

There are three source files: main.c, version.c and help.c. Notice that it is not necessary to use a line continuation character, as you would have to do in a Makefile. The list ends at a line where the indent is equal to or less than what the assignment started with. The amount of indent for the continuation lines is irrelevant, so long as it's more than the indent of the first line.

The Makefile-style line continuation with a backslash just before the line break can also be used, by the way.

Indents are very important, just like in a Python script. Make sure your tabstop is always set to the standard value of eight, otherwise you might run into trouble when mixing tabs and spaces!

When you give a list of files to :program, Aap will determine dependencies and compile each of the source files in turn, and then link them all together into an executable.

Variables and Assignments

Sometimes it is convenient to have an abbreviation for a long list of files. Aap supports this through variables (just like the make command and the shell).

An assignment has the form:

    variablename = expression

The variable name is the usual combination of letters, digits and underscore. It must start with a letter. Upper and lower case letters can be used and case matters. To see this in action, write this recipe in a file with the name try.aap:

    foo = one
    Foo = two
    FOO = three
    :print $foo $Foo $FOO

Aap normally reads the recipe from main.aap, but you can tell it to read a different file if you want to. Use the -f flag for this. Now execute the recipe:

    % aap -f try.aap
    one two three
    Aap: No target on the command line and no build rules or "all" target in a recipe

The :print command prints its argument. You can see that a variable name preceded with a dollar is replaced by the value of the variable. The three variables that only differ by case each have a different value. Aap also complains that there is nothing to build, just like in the hello world example.

If you want text directly after the variable's value, for example, to append an extension to the value of a variable, the text may be impossible to distinguish from a variable name. In these cases you must put parenthesis around the variable name, so that Aap knows where it ends:

      MakeName = Make
      :print $(MakeName)file    # 'f' can be in a variable name
      :print $(MakeName).txt    # '.' can be in a variable name
      :print $MakeName-more     # '-' is not in a variable name

    % aap -f try.aap

All Aap commands, except the assignment, start with a colon. That makes them easy to recognize.

Some characters in the expression have a special meaning. The :print command also handles a few arguments in a special way. To avoid the special meaning use the $(x) form, where "x" is the special character. For example, to print a literal dollar use $($). See the user manual for a complete list.


Someone who sees this recipe would like to know what it's for. This requires adding comments. These start with a "#" character and extend until the end of the line (like in a Makefile and Python script).

It is also possible to associate a comment with a specific item:

    # A-A-P recipe for compiling "myprogram"
    :program myprogram { comment = MyProgram is really great } :
            main.c            # startup stuff
            version.c         # just the date stamp
            help.c            # display a help message

Now run Aap with a "comment" argument:

    % aap comment
    target "myprogram": MyProgram is really great
    target "clean": delete generated files that are not distributed
    target "cleanmore": delete all generated files
    target "cleanALL": delete all generated files, AAPDIR and build-* directories
    target "install": install files
    target "uninstall": delete installed files

The text inside curly braces is called an attribute. In this case the attribute name is "comment" and the attribute value is "MyProgram is really great". An attribute can be used to attach extra information to a file name. We will encounter more attributes later on.


Let's go back to the "Hello world" example and find out what happens when you change a source file. Use this hello.c file:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include "hello.h"
        printf("Hello %s\n", world);

The included "hello.h" file defines "world":

    #define world "World!"

If you run Aap, the "hello" program will be built as before. If you run Aap again you will notice that nothing happens. Aap remembers that "hello.c" was already compiled. Now try this:

    % touch hello.c
    % aap

If you have been using the "make" program you would expect something to happen. But Aap checks the contents of the file, not the timestamp. A signature of "hello.c" is computed and if it is still the same as before Aap knows that it does not need to be compiled, even though "hello.c" is newer than the "hello" program.

Aap uses the mechanism of dependencies. When you use the :program command Aap knows that the target depends on the sources. When one of the sources changes, the commands to build the target from the sources must be executed. This can also be specified explicitly:

      hello$EXESUF : $BDIR/hello$OBJSUF
          :do build $source

      $BDIR/hello$OBJSUF : hello.c
          :do compile $source

The generic form of a dependency is:

      target : list-of-sources

The colon after the target is important, it separates the target from the sources. It is not required to put a space before it, but there must be a space after it. We mostly put white space before the colon, so that it is easy to spot. There could be several targets, but that is unusual.

There are two dependencies in the example. In the first one the target is "hello$EXESUF", the source file is "$BDIR/hello$OBJSUF" and the build command is ":do build $source". This specifies how to build the "hello$EXESUF" program from the "$BDIR/hello$OBJSUF" object file. The second dependency specifies how to compile "hello.c" into "$BDIR/hello$OBJSUF" with the command ":do compile $source". The "BDIR" variable holds the name of the platform-dependent directory for intermediate results, as mentioned in the first example of this chapter. In case you need it, the $EXESUF variable Aap is empty on Unix and ".exe" on MS-Windows.

The relation between the two dependencies in the example is that the source of the first one is the target in the second one. The logic is that Aap follows the dependencies and executes the associated build commands. In this case "hello$EXESUF" depends on "$BDIR/hello$OBJSUF", which then depends on "hello.c". The last dependency is handled first, thus first hello.c is compiled by the build command of the second dependency, and then linked into "hello$EXESUF" by the build command of the first dependency.

Now change the "hello.h" file by replacing "World" with 'Universe":

    #define world "Universe!"

If you now run Aap with "aap hello" or "aap hello.exe" the "hello" program will be built. But you never mentioned the "hello.h" file in the recipe. How did Aap find out the change in this file matters? When Aap is run to update the "hello" program, this is what will happen:

  1. The first dependency with "hello$EXESUF" as the target is found, it depends on "$BDIR/hello$OBJSUF".

  2. The second dependency with "$BDIR/hello$OBJSUF" as the target is found. The source file "hello.c" is recognized as a C program file. It is inspected for included files. This finds the "hello.h" file. "stdio.h" is ignored, since it is a system file. "hello.h" is added to the list of files that the target depends on.

  3. Each file that the target depends on is updated. In this case "hello.c" and "hello.h". No dependency has been specified for them and the files exist, thus nothing happens.

  4. Aap computes signatures for "hello.c" and "hello.h". It also computes a signature for the build commands. If one of them changed since the last time the target was built, or the target was never built before, the target is considered "outdated" and the build commands are executed.

  5. The second dependency is now finished, "$BDIR/hello$OBJSUF" is up-to-date. Aap goes back to the first dependency.

  6. Aap computes a signature for "$BDIR/hello$OBJSUF". Note that this happens after the second dependency was handled, it may have changed the file. It also computes a signature for the build command. If one of them changed since the last time the target was built, or the target was never built before, the target is considered "outdated" and the build commands are executed.

Now try this: Append a comment to one of the lines in the "hello.c" file. This means the file is changed, thus when invoking Aap it will compile "hello.c". But the program is not built, because the produced intermediate file "$BDIR/hello$OBJSUF" is still equal to what it was the last time. When compiling a large program with many dependencies this mechanism avoids that adding a comment may cause a snowball effect. (Note: some compilers include line numbers or a timestamp in the object file, in that case building the program will happen anyway).

Compiling Multiple Programs

Suppose you have a number of sources files that are used to build two programs. You need to specify which files are used for which program. Here is an example:

1.    Common = help.c util.c
3.    all : foo bar
5.    :program foo : $Common foo.c
7.    :program bar : $Common bar.c

This recipe defines three targets: "all", "foo" and "bar". "foo" and "bar are programs that Aap can build from source files. But the "all" target is not a file. This is called a virtual target: A name used for a target that does not exist as a file. Let's list the terminology of the items in a dependency:

Table 2.1. items in a dependency

sourceitem on the right hand side of a dependency
source filesource that is a file
virtual sourcesource that is NOT a file
targeton the left hand side of a dependency
target filetarget that is a file
virtual targettarget that is NOT a file
nodesource or target
file nodesource or target that is a file
virtual nodesource or target that is NOT a file

Aap knows the target with the name "all" is always used as a virtual target. There are a few other names which Aap knows are virtual, see Table 37.1, “Virtual Targets”. For other targets you need to specify it with the "{virtual}" attribute.

The first dependency has no build commands. This only specifies that "all" depends on "foo" and "bar". Thus when Aap updates the "all" target, this dependency specifies that "foo" and "bar" need to be updated. Since the "all" target is the default target, this dependency causes both "foo" and "bar" to be updated when Aap is started without an argument. You can use "aap foo" to build "foo" only. The dependencies for "all" and "bar" will not be used then.

The two files help.c and util.c are used by both the "foo" and the "bar" program. To avoid having to type the file names twice, the "Common" variable is used.

Kinds of things you can build

Not everything you want to build is a program. Your recipe might need too build a library or a libtool archive. In these cases, :lib, :dll or :ltlib provide the same level of automation as :program does for programs. The :produce command is more generic, you can use this to build various kinds of things.

If all else fails, you can use Aap like the make program and explicitly list the commands you need to build your project.

Chapter 3. Publishing a Web Site

If you are maintaining a web site it is often a good idea to edit the files on your local system. After trying out the changes you then need to upload the changed files to the web server. A-A-P can be used to identify the files that changed and upload these files only. This is called publishing.

Uploading The Files

Here is an example of a recipe:

   Files = index.html
   :attr {publish = scp://user@ftp.foo.org/public_html/%file%} $Files

That's all. You just need to specify the files you want to publish and the URL that says how and where to upload them to. Now "aap publish" will find out which files have changed and upload them:

    % aap publish
    Aap: Uploading ['/home/mool/www/foo/index.html'] to scp://user@ftp.foo.org/public_html/index.html
    Aap: scp '/home/mool/www/vim/index.html' 'user@ftp.foo.org:public_html/index.html'
    Aap: Uploaded "/home/mool/www/vim/index.html" to "scp://user@ftp.foo.org/public_html/index.html"

The first time you execute the recipe all files will be uploaded. Aap will create the "images" directory for you. If you had already uploaded the files and want to avoid doing it again, first run the recipe with: "aap publish --touch". Aap will compute the signatures of the files as they are now and remember them. Only files that are changed will be uploaded from now on.

The :attr command uses its first argument as an attribute and further arguments as file names. It will attach the attribute to each of the files. In this case the "publish" attribute is added, which specifies the URL where to upload a file to. In the example the "scp" protocol is used, which is a good method for uploading files to a public server. "ftp" can be used as well, but this means your password will go over the internet, which is not safe. The special item "%file%" is replaced with the name of the file being published.

Generating a HTML File

It is common for HTML files to consist of a standard header, a body with the useful info and a footer. You don't want to manually add the header and footer to each page. When the header changes you would have to make the same change in many different files. Instead, use the recipe to generate the HTML files.

Let's start with a simple example: Generate the index.html file. Put the common header, containing a logo and navigation links, in "header.part". The footer, containing contact info for the maintainer, goes in "footer.part". The useful contents of the page goes in "index_body.part". Now you can use this recipe to generate "index.html" and publish it:

   Files =    index.html
   :attr {publish = scp://user@ftp.foo.org/public_html/%file%} $Files

   all: $Files

   publish: $Files

   index.html: header.part index_body.part footer.part
       :cat $source >! $target

Notice that only the published files are put in the "Files" variable. These files get a "publish" attribute, which tells Aap that these are the files that need to be uploaded. The ".part" files are not published, thus they do not get the "publish" attribute.

Three dependencies follow. The "all" target is the virtual target we have seen before. It specifies that the default work for this recipe is to update the files in the "Files" variable. This means you don't accidentally upload the files by running "aap" without arguments. The normal way of use is to run "aap", check if the produced HTML file looks OK, then use "aap publish" to upload the file.

For "index.html" a target is specified with a build command. The :cat command concatenates the source files. "$source" stands for the source files used in the dependency: "header.part, "index_body.part" and "footer.part". The resulting text is written to "$target", which is the target of the dependency, thus "index.html". The ">!" is used to redirect the output of the :cat command and overwrite any existing result. This works just like the Unix "cat" command.

In the dependency with the "publish" target the :publishall command is used. This command goes through all the files which were given a "publish" attribute with the :attr command. Note that this does not work:

   # This won't work.
   Files = index.html {publish = scp://user@ftp.foo.org/public_html/%file%}

Using a "publish" attribute in an assignment will not make it used with the :publishall command.

Using ":rule" to Generate Several HTML Files

Your web site contains several pages, thus you need to specify how to generate each HTML page. This quickly becomes a lot of typing. We would rather specify once how to make a "xxx.html" file from a "xxx_body.part" file, and then give the list of names to use for "xxx" (if you have assocations with the name "xxx_body.part" that is your own imagination! :-). This is how it's done:

   Files =    *.html
   :attr {publish = scp://user@ftp.foo.org/public_html/%file%} $Files

   all: $Files

   publish: $Files

   :rule %.html : header.part %_body.part footer.part
       :cat $source >! $target

This is very similar to the example that only generates the "index.html" file. The first difference is in the value of "Files": It contains wildcards. These wildcards are expanded when they are used where a file name is expected. The expansion is not done in the assignment! More about that later. In the three places where $Files is used the wildcard expansion results in a list of all "*.html" files in the current directory and all "*.png" files in the "images" directory.

The second difference is that there is no specific dependency for the "index.html" file but a :rule command. It looks very much the same, but the word "index" has been replaced by a percent character. You could read the rule command as a dependency where the "%" stands for "anything". In the example the target is "anything.html" and in the sources we find "anything_body.part". Obviously these two occurrences of "anything" are the same word.

If you have made HTML pages, you know they contain a title. We ignored that until now. The following recipe will handle a title, stored in the file "xxx_title.part". You also need a file "start.part", which contains the HTML code that goes before the title.

   Files =    *.html
   :attr {publish = scp://user@ftp.foo.org/public_html/%file%} $Files

   all: $Files

   publish: $Files

   :rule %.html : start.part %_title.part header.part %_body.part footer.part
       :cat $source >! $target

Notice that "%" is now used three times in the :rule command. It stands for the same word every time.

After writing this recipe you can forget what changes you made to what file. A-A-P will take care of generating and uploading those HTML files that are affected. For example, if you change "header.part", all the HTML files are generated and uploaded. If you change "index_title.part" only "index.html" will be done.

There is one catch: You must create an (empty) xxx.html file the first time, otherwise it will not be found with "*.html". And you have to be careful not to have other "xxx.html" files in this directory. You might want to explicitly specify all the HTML files instead of using wildcards.

The same problem with wildcards happens for the image files. There is a solution for this: use the get_html_images() function. You can find an example in the section called “Publishing images for HTML files”.

A similar recipe is actually used to update the A-A-P website. It's a bit more complicated, because not all pages use the same header.

Chapter 4. Distributing a Program

Open source software needs to be distributed. This chapter gives a simple example of how you can upload your files and make it easy for others to download and install your program.


To make it easy for others to obtain the latest version of your program, you give them a recipe. That is all they need. In the recipe you describe how to download the files and compile the program. Here is an example:

1     Origin = ftp://ftp.mysite.org/pub/theprog
3     :recipe {fetch = $Origin/main.aap}
5     Source = main.c
6              version.c
7     Header = common.h
9     :attr {fetch = $Origin/%file%} $Source $Header
11    :program theprog : $Source

The first line specifies the location where all the files can be found. It is good idea to specify this only once. If you would use the text all over the recipe it is more difficult to read and it would be more work when the URL changes.

Line 3 specifies where this recipe can be obtained. After obtaining this recipe once, it can be updated with a simple command:

    % aap refresh
    Aap: Updating recipe "main.aap"
    Aap: Attempting download of "ftp://ftp.mysite.org/pub/theprog/main.aap"
    Aap: Downloaded "ftp://ftp.mysite.org/pub/theprog/main.aap" to "/home/mool/.aap/cache/98092140.aap"
    Aap: Copied file from cache: "main.aap"

The messages from Aap are a bit verbose. This is just in case the downloading is very slow, you will have some idea of what is going on.

Lines 5 to 7 define the source files. This is not different from the examples that were used to compile a program, except that we explicitly mention the header file used.

Line 9 specifies where the files can be fetched from. This is done by giving the source and header files the fetch attribute. The :attr command does not cause the files to be fetched yet. When a file is used somewhere and it has a fetch attribute, then it is fetched. Thus files that are not used will not be fetched.

A user of your program stores this recipe as main.aap and runs aap without arguments. What will happen is:

  1. Dependencies will be created by the :program command to build "theprog" from main.c and version.c.

  2. The target "theprog" depends on main.c and version.c. Since these files do not exist and they do have a fetch attribute, they are fetched.

  3. The main.c file is inspected for dependencies. It includes the common.h file, which is automatically added to the list of dependencies. Since common.h does not exist and has a fetch attribute, it is fetched as well.

  4. Now that all the files are present they are compiled and linked into "theprog".


You need to upload the files mentioned in the recipe above. This needs to be repeated each time one of the files changes. This is essentially the same as publishing a web site. You will need to upload both the source files and the recipe itself. The {publish} attribute can be used for this. You can add the following two lines to the recipe above in order to upload all the files:

    URL = scp://user@ftp.mysite.org//pub/theprog/%file%
    :attr {publish = $URL} $Source $Header main.aap

Now you can use aap publish to upload your source files as well.

Chapter 5. Building Variants

A-A-P provides a way to build two variants of the same application. You just need to specify what is different about them. A-A-P will then take care of putting the resulting files in a different directory, so that you don't have to recompile everything when you toggle between two variants.

For the details see :variant in the reference manual.

One Choice

Quite often you want to compile an application for release with maximal optimizing. But the optimizer confuses the debugger, thus when stepping through the program to locate a problem, you want to recompile without optimizing. Here is an example:

1    Source = main.c version.c gui.c
3    :variant Build
4        release
5            OPTIMIZE = 4
6            Target = myprog
7        debug
8            DEBUG = yes
9            Target = myprogd
11   :program $Target : $Source

Write this recipe as "main.aap" and run Aap without arguments. This will build "myprog" and use a directory for the object files that ends in "-release". The release variant is the first one mentioned, that makes it the default choice.

The first argument for the :variant command is Build. This is the name of the variable that specifies what variant will be selected. The names of the alternatives are specified with a bit more indent in lines 4 and 7. For each alternative two commands are given, again with more indent. Note that the indent not only makes it easy for you to see the parts of the :variant command, they are essential for Aap to recognize them.

To select the "debug" variant the Build variable must be set to "debug". A convenient way to do this is by specifying this on the command line:

    % aap Build=debug

This will build the "myprogd" program for debugging instead of for release. The DEBUG variable is recognized by Aap. The object files are stored in a directory ending in "-debug". Once you finished debugging and fixed the problem in, for example, "gui.c", running Aap to build the release variant will only compile the modified file. There is no need to compile all the C files, because the object files for the "release" variant are still in the "-release" directory.

Two Choices

You can extend the Build variant with more items, for example "profile". This is useful for alternatives that exclude each other. Another possibility is to add a second :variant command. Let us extend the example with a selection of the user interface type.

1    Source = main.c version.c gui.c
3    :variant Build
4        release
5            OPTIMIZE = 4
6            Target = myprog
7        debug
8            DEBUG = yes
9            Target = myprogd
11   Gui ?= motif
12   :variant Gui
13       console
14       motif
15            Source += motif.c
16       gtk
17            Source += gtk.c
19   DEFINE += -DGUI=$Gui
21   :program $Target : $Source

The :variant command in line 12 uses the Gui variable to select one of "console", "motif" or "gtk". Together with the earlier :variant command this offers six alternatives: "release" with "console", "debug" with "console", "release" with "motif", etc. To build "debug" with "gtk" use this command:

    % aap Build=debug Gui=gtk

In line 11 an optional assignment "?=" is used. This assignment is skipped if the Gui variable already has a value. Thus if Gui was given a value on the command line, as in the example above, it will keep this value. Otherwise it will get the value "motif".

[Note]Environment variables

Environment variables are not used for variables in the recipe, like make does. When you happen to have a Gui environment variable, this will not influence the variant in the recipe. This is especially useful if you are not aware of what environment variables are set and/or which variables are used in the recipe. If you intentionally want to use an environment variable this can be specified with a Python expression (see the next chapter).

In line 15, 17 and 19 the append assignment "+=" is used. This appends the argument to an existing variable. A space is inserted if the value was not empty. For the variant "motif" the result of line 15 is that Source becomes "main.c version.c gui.c motif.c".

The "motif" and "gtk" variants each add a source file in line 15 and 17. For the console version no extra file is needed. The object files for each combination of variants end up in a different directory. Ultimately you get object files in each of the six directories ("SYS" stands for the platform being used):

directorycontains files
build-SYS-release-consolemain, version, gui
build-SYS-debug-consolemain, version, gui
build-SYS-release-motifmain, version, gui, motif
build-SYS-debug-motifmain, version, gui, motif
build-SYS-release-gtkmain, version, gui, gtk
build-SYS-debug-gtkmain, version, gui, gtk

See the user manual for more examples of using variants.

Chapter 6. Using Python

In various places in the recipe Python commands and expressions can be used. Python is a powerful and portable scripting language. In most recipes you will only use a few Python items. But where needed you can do just about anything with it.


(Almost) anywhere you have a value, such as a text string, you can use a Python expression instead. For instance, you could use a Python expression to retrieve the value of an environment variable for use in a recipe, or use an expression to compute some strange value.

Expressions are written between backticks (` `) and must be valid Python expressions. Some examples:

1     myhome = `os.environ.get("HOME")`
2     label = `"L"+str(17*22)`

The first example line shows how to retrieve an environment variable by using Python's built-in os.environ module. The second shows how you can use Python to compute something within an Aap recipe. It doesn't do anything useful, but it uses Python to compute the value L374, and then Aap assigns that value to the variable label.

Using environment variables is probably not portable.


When a recipe needs to work both on Unix and on MS-Windows you quickly run into the problem that the compiler does not use the same arguments. Here is an example how you can handle that.

1     @if OSTYPE == "posix":
2         INCLUDE += -I/usr/local/include
3     @else:
4         INCLUDE += -Ic:/vc/include
6     all:
7         :print INCLUDE is "$INCLUDE"

The first and third line start with the "@" character. This means a Python command follows. The other lines are normal recipe lines. You can see how these two kinds of lines can be mixed.

The first line is a simple "if" statement. The OSTYPE variable is compared with the string "posix". If they compare equal, the next line is executed. When the OSTYPE variable has a different value the line below @else: is executed. Executing this recipe on Unix:

    % aap
    INCLUDE is "-I/usr/local/include"

OSTYPE has the value "posix" only on Unix and Unix-like systems. Executing the recipe on MS-Windows, where OSTYPE has the value "mswin":

    C:> aap
    INCLUDE is "-Ic:/vc/include"

Note that the Python conditional commands end in a colon. Don't forget to add it, you will get an error message! The indent is used to form blocks, thus you must take care to align the "@if" and "@else" lines.

You can include more lines in a block, without the need for extra characters, such as { } in C:

      @if OSTYPE == "posix":
          INCLUDE += -I/usr/local/include
          LDFLAGS += -L/usr/local
          INCLUDE += -Ic:/vc/include
          LDFLAGS += -Lc:/vc/lib


In Aap commands a variable without a scope is searched for in other scopes. Unfortunately, this does not happen for variables used in Python. To search other scopes you need to prepend "_no." before the variable name. Changing the above example to print the result from Python:

      @if OSTYPE == "posix":
          INCLUDE += -I/usr/local/include
          INCLUDE += -Ic:/vc/include

          @print 'INCLUDE is "%s"' % _no.INCLUDE


Python has a "for" loop that is very flexible. In a recipe it is often used to go over a list of items. Example:

1      @for name in [ "solaris", "hpux", "linux", "freebsd" ]:
2          fname = README_$name
3          @if os.path.exists(fname):
4              Files += $fname
5      all:
6          :print $?Files

The first line contains a list of strings. A Python list uses square brackets. The lines 2 to 4 are executed with the name variable set to each value in the list, thus four times. The indent of line 5 is equal to the @for line, this indicates the "for" loop has ended.

Note how the name and fname variables are used without a dollar in the Python code. You only put a dollar before a variable name in the argument of an Aap command. Not in Python code and not on the left hand side of an assignment.

In line 2 the fname variable is set to "README_" plus the value of name. The os.path.exists() function in line 3 tests if a file exists. Assuming all four files exist, this is the result of executing this recipe:

    % aap
    README_solaris README_hpux README_linux README_freebsd

Python Block

When the number of Python lines gets longer, the "@" characters become annoying. It is easier to put the lines in a block. Example:

        Files = ''
        for name in [ "solaris", "hpux", "linux", "freebsd" ]:
            fname = "README_" + name
            if os.path.exists(fname):
                if Files:
                    Files = Files + ' '
                Files = Files + fname
        :print $Files

This does the same thing as the above recipe, but now using Python commands. As usual, the :python block ends where the indent is equal to or less than that of the :python line.

When using the :python command, make sure you get the assignments right. Up to the "=" character the Python assignment is the same as the recipe assignment, but what comes after it is different.

Expressions for Files

In many places a Python expression can be used. For example, the glob() function can be used to expand wildcards:

   Source = `glob("*.c")`

Python users know that the glob() function returns a list of items. Aap automatically converts the list to a string, because all Aap variables are strings. A space is inserted in between the items and quotes are added around items that contain a space.

[Note]Using glob() is dangerous

It is actually a bit dangerous to get the list of source files with the glob() function, because a "test.c" file that you temporarily used will accidentally be included. It is often better to list the source files explicitly.

Why use glob() when you can use wildcards directly? The difference is that the expansion with glob() takes place immediately, thus $Source will get the expanded value. When using wildcards directly the expansion is done when using the variable, but that depends on where it is used. For example, the :print command does not do wildcard expansion:

   pattern = *.c
   expanded = `glob(pattern)`
       :print pattern $pattern expands into $expanded

When "foo.c" and "bar.c" exist, the output will be:

    % aap
    pattern *.c expands into foo.c bar.c

The following example turns the list of source files into a list of header files:

    Source = `glob("*.c")`
    Header = `sufreplace(".c", ".h", Source)`
        :print Source is "$Source"
        :print Header is "$Header"

Running Aap in a directory with "main.c" and "version.c"?

    % aap
    Source is "version.c main.c"
    Header is "version.h main.h"

The sufreplace() function takes three arguments. The first argument is the suffix which is to be replaced. The middle argument is the replacement suffix. The last argument is the name of a variable that is a list of names, or a Python expression. In this example each name in Source ending in ".c" will be changed to end in ".h".

Further Reading

The User manual Chapter 21, Using Python has more information. Documentation about Python can be found on its web site: http://www.python.org/doc/

Chapter 7. Version Control with CVS

CVS is often used for development of Open Source Software. A-A-P provides facilities to obtain the latest version of an application and for checking in changes you made.

Downloading (Checkout)

For downloading a whole module you only need to specify the location of the CVS server and the name of the module. Here is an example that obtains the A-A-P Recipe Executive:

   CVSROOT = :pserver:anonymous@a-a-p.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/a-a-p
        :fetch {fetch = cvs://$CVSROOT} Exec

Write this recipe as "main.aap" and run aap. The directory "Exec" will be created and all files in the module obtained from the CVS server:

    % aap
    Aap: CVS checkout for node "Exec"
    Aap: cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@a-a-p.cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/a-a-p checkout 'Exec'
    cvs server: Updating Exec
    U Exec/Action.py
    U Exec/Args.py

If there is a request for a password just hit enter (mostly there is no password).

The :fetch command takes care of obtaining the latest version of the items mentioned as arguments. Usually the argument is one module, in this example it is "Exec". That CVS needs to be used is specified with the fetch attribute. This is a kind of URL, starting with "cvs://" and then the CVS root specification. In the example the CVSROOT variable was used. This is not required, it just makes the recipe easier to understand.

If the software has been updated, you can get the latest version by running "aap" again. CVS will take care of obtaining the changed files.

Note that all this only works when you have the "cvs" command installed. When it cannot be found Aap will ask you want Aap to install it for you. Whether this works depends on your system.

Getting Past A Firewall

Firewalls may block the use of a CVS connection. Some servers have setup another way to connect, so that firewalls will not cause problems. This uses port 80, normally used for http connections. Here is the above example using a different "pserver" address:

   CVSROOT = :pserver:anonymous@a-a-p.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/a-a-p
        :fetch {fetch = cvs://$CVSROOT} Exec

This doesn't always work through a proxy though. If you have problems connecting to the CVS server, try reading the information at this link.

Uploading (Checkin)

You are the maintainer of a project and want to distribute your latest changes, so that others can obtain the software with a recipe as used above. This means you need to checkin your files to the CVS server. This is done by listing the files that need to be distributed and giving them a commit attribute. Example:

   CVSUSER_FOO = johndoe
   CVSROOT = :ext:$CVSUSER_FOO@cvs.foo.sf.net:/cvsroot/foo
   Files =  main.c
   :attr {commit = cvs://$CVSROOT} $Files

Write this as "cvs.aap" and run aap -f cvs.aap revise . What will happen is:

  1. Files that you changed since the last checkin will be checked in to the CVS server.

  2. Files that you added to the list of files with a commit attribute will be added to the CVS module.

  3. Files that you removed from the list of files with a commit attribute will be removed from the CVS module.

This means that you must take care the Files variable lists exactly those files you want to appear in the CVS module, nothing more and nothing less. Be careful with using something like *.c, it might find more files that you intended.

Note: This only works when the CVS module was already setup. Read the CVS documentation on how to do this. The A-A-P user manual has useful hints as well.

In the example the CVSUSER_FOO variable is explicitly set, thus this recipe only works for one user. Better is to move this line to your own default recipe, e.g., "~/.aap/startup/default.aap". Then the above recipe does not explicitly contain your user name and can also be used by others.

Once you tested this recipe and it works, you can easily distribute your software with aap -f cvs.aap revise. You don't have to worry about the exact CVS commands to be used. However, don't use this when you want to checkin only some of the changes you made. And the example does not work well when others are also changing the same module.

Further Reading

The User manual Chapter 18, Version Control has more information about version control and Chapter 19, Using CVS about using CVS.

Chapter 8. Filetypes and Actions

A-A-P can recognize what the type of a file is, either by looking at the file name or by inspecting the contents of the file. The filetype can then be used to decide how to perform an action with the file.

A New Type of File

Suppose you are using the "foo" programming language and want to use A-A-P to compile your programs. Once this is has been setup you can compile "hello.foo" into the "hello" program with a simple recipe:

    :program hello : hello.foo

You need to explain Aap how to deal with "foo" files. This is done with a recipe:

        suffix foo foo

    :action compile foo
        :sys foocomp $?FOOFLAGS $source -o $target

    :route  foo object

For Unix, write this recipe as "/usr/local/share/aap/startup/foo.aap" or "~/.aap/startup/foo.aap". The recipes in these "startup" directories are always read when Aap starts up.

Now try it out, using the simple recipe at the top as "main.aap":

    % aap
    Aap: foocomp hello.foo -o build-FreeBSD4_5_RELEASE/hello.o
    Aap: cc -L/usr/local/lib -g -O2 -o hello build-FreeBSD4_5_RELEASE/hello.o

The "foo.aap" recipe does three things:

  1. The :filetype command is used to tell A-A-P to recognize your "hello.foo" file as being a "foo" file.

  2. The :action command is used to specify how the "foocomp" compiler is used to compile a "foo" program into an object file. The user can set the FOOFLAGS variable to options he wants to use. The convention is that the option variable is in uppercase, starts with the filetype and ends in "FLAGS".

  3. The :route command is used to specify which actions are to be used to turn a "foo" file into an "object" file.

Defining a Filetype by Suffix

The :filetype command is followed by the line "suffix foo foo". The first word "suffix" means that recognizing is done by the suffix of the file name (the suffix is what comes after the last dot in the name). The second word is the suffix and the third word is the type. Quite often the type is equal to the suffix, but not always. Here are a few more examples of lines used with :filetype:

        suffix fooh foo
        suffix bash sh

It is also possible to recognize a file by matching the name with a pattern, checking the contents of the file or using a Python script. See the user manual.

Defining a Compile Action

The lower half of "foo.aap" specifies the compile action for the "foo" filetype:

    :action compile foo
        :sys foocomp $source -o $target

The :action command has two arguments. The first one specifies the kind of action that is being defined. In this case "compile". This action is used to make an object file from a source file. The second argument specifies the type of source file this action is used for, in this case "foo".

Below the :action line the build commands are specified. In this case just one, there could be more. The :sys command invokes an exteral program, "foocomp", and passes the arguments. In an action $source is expanded to the source of the action and $target to the target. These are obtained from the :do command that invokes the action. Example:

    :do compile {target = `src2obj("main.foo")`} main.foo

This :do command invokes the compile action, specified with its first argument. The target is specified as an attribute to the action, the source is the following argument "main.foo". When executing the :do command the filetype of "main.foo" is detected to be "foo", resulting in the compile action for "foo" to be invoked. In the build command of the action $source and $target are replaced, resulting in:

    :sys foocomp main.foo -o `src2obj("main.foo")`

Note that in many cases $target is passed implicitly from a dependency and does not appear in the :do command argument.

Another Use of Filetypes

When building a program you often want to include the date and time when it was built. A simple way of doing this is creating a source file "version.c" that contains the timestamp. This file needs to be compiled every time your program is built. Here is an example how this can be done:

1   :program prog : main.c work.c
3   :attr prog {filetype = myprog}
5   :action build myprog object
6        version_obj = `src2obj("version.c")`
7        :do compile {target = $version_obj} version.c
8        :do build {filetype = program} $source $version_obj

The target "prog" is explicitly given a different filetype in line 3. The default filetype for a program is "program", here it is set to "myprog". This allows us to specify a different build action for "prog".

Write the recipe as "main.aap" (without the line numbers) and execute it with aap. The first time all the files will be compiled and linked together. Executing aap again will do nothing. Thus the timestamp used in "version.c" will not be updated if the files were not changed. If you now make a change in "main.c" and run aap you will see that both "main.c" and "version.c" are compiled.

The :action command in line 5 has three arguments. The first one "build" is the kind of action, like before. The second argument "myprog" specifies the target filetype, the third one "object" the source filetype. Thus the template is:

    :action  kind-of-action  target-filetype  source-filetype

This order may seem a bit strange. Remember that putting the target left of the source also happens in a dependency and an assignment.

There are three commands for the build action, lines 6 to 8. The first one assigns the name of the object file for "version.c" to version_obj. "version.c" was not included in the :program command at the top, it is compiled here explicitly in line 7. This is what makes sure "version.c" is compiled each time "prog" is built. The other source files will be compiled with the default rules for :command.

Finally the :do build command in line 8 invokes the build action to link all the object files together. Note that the filetype for the build action is explicitly defined to "program". This is required for this :do command to use the default action for a program target. Otherwise the action would invoke itself, since the filetype for $target is "myprog".

For more information about customizing filetype detection and actions see Chapter 28, Customizing Filetype Detection and Actions.

Chapter 9. More Than One Recipe

When you are working on a project that is split up in several directories it is convenient to use one recipe for each directory. There are several ways to split up the work and use a recipe from another recipe.


A large program can be split in several parts. This makes it easy for several persons to work in parallel. You then need to allow the files in each part to be compiled separately and also want to build the complete program. A convenient way to do this is putting files in separate directories and creating a recipe in each directory. The recipe at the top level is called the parent. Here is an example that includes two recipes in subdirectories, called the children:

1    :child core/main.aap       # sets Core_obj
2    :child util/main.aap       # sets Util_obj
4    :program theprog : core/$*Core_obj util/$*Util_obj

In the first two lines the child recipes are included. These specify how the source files in each directory are to be compiled and assign the list of object files to Core_obj and Util_obj. This parent recipe then defines how the object files are linked together to build the program "theprog".

In line 4 a special mechanism is used. Assume that Core_obj has the value "main.c version.c". Then "core/$*Core_obj" will expand into "core/main.c core/version.c". Thus "core/" is prepended to each item in Core_obj. This is called rc-style expansion. You can remember it by thinking of the "*" to multiply the items.

An important thing to notice is that the parent recipe does not need to know what files are present in the subdirectories. Only the child recipes contain the list of files. Thus when a file is added, only one recipe needs to be changed. The "core/main.aap" recipe contains the list of files in the "core" directory:

1    Source =  main.c
2              version.c
4    CPPFLAGS += -I../util
6    _top.Core_obj = `src2obj(Source)`
8    all: $_top.Core_obj

Variables in a child recipe are local to that recipe. The CPPFLAGS variable that is changed in line 4 will remain unchanged in the parent recipe and other children. That is desired here, since finding header files in "../util" is only needed for source files used in this recipe.

The Core_obj variable we do want to be available in the parent recipe. That is done by prepending the "_top" scope name. The generic way to use a scope is:

         {scopename} . {variablename} 

Several scope names are defined, such as "_recipe" for the current recipe and "_top" for the toplevel recipe. The full list of scope names can be found in the reference manual, chapter Chapter 34, Variables and Scopes"Recipe Syntax and Semantics". When a variable is used without a scope name, it is looked up in the local scope and surrounding scopes. Thus the variables from the parent recipe are also available in the child. But when assigning to a variable without a scope, it is always set in the local scope only. To make the variable appear in another scope you must give the scope name.

The value of Core_obj is set with a Python expression. The src2obj() function takes a list of source file names and transforms them into object file names. This takes care of changing the files in Source to prepend $BDIR and change the file suffix to $OBJSUF. It also takes care of using the "var_BDIR" attribute if it is present.

In the last line is specified what happens when running aap without arguments in the "core" directory: The object files are built. There is no specification for how this is done, thus the default rules will be used.

All the files in the child recipe are defined without mentioning the "core" directory. That is because all parent and child recipes are executed with the current directory set to where the recipe is. Note the files in Core_obj are passed to the parent recipe, which is in a different directory. That is why the parent recipe had to prepend "core/" when using Core_obj. This is so that the child recipe doesn't need to know what its directory name is, only the parent recipe contains this directory name.

Sharing Settings

Another mechanism to use a recipe is by including it. This is useful to put common variables and rules in a recipe that is included by several other recipes. Example:

    :rule %$OBJSUF : %.foo
        :sys foocomp $source -o $target

This recipe adds something to CPPFLAGS and defines a rule to turn a ".foo" file into an object file. Suppose you want to include this recipe in all the recipes in your project. Write the above recipe as "common.aap" in the top directory of the project. Then in "core/main.aap" and "util/main.aap" put this command at the top:

    :include ../common.aap

The :include command works like the commands in the included recipe were typed instead of the :include command. There is no change of directory, like with the :child command and the included recipe uses the same scope.

In the toplevel recipe you need include "common.aap" as well. Suppose you include it in the first line of the recipe, before the :child commands. The children also include "common.aap". The CPPFLAGS variable would first be appended to in the toplevel recipe, then passed to the child and appended to again. That is not what is supposed to happen.

To avoid this, add the {once} option to the :include command. This means that the recipe is only included once and not a second time. The child recipes use:

    :include {once} ../common.aap

And the parent uses:

1    :include {once} common.aap
2    :child core/main.aap       # sets Core_obj
3    :child util/main.aap       # sets Util_obj
5    all: theprog$EXESUF
7    theprog$EXESUF : core/$*Core_obj util/$*Util_obj
8        :do build $source

You might argue that another way would be to put the :include command at the top of the parent recipe, so that the children don't have to include "common.aap". You could do this, but then it is no longer possible to execute a child recipe by itself.

Note that using :include like this will always use the _top scope for the variables set in the included recipe. Be careful that the _recipe scope isn't used in one of the child recipes.

Sharing Modules

Sometimes a group of settings is so generally useful that you want to use it in many different projects. A typical example of such a group of settings is language support for a specific programming language. In order to add support for a new language (say, D), you need to define actions, set variables, etc. It is tedious to use :include, so Aap allows you to store such settings in a module.

A module is a recipe like any other, except it is stored in the main Aap directory (along with the system default.aap). You can read a module with the :import command. This works very much like the :include command, except:

  1. The recipe is read from the main Aap directory.

  2. Each module is imported only once.

Aap includes modules for standard languages and build systems. It does not read these recipes by default because they add additional overhead, even when you do not use the languages they specify. Therefore, support for the D language, using libtool to build libraries, and KDE support (among others) is included in modules that you can use when needed. A full list of modules can be found in Chapter 31, Adding A Language Module.

Executing a Recipe

Besides :child and :include there is a third way to use another recipe: :execute. This command executes a recipe. This works as if Aap was run as a separate program with this recipe, except that it is possible to access variables in the recipe that has the :execute command. Here is an example:

    :program prog : main.c common.c

        :execute test.aap test
        :print $TestResult

This recipe uses the :program command as we have seen before. This takes care of building the "prog" program. For testing a separate recipe is used, called "test.aap". The first argument of the :execute command is the recipe name. Further arguments are handled like the arguments of the aap command. In this case the target "test" is used.

The "test.aap" recipe sets the TestResult variable to a message that summarizes the test results. To get this variable back to the recipe that executed "test.aap" the "_parent" scope is used:

    @if all_done:
        _parent.TestResult = All tests completed successfully.
        _parent.TestResult = Some tests failed!

It would also be possible to use the :child command to reach the "test" target in it. The main difference is that other targets in "test.aap" could interfere with targets in this recipe. For example, "test.aap" could define a different "prog" target, to compile the program with specific test options. By using :execute we don't need to worry about this. In general, the :child command is useful when splitting up a tree of dependencies in parts, while :execute is useful for two tasks that have no common dependencies.

Fetching a Recipe

So far we assumed the included recipes were stored on the local system. It is also possible to obtain them from elsewhere. The example with children above can be extended like this:

1    Origin = ftp://ftp.foo.org/recipes
2    :include {once} common.aap {fetch = $Origin/common.aap}
3    :child core/main.aap {fetch = $Origin/core.aap}
4    :child util/main.aap {fetch = $Origin/util.aap}
6    all: theprog$EXESUF
8    theprog$EXESUF : core/$*Core_obj util/$*Util_obj
9        :do build $source

The fetch attribute is used to specify the URL where the recipe can be obtained from. This works just like fetching source files. Notice in the example that the file name in the URL can be different from the local file name. When Aap reads this recipe and discovers that a child or included recipe does not exist, it will use the fetch attribute to download it. The fetch attribute can also be used with the :execute command.

Once a recipe exists locally it will be used, even when the remote version has been updated. If you explicitly want to get the latest version of the recipes used, run aap -R or aap fetch.

Chapter 10. Commands in a Pipe

A selection of commands can be connected together with a pipe. This means the output of one command is the input for the next command. It is useful for filtering text from a variable or file and writing the result in a variable or file.

Changing a timestamp

This example shows how you can change the timestamp in a file. It is done in-place.

        :print Setting date in foobar.txt.
        :cat foobar.txt
              | :eval re.sub('Last Change: .*\n', 'Last Change: ' + DATESTR + '\n', stdin)
              >! foobar.txt

Lets see how this works:

    % cat foobar.txt
    This is example text for the A-A-P tutorial.
    Last Change: 2002 Feb 29
    The useful contents would start here.
    % aap
    Setting date in foobar.txt.
    % cat foobar.txt
    This is example text for the A-A-P tutorial.
    Last Change: 2002 Oct 21
    The useful contents would start here.

The last command in the example consists of three parts. First comes the :cat command. It reads the "foobar.txt" file and passes it throught the pipe to the next command. "cat" is short for "concatenate". This is one of the good-old Unix commands that actually does much more than the name suggests. In this example nothing is concatenated. Below you will see examples where it does.

The second part of the example is the :eval command. This is used to read the text coming in through the pipe and modify it with a Python expression. In this case the expression is a "re.sub()" function call. This Python function takes three arguments: A pattern, a replacement string and the text to operate on. All occurences of the pattern in the text are changed to the replacement string. The pattern "Last Change: .*\n" matches a line with the date that was inserted previously. The replacement string contains DATESTR, which is an Aap variable that contains today's date as a string, e.g., "2002 Oct 19". The text to operate on is stdin. This is the variable that holds the text that is coming in through the pipe.

The third and last part >! foobar.txt redirects the output of the :eval command back to the file "foobar.txt". Using just ">" would cause an error, since the file already exists.

Note that in a Unix shell command this pipe would not work: The "foobar.txt" would be overwritten before it was read. In Aap this does not happen, the commands in the pipe are executed one by one. That makes it easier to use, but it does mean the text is kept in memory. Don't use pipes for a file that is bigger than half the memory you have available.

Changing a file in-place has the disadvantage that the normal dependencies don't work, since there is no separate source and target file. Often it is better to use a file "foobar.txt.in" as source, change it like in the example above and write it as a new file. The recipe would be:

    foobar.txt: foobar.txt.in
        :print Setting date in $target.
        :cat $source
                | :eval re.sub('Last Change: .*\n', 'Last Change: ' + DATESTR + '\n', stdin)
                >! $target

Creating a file from pieces

Sometimes you need to generate a file from several pieces. Here is an example that concatenates two files and puts a generated text line in between.

    manual.html: body.html footer.html
        @import time
        :eval time.strftime("%A %d %B %Y", time.localtime(time.time()))
                 | :print $(lt)BR$(gt)Last updated: $stdin$BR
                 | :cat body.html - footer.html >! $target

There are quite a few items here that need to be explained. First of all, the "@import time" line. This is a Python command to load the "time" module. So far we used modules that Aap has already loaded for you. This one isn't, and since we use the "time" module in the next :eval command it needs to be loaded explicitly.

The Python function "strftime()" formats the date and time in a specified format. See the Python documentation for the details. In this case the resulting string looks like "Monday 21 October 2002".

The output of the :eval command is piped into a :print command. The variable stdin contains the output of the previous command. Note that "$(lt)" is used instead of "$lt". The meaning is exactly the same: the value of the lt variable. Without the extra parenthesis it would read "$ltBR", which would be the value of the "ltBR" variable.

The resulting text is:

        <BR>Last updated: Monday 21 October 2002\n

Note that the first "BR" is the HTML code for a line break, while the "$Br" at the end is the Aap variable that contains a line break (here displayed as "\n").

Finally, the :cat command concatenates the file "body.html", the output of the :print command and the file "footer.html". Thus the "-" stands for where the pipe input is used. The result is redirected to target, which is "manual.html".

Pipe output in a variable

The generated date in the previous example could be used elsewhere in the recipe. Since we don't want to repeat a complicated expression the result of the :eval command should be redirected to a variable, like this:

    @import time
    :eval time.strftime("%A %d %B %Y", time.localtime(time.time()))
                | :assign Datestamp

    manual.html: body.html footer.html
           :print $(lt)BR$(gt)Last updated: $Datestamp$Br
                 | :cat body.html - footer.html >! $target

The :assign command takes the input from the pipe and puts it in the variable mentioned as its argument, which is "Datestamp" here. Actually, the same can be done with a normal assignment and a Python expression in backticks, but we intentionally wanted to show using a pipe here.

Creating a file from scratch

It is also possible to completely generate a file from scratch. Here is an example that generates a C header file:

1    :include config.aap
2    pathdef.c: config.aap
3       :print Creating $target
4       :print >! $target /* pathdef.c */
5       :print >> $target /* This file is automatically created by main.aap */
6       :print >> $target /* DO NOT EDIT!  Change main.aap only. */
7       :print >> $target $#include "vim.h"
8       :print >> $target char_u *default_vim_dir = (char_u *)"$VIMRCLOC";
9       :print >> $target char_u *all_cflags = (char_u *)"$CC -c -I$srcdir $CFLAGS";

The first :print command displays a message, so that it's clear "pathdef.c" is being generated. The next line contains ">!" to overwrite an existing file. It doesn't matter if the file already existed or not, it now only contains the line "/* pathdef.c */". The third and following lines contain ">>". This will cause each line to be appended to "pathdef.c".

In the example the VIMRCLOC and srcdir variables are defined in the recipe "config.aap". That is why this file is used as a source in the dependency. Also note the use of "$#" in line 7. Since "#" normally starts a comment it cannot be used directly here. "$#" is a special item that results in a "#" in the :print output. This is the resulting file:

       /* pathdef.c */
       /* This file is automatically created by main.aap */
       /* DO NOT EDIT!  Change main.aap only. */
       #include "vim.h"
       char_u *default_vim_dir = (char_u *)"/usr/local/share/vim61";
       char_u *all_cflags = (char_u *)"cc -c -I. -g -O2";

The list of ">>" redirections is quite verbose. Fortunately there is a shorter way:

1    :include config.aap
2    pathdef.c: config.aap
3        :print Creating $target
4        text << EOF
5            /* pathdef.c */
6            /* This file is automatically created by main.aap */
7            /* DO NOT EDIT!  Change main.aap only. */
8            $#include "vim.h"
9            char_u *default_vim_dir = (char_u *)"$VIMRCLOC";
10           char_u *all_cflags = (char_u *)"$CC -c -I$srcdir $CFLAGS";
11               EOF
12       :print $text >! $target

In line 4 "text << EOF" is used. This is called a block assignment. The following lines, up to the matching "EOF" line, are assigned to the variable text. You can use something else than "EOF" if you want to. It must be a word that does not appear inside of the text as a line on its own. White space before and after the word is ignored.

The indent of the text in the block assignment is removed. The indent of the first line is used, the same amount of indent is removed from the following lines. Thus if the second line has two more spaces worth of indent than the first line, it will have an indent of two spaces in the result. Half a tab is replace with four spaces when necessary (a tab always counts for up to eight spaces).

Chapter 11. A Ported Application

When an application already exists but for your system it requires a few tweaks, a port recipe can do the work. This can also be used for applications that work fine but you want to apply a number of patches or to add a feature. The recipe can be distributed, so that others can install the application without knowing the details. This works very much like the FreeBSD ports system.

This chapter is specifically for doing the port. If you are only interested in another kind of building you might want to skip this chapter.

The Port Recipe

Since A-A-P is prepared for doing all the work, usually you only need to specify the relevant information, such as where to find the files involved. Here is an example:

 1    # A-A-P port recipe for Vim 6.1 plus a few patches.
 2    RECIPEVERSION =     1.0
 4    PORTNAME =          vim
 5    LASTPATCH =         003
 6    PORTVERSION =       6.1.$LASTPATCH
 7    MAINTAINER =        Bram@vim.org
 9    CATEGORIES =        editors
10    PORTCOMMENT =       Vim - Vi IMproved, the text editor
12    This is the description for the Vim package.
13    A very nice editor, backwards compatible to Vi.
14    You can find all info on http://www.vim.org.
15            EOF
17    :recipe {fetch = http://www.a-a-p.org/ports/vim/main.aap}
19    WRKSRC =            vim61
20    BUILDCMD =          make
21    TESTCMD =           make test
22    INSTALLCMD =        make install DESTDIR=$PKGDIR
23    PREFIX =            /usr/local
25    MASTER_SITES ?=     ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim
26                        ftp://ftp.us.vim.org/pub/vim
27    PATCH_SITES =       $*MASTER_SITES/patches
29    DISTFILES =         unix/vim-6.1.tar.bz2
31    version1 =          `range(1, int(LASTPATCH) + 1)`
32    PATCHFILES =        6.1.00$*version1
34    #>>> automatically inserted by "aap makesum" <<<
35    do-checksum:
36            :checksum $DISTDIR/vim-6.1.tar.bz2 {md5 = 7fd0f915adc7c0dab89772884268b030}
37            :checksum $PATCHDISTDIR/6.1.001 {md5 = 97bdbe371953b9d25f006f8b58b53532}
38            :checksum $PATCHDISTDIR/6.1.002 {md5 = f56455248658f019dcf3e2a56a470080}
39            :checksum $PATCHDISTDIR/6.1.003 {md5 = 0e000edba66562473a5f1e9b5b269bb8}
40    #>>> end <<<

Well, that is the longest example we have had so far. Let's go through it from top to bottom.

 1    # A-A-P port recipe for Vim 6.1 plus a few patches.
 2    RECIPEVERSION =     1.0

RECIPEVERSION tells Aap what version of Aap this recipe was written for. If in the future the recipe format changes, this line causes Aap to interpret it as Aap version 1.0 would do.

 4    PORTNAME =          vim

Setting PORTNAME to the name of the port is what actually triggers Aap to read this recipe as a port recipe. It makes the other settings to be used to set up a whole range of targets and build commands. The result is that you can do aap install to install the application, for example. Note that PORTNAME does not include the version number.

 5    LASTPATCH =         003
 6    PORTVERSION =       6.1.$LASTPATCH
 7    MAINTAINER =        Bram@vim.org
 9    CATEGORIES =        editors
10    PORTCOMMENT =       Vim - Vi IMproved, the text editor
12    This is the description for the Vim package.
13    A very nice editor, backwards compatible to Vi.
14    You can find all info on http://www.vim.org.
15            EOF

In lines 5 to 15 a number of informative items about the port are specified. These are used in various places. LASTPATCH is not a standard item, it is used here to only have to define the patchlevel in one place.

17    :recipe {fetch = http://www.a-a-p.org/ports/vim/main.aap}

The :recipe command specifies where to obtain the recipe itself from. We have seen this before, nothing special here.

19    WRKSRC =            vim61
20    BUILDCMD =          make
21    TESTCMD =           make test

The assignments in lines 19 to 21 specify how building is to be done. WRKSRC is the directory below which the source files are unpacked. The default is "$PORTNAME-$PORTVERSION". The archive used for Vim uses "vim61" instead, thus this needs to be specified. The "CMD" variables set the commands to be used to build the application. The default is to use Aap. Since Vim uses "make" this needs to be specified.

22    INSTALLCMD =        make install DESTDIR=$PKGDIR
23    PREFIX =            /usr/local

Installing a port is done by creating a binary package and installing that package. This makes it possible to copy the package to another system and install it there without the need to compile from sources. Lines 22 and 23 specify how to do a "fake install" with Vim. This copies all the files that are to be installed to a specific directory, so that it is easy to include them in the package. PREFIX specifies below which directory Vim installs its files.

25    MASTER_SITES ?=     ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim
26                        ftp://ftp.us.vim.org/pub/vim
27    PATCH_SITES =       $*MASTER_SITES/patches

MASTER_SITES and PATCH_SITES specify the sites where the Vim files can be downloaded from. The first is for the archives, the second for the patches. Note the use of "$*" in line 27, this causes "/patches" to be appended to each item in MASTER_SITES instead of appending it once at the end of the whole list.

29    DISTFILES =         unix/vim-6.1.tar.bz2

DISTFILES is set to the name of the archive to download. This is appended to items in MASTER_SITES to form the URL.

31    version1 =          `range(1, int(LASTPATCH) + 1)`
32    PATCHFILES =        6.1.00$*version1

Lines 32 and 33 specify the list of patch file names. The Python function "range()" is used, this returns a list of numbers in the specified range (up to and excluding the upper number). Note the user of "int()" to turn the patch number in LASTPATCH into an int type, all Aap variables are strings.

for three patch files this could also have been typed, but when the number of patches grows this mechanism is easier. The example only works up to patch number 009. To make it work for numbers from 100 up to 999:

      version1 =          `range(1, 10)`
      version2 =          `range(10, 100)`
      version3 =          `range(100, int(LASTPATCH) + 1)`
      PATCHFILES =        6.1.00$*version1  6.1.0$*version2  6.1.$*version3

34    #>>> automatically inserted by "aap makesum" <<<
35    do-checksum:
36            :checksum $DISTDIR/vim-6.1.tar.bz2 {md5 = 7fd0f915adc7c0dab89772884268b030}
37            :checksum $PATCHDISTDIR/6.1.001 {md5 = 97bdbe371953b9d25f006f8b58b53532}
38            :checksum $PATCHDISTDIR/6.1.002 {md5 = f56455248658f019dcf3e2a56a470080}
39            :checksum $PATCHDISTDIR/6.1.003 {md5 = 0e000edba66562473a5f1e9b5b269bb8}
40    #>>> end <<<

Finally the "do-checksum" target is defined. This part was not typed, but added to the recipe with aap makesum. This is done by the port recipe maintainer, when he has verified that the files are correct. When a user later uses the recipe Aap will check that the checksums match, so that problems with downloading or a cracked distribution file are found and reported.

Using CVS

The port recipe specifies which source files and patches to download, thus it has to be adjusted for each version. This is good for a stable release, but when you are releasing a new version every day it is a lot of work. Another method is possible when the files are available from a CVS server. Adding these lines to the recipe will do it:

      CVSROOT ?=        :pserver:anonymous@vim.cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/vim
      CVSMODULES =      vim
      CVSTAG =          vim-6-1-$LASTPATCH

The first line specifies the cvsroot to use. This is specific for the cvs program. CVSMODULES is the name of the module to checkout. Mostly it is just one name, but you can specify several. Specifying CVSTAG is optional. If it is defined, like here, a specific version of the application is obtained. When it is omitted the latest version is obtained.

Much more about the port recipe can be found in Chapter 22, Porting an Application.

Part II. User Manual

Chapter 12. How it all works

How Recipes Are Executed

Executing recipes is a two step process:

  1. recipe processing

    Read and parse the toplevel recipe, child recipes and included recipes. Commands at the recipe level are executed. Build commands (commands for dependencies, rules, actions, etc.) are stored.

  2. target building

    Build each of the specified targets, following dependencies. Build commands are executed.

Generally, one can say that in the first step the specification for the building is read and stored. In the second step the actual building is done.

In a simple recipe the first step is used to set variables and define dependencies. In the second step the dependencies are followed and their commands are executed to build the specified target.

      :print executed during the first step

      target1 : source1 source2
            :print executed during the second step

An exception is when Aap was started to execute a command directly. The recipe processing step will still be done, but instead of building a target the specified command is executed. Example, using the recipe above:

    % aap -c ':print $BDIR'
    executed during the first step

Common Recipe Structure

A recipe used for building an application often has these parts:

  1. global settings, include recipes with project and/or user settings

  2. automatic configuration

  3. specify variants (e.g., debug/release)

  4. build rules and actions

  5. explicit dependencies

  6. high level build commands ( :program, :dll, etc.)

You are free to use this structure or something else, of course. This is an explanation that you can use as a base. Many times you will be able to use this structure as a starting point and make small modifications where it is needed.

Now let us look into each part in more detail.

  1. global settings, include recipes with project and/or user settings

    When the recipe is part of a project, it's often useful to move settings (and rules) that apply to the whole project to one file. Then use the :include command in every recipe that can be used to build something.

    User preferences (e.g. configuration choices) should be in a separate file that the user edits (using a template).

  2. automatic configuration

    Find out properties of the system and handle user preferences. This may result in building the application in a different way. See Chapter 24, Using Autoconf.

  3. specify variants

    Usually debug and release, but can include many more choices (type of GUI, small or big builds, etc.). This changes the value of BDIR. See Chapter 14, Variants.

  4. build rules and actions

    Rules that define dependencies and build commands that apply to several files, defined with :rule commands. Actions can be defined for what is not included in the default actions or to overrule the defaults actions to do a different way of building.

  5. explicit dependencies

    Dependencies and build commands that apply to specific files. Use these where the automatic dependency checking doesn't work and for exceptions.

  6. high level build commands

    :program, :dll, etc. can be used for standard programs, libraries, etc. This comes last, so that explicitly defined dependencies for building some of the items can be used.

For larger projects sections can be moved to other recipes. How you want to do this depends on whether these sub-recipes need to be executed by themselves and who is going to maintain each recipe. More about that below.

Building A Target In The First Step

Since commands at the recipe level are executed in the first step, some building may already be done. Especially the :update command gives you a powerful mechanism. This means you can already build a target halfway the first step. Note that only dependencies that have already been encountered will be used then.

A good use for the :update command at the recipe level is to generate a recipe that you want to include. Useful for automatic configuration. You would do something like this:

      config.aap : config.aap.in
          :print executing the configuration script...
          :sys ./conf.sh < $source > $target

      :update config.aap
      :include config.aap

First a dependency is specified with build commands for the included recipe. In this case the "config.aap.in" file is used as a template. The command :update config.aap invokes building "config.aap". If it is outdated (config.aap.in was changed since config.aap was last build) the build commands are executed. If "config.aap" is up-to-date nothing happens. Then the :include config.aap includes the up-to-date "config.aap" recipe.

Nesting The Steps

In the second step commands of dependencies are executed. One of these commands may be :execute. This means another recipe is read and targets are build. These are again the first and second step mentioned before, but now nested inside the second step. Here is an example that executes a recipe when "docfile.html" is to be build:

      docfile.html :
          :execute docs/main.aap $target

This construction is useful when you do not want to read the other recipe in the first step. Either because it is a large recipe that is not always needed, because the recipe does not always exist, or because the recipe must first be build by other commands. Here is an example of using a depencency on a recipe:

      docfile.html : docs/main.aap
          :execute docs/main.aap $target

      docs/main.aap: docs/main.aap.in
          :cd docs
          :sys ./conf.sh < main.aap.in > main.aap

The :execute command can also be used at the recipe level. This means another recipe is executed during the first step. A good example for this is building an application in different variants:

      # build the GTK version
      :execute main.aap Gui=GTK myprog
      :move myprog myprog-GTK

      # build the Motif version
      :execute main.aap Gui=Motif myprog
      :move myprog myprog-Motif

Using Multiple Recipes

There are many ways to split up a project into multiple recipes. If you are building one application, you mostly build the whole application, using a toplevel recipe. This recipe specifies the configuration, specifies variants and sets variables for choices. Separate recipes are used to handle specific tasks. For example, you can move related sources to a sub-directory and put a recipe in that directory to build those sources. For this situation you use the :child command.

When a project gets bigger, and especially when working together with several people, you may want to be able to split the project up in smaller pieces, which each can be build separately. To avoid replicating commands, you should put the configuration, variants and setting variables in a separate recipe. Each recipe can use the :include command to use this recipe. You need to take care that the recipe is not included twice, because commands like :route give an error when repeated and appending to variables must only be done once. Aap will read a recipe only the first time it is included when you add the {once} argument to the :include command.

Recipe Execution Details

The two-step processing of recipes is part of all the work that Aap does. There are a few other steps. This is what happens when Aap is run:

  1. Read the startup recipes, these define default rules and variables. These recipes are used:

    - default.aap from the distribution
    - all recipes in system and user Aap directories (see below)

  2. Recipe processing: Read the recipe main.aap or the one specified with the "-f" argument and check for obvious errors. Then execute the toplevel items in the recipe. Dependencies and rules are stored. Also read included and child recipes and execute the toplevel items in them.

  3. Apply the clever stuff to add missing dependencies and rules. This adds a "clean" rule only if the recipe didn't specify one, for example.

  4. Target building. The first of the following that exists is used:

    - targets specified on the command line
    - items specified with :program, :dll and :lib
    - the "all" target

  5. If the "finally" target is specified, execute its build commands. Each recipe can have its own "finally" target, they are all executed.

The startup recipes are read from directories that depend on the system. For Unix systems files in two directories are used:

- /usr/local/share/aap/startup/*.aap
- ~/.aap/startup/*.aap

For other systems one directory is used, the first one that can be found from this list:

- $HOME/aap/startup/*.aap
- $HOMEDRIVE/$HOMEPATH/aap/startup/*.aap
- c:/aap/startup/*.aap

$HOME, $HOMEDRIVE and $HOMEPATH are environment variables, not Aap variables.

Use Of Variables

Variables with uppercase letters are generally used to pass choices and options to actions. For example, $CC is the name of the C compiler and $CFLAGS optional arguments for the C compiler. The list of predefined variables is in the reference manual here.

To avoid clashing with an existing or future variable that is defined by Aap, use one or more lower case letters or prepend "MY". Examples:


Also be careful with chosing a name for a user scope, it must be different from all variables used in recipes! Prepending "s_" is recommended. Examples:


Special Characters

Some characters in expressions have a special meaning. And a command like :print also handles a few arguments in a special way. This table gives an overview of which characters you need to watch out for when using the :print command:

Table 12.1. Special characters in the ":print" command

:print argumentresulting character
$(`)` (backtick)


        :print tie $(#)2 $(`)green$(`) $(|) price: $($) 13 $(<) incl vat $(>)

Write this in the file "try.aap". Executing it results in:

    % aap -f try.aap
    tie #2 `green` | price: $ 13 < incl vat >

Line Syntax

Aap parses the recipe into a sequence of lines. A line is a sequence of characters terminated by a newline. You can escape the newline with a backslash to continue a logical line over more than one physical line, as follows:

1   One line
2   A longer line \
3   that continues \
4   over three physical lines.

You can always use backslash continuations to continue lines in Aap. Indentation does not matter.

In many constructions, Aap also supports Python-style line continuations, where a line is continued by increasing the indentation of subsequent physical lines. The above example would look different with Python-style continuation:

1   One line
2   A longer line
3       that continues
4       over three physical lines.

As you can see, the "block" of lines with an increased amount of indentation is considered to belong to the line above it.

Python-style line continuations are supported in all Aap constructions except when the command cannot be recognized if the linebreak comes early. For example, in dependencies the colon separating the targets from the sources cannot be in a continuation line. This does not work:

            : mysource
        :print This Does Not Work!

It is also not possible to split a dependency by indent when it does not have build commands:

    myprog :
    this = Does Not Work

You must use a backslash in this situation:

    myprog : \
    this = OK

Chapter 13. Dependencies, Rules and Actions

Build Commands

There are several methods to specify build commands to update a target:

  1. A dependency

    This is more or less the same as how this is used in a Makefile: One or more targets, a colon and any number of sources. This specifies that the target(s) depends on the source(s). When build commands are given these are the commands to build the target(s) from the source(s). Without build commands the dependency is only used to check if the target is outdated and needs to be build.

  2. A rule

    Specified with a :rule command. A "%" in the target(s) and source(s) stands for any string. This is used to specify a dependency that is to be used for files that match the pattern.

  3. An action

    Specified with a :action command. Unlike dependencies and rules an action does not specify a build dependency. It must be invoked by other build commands with the :do command.

Nearly all recipe commands can be used in the build commands. But these are not allowed, they can only be used at the recipe level:

a dependency specification

In short: all commands that define dependencies cannot be used in build commands. But don't forget you can use :execute to do just about anything.

The Production Commands

The commands :program, :lib, :dll and :ltlib are called production commands because they explicitly state what things Aap should produce and what sources are involved. Everything the production commands can do, can be done by hand with dependencies as well, but the automation the production commands provide is quite useful. This section discusses how the production commands can be used and the variables that affect them.

The form of each of the production commands is :command targets : sources. It is unusual to have more than one target, since both targets would be built from the same sources, but it is allowed. The list of sources should list the actual, original sources, i.e. only files that are actually written by the programmer and that exist on disk. It is these sources that will be packaged together for distributing the program or library in source form.

Each production command transforms all of the sources into objects using compile actions. The sources are transformed into object files of a particular type — e.g. libraries use files with type "libobject". Once all of the sources have been compiled, a build action is invoked to turn the object files into the target. The table below lists the production commands and the actions used.

Some of the production commands can use different programs to produce the final product, depending on settings in the recipe. In particular, you may need to chose to link a program with the compiler or through libtool, depending on whether your program links to any libtool libraries or not. The alternatives are listed in the table below as well. To select an alternative form to build the final product, set the filetype of the target to a specific value, e.g. 

    :program myProgram { filetype=ltprogram } : source.c

This example uses the ltprogram alternative build command to build the program "myProgram."

CommandObject TypeBuild CommandBuild Alternatives

Uses the C compiler to link all the objects into a program. Uses $LIBS and $LDFLAGS.


Uses libtool to link all the objects into a program. Uses $LIBS and $LDFLAGS, but also adds $LTLIBS and $LT_RPATH if defined.

:liblibobjectbuildlib (normal) Uses the ar utility to link all the objects into a static library. Uses $ARFLAGS.
:dlldllobjectbuilddll (normal) Uses the C compiler to link the objects into a dynamic (shared) library. The object files are different from regular library objects, and use a different extension. Uses $SHLINK, and $LDFLAGS, as well as $SHLINKFLAGS.
:ltlibltobjectbuildltlib(normal) Uses the libtool utility to link the objects together. Uses $LDFLAGS.

In case you do want to have Aap figure out how to turn source files in to objects and then combine them into a target, but the target is not one of the types mentioned above, you can use the :produce command.

Attributes for the Production Commands

The production commands understand a wide variety of attributes. Let us return to the generic form of a production command:

    :command targets : sources

There are four places attributes can be inserted in this command, as follows (we have split the command across several lines for clarity):

1   :command { command-attributes }
2       targets { per-target-attributes } : 
3       { source-global-attributes }
4       sources { per-source-attributes } 

There is one commonly-used command-attribute: installvar. The production commands add their targets to the variable named in this attribute. This defaults to the "normal" variable, as listed in Table 17.2, “Settings for the install target”. Assigning an empty value, through { installvar = }, prevents a target from being installed at all. This is useful for internal helper programs and libraries used during the build process.

You should use { installvar = INSTALL_LTLIB } for program targets that have filetype ltprogram, since they need to be installed as if they are libtool libraries, not programs.
It is a bad idea (excepting ltprograms, which belong in INSTALL_LTLIB) to add targets to the wrong install variable, since the install action that gets called for it will be wrong then as well.

A slightly less-used command-attribute is objecttype, which changes the object file type from the default, (dllobject, for instance, for shared libraries), to something else. For programs that need to be linked by libtool, you may also want to force the object files used in the program to be compiled with libtool, since mixing non-libtool objects and libtool libraries can cause problems. For this, use the { objecttype = ltobject } as well, so that libtool programs will usually have build commands like:

:program { filetype = ltprogram } { objecttype = ltobject } ...

The attributes assigned in the per-target-attributes are used in the build and install actions of the target. Typical attributes assigned here are installdir and keepdir. Variables that affect the build step can be assigned too, such as var_LIBS and var_LDFLAGS.

The attributes for sources are used for the compile steps of the build process, and useful attributes here are var_INCLUDE (if one source file needs special include files) and filetype. The attributes in the source-global-attributes position apply to all the sources in the list, and per-source-attributes apply only to the source file immediately preceding the attribute.

An example that uses all of these settings is:

1 :ltlib { installvar = } conduit_knotes.la
2     { add_LIBS = -lkdeui } :
3     { add_INCLUDE = -I$BDIR/knotes }
4     knotes/KNotesIface.h { filetype=stub } { var_LTOBJSUF=_stub.lo }
5     knotes/knotes-factory.cc

Here we see a libtool library that is not installed (line 1), which must be linked with an additional library (line 2). All of the sources are compiled with an extra include directory (line 3). The first source file (line 4) has additional complications and uses a different compile action due to its filetype. The last source file (line 5) is compiled with normal flags extended only by the source-global-attribute on line 3.

Rules And Dependencies

When a target is to be build Aap first searches for an explicit dependency with build commands that produces the target. This dependency may come from a high level build command such as :program. When such a dependency is not found then the rules defined with :rule are checked:

  1. All the matching rules without commands are used, but only if the source already exists. Thus this cannot be used to depend on a file that is still to be created.

  2. One rule with commands will be selected, in this order of preference:

    A rule for which the sources exist.
    A rule for which one of the sources does not exist and was not defined with the {sourceexists} option.

    If there are multiple matches, the rule with the longest pattern is used. Thus if you have these two rules:

            :rule test/%.html : test/%.in
                  :do something
            :rule %.html : %.in
                  :do something-else

    The first one will be used for a file "test/foo.html", the second one for a file "./foo.html". If there are two with an equally long pattern, this is an error.

TRICK: When the source and target in a rule are equal, it is skipped. This avoids that a rule like this becomes cyclic:

        :rule %.jpg : path/%.jpg
                :copy $source $target

Command block sections

Sometimes it is useful to execute commands when a target does NOT require updating. For example, to give a message. And sometimes commands need to be executed no matter if the target is outdated. For example to add an attribute to the target.

You can add sections to build commands of rules and dependencies. Three kinds of sections are possible:

>always - always executed.
>build - executed when building the target.
>nobuild - executed when NOT building the target.

The sections can be used in arbitrary order and may appear multiple times. All section headers must have the same amount of indent. The commands in the sections must have more indent than the section headers.


        foo.out : foo.in
                # Always attach an attribute to the target
                :attr {output = yes} $target
                # Only when $target requires updating
                  :copy $source $target
                # Only when $target does not require updating
               :print $target is up-to-date

Multiple targets

When a dependency with build commands has more than one target, this means that the build commands will produce all these targets. This makes it possible to specify build commands that produce several files at the same time. Here is an example that compiles a file and at the same time produces a documentation file:

   foo.o foo.html : foo.src
        :sys srcit $source -o $(target[0]) --html $(target[1])

People used to "make" must be careful, they might expect the build commands to be executed once for each target. Aap doesn't work that way, because the above example would be impossible. To run commands on each target this must be explicitly specified. Example:

   dir1 dir2 dir3 :
        @for item in target_list:
             :mkdir $item

The variable "target_list" is a Python list of the target items. Another such variable is "source_list", it is the list of source files (this excludes virtual items; "depend_list" also has the virtual items). An extreme example of executing build commands for each combination of sources and targets:

   $OutputFiles : $InputFiles
        @for trg in target_list:
            :print start of file  >! $trg
            @for src in source_list:
                :sys foofilter -D$trg $src >> $trg

When multiple targets are used and there are no build commands, this works as if each target depends on the list of sources. Thus this dependency:

        t1 t2 : s1 s2 s3

Is equivalent to:

        t1 : s1 s2 s3
        t2 : s1 s2 s3

Thus when t1 is outdated to s1, s2 or s3, this has no consequence for t2.

Automatic dependency checking

When a source file includes other files, the targets that depend on the source file also depend on the included files. Thus when "foo.c" includes "foo.h" and "foo.h" is changed, the build commands to produce "foo.o" from "foo.c" must be executed, even though "foo.c" itself didn't change.

Aap detects these implied dependencies automatically for the types it knows about. Currently that is C and C++. Either by using gcc or a Python function the "#include" statements are found in the source code and turned into a dependency without build commands.

This works recursively. Thus when "foo.c" includes "foo.h" and "foo.h" includes "common.h", the dependency will look like this:

        foo.c : foo.h common.h

For other types of files than C and C++ you can add your own dependency checker. For example, this is how to define a checker for the "tt" filetype:

      :action depend tt
          :sys tt_checker $source > $target

The "tt_checker" command reads the file "$source" and writes a dependency line in the file "$target". This is a dependency like it is used in a recipe. In a Makefile this has the same syntax, thus tools that produce dependencies for "make" will work. Here is an example:

   foo.o : foo.tt  foo.hh  include/common.hh

This is interpreted as a dependency on "foo.hh" and "include/common.hh". Note that "foo.o" and "foo.tt" are ignored. Tools designed for "make" produce these but they are irrelevant for Aap.

Since the build commands for ":action depend" are ordinary build commands, you can use Python commands, system commands or a mix of both to do the dependency checking.

More about customizing dependency checking in Chapter 29, Customizing Automatic Depedencies.

Attributes Overruling Variables

Most variables like $CFLAGS and $BDIR are used for all source files. Sometimes it is useful to use a different value for a group of files. This is done with an attribute that starts with "var_". What follows is the name of the variable to be overruled. Thus attribute "var_XYZ" overrules variable "XYZ".

The overruling is done for:


The attributes of all the sources are used. In case the same attribute is used twice, the last one wins.

Another method is to use an "add_" attribute. This works like "var_", but instead of overruling the variable value it is appended. This is useful for variables that are a list of items, such as $DEFINE. Example:

              :attr thefile.c {add_DEFINE = -DEXTRA=yes}

The value of the attribute is only appended when it does not appear yet, to avoid adding it two or more times.

Another method is to define a scope name. This scope is then used to find variables before searching other scopes, but after using the local scope. For example, to specify that the "s_opt" scope is to be used when compiling "filter.c":

              OPTIMIZE = 0
              DEBUG = yes
              :program myprog : main.c filter.c version.c
              :attr {scope = s_opt} filter.c
              s_opt.OPTIMIZE = 4
              s_opt.DEBUG = no

Note that you can set the values of the variables in the user scope after adding the scope attribute to "filter.c".

Virtual Targets

A virtual target is a target that is not an actual file. A Virtual target is used to trigger build commands without creating a file with the name of the target. Common virtual targets are "clean", "all", "publish", etc.

When a target is virtual it is always built. Aap does not remember if it was already done a previous time. However, it is only build once for an invocation of Aap. Example:

                :del {r}{f} temp/*

To remember the signatures for a virtual target use the "remember" attribute:

        version {virtual}{remember} : version.txt.in
                :print $Version | :cat - $source >! version.txt

Now "aap version" will only execute the :print command if version.txt.in has changed since the last time this was done.

Using {remember} for one of the known virtual targets (e.g., "all" or "fetch") is unusual, except for "publish".

When using {remember} for a virtual target without a dependency, it will only be built once. This can be used to remember the date of the first invocation.

        all: firsttime
        firsttime {virtual}{remember}:
                :print First build on $DATESTR > firstbuild.txt

The difference with a direct dependency on "firstbuild.txt" is that when this file is deleted, it won't be built again.

Source Path

The sources for a dependency are searched for in the directories specified with $SRCPATH. The default is ". $BDIR", which means that the sources are searched for in the current directory and in the build directory. The current directory usually is the directory in which the recipe is located, but a :cd command may change this.

The "srcpath" attribute overrules using $SRCPATH for an item. Example:

        :attr bar.c {srcpath = ~/src/lib}

To avoid using $SRCPATH for a source, so that it is only found in the current directory, make the "srcpath" attribute empty:

        foo.o : src/foo.c {srcpath=}

When setting $SRCPATH to include the value of other variables, you may want to use "$=", so that the value of the variable is not expanded right away but when $SRCPATH is used. This is especially important when appending to $SRCPATH before a :variant command, since it changes $BDIR. Example:

        SRCPATH $+= include

Warning: Using the search path means that the first encountered file will be used. When old files are lying around the wrong file may be picked up. Use the full path to avoid this.

Depending On A Directory

When a target depends on the existence of a directory, it can be specified this way:

        foodir/foo : foodir {directory}
                :print >$target this is foo

The directory will be created if it doesn't exist. The normal mode will be used (0777 with umask applied). When a different mode is required specify it with an octal value: {directory = 0700}. The number must start with a zero.

Build Command Signature

A special kind of signature is used to check if the build commands have changed. An example:

        foo.o : {buildcheck = $CFLAGS} foo.c
                :sys $CC $CFLAGS -c $source -o $target

This defines a check for the value of $CFLAGS. When this value changes, the target is considered outdated. When something else in the build command changes, e.g., $CC, this does not cause the target to become outdated.

The default buildcheck is made from the build commands themselves. This is with variables expanded before the commands have been executed. Thus when one of the commands is ":sys $CC $CFLAGS $source" and $CC or $CFLAGS changes, the buildcheck signature changes. The :do commands are also expanded into the commands for the action specified. However, this only works when the action and filetype can be estimated. The action must be specified plain, not with a variable, and the filetype used is the first of:

  1. a filetype attribute specified after action

  2. if the first argument doesn't contain a "$", the filetype of this argument

  3. the filetype of the first source argument of the dependency.

To add something to the default check for the build commands the $commands variable can be used. Example:

        Version = 1.4
        foo.txt : {buildcheck = $commands $Version}
                :del {force} $target
                :print  >$target this is $target
                :print >>$target version number: $Version

If you now change the value of $Version, change one of the :print commands or add one, "foo.txt" will be rebuilt.

To simplify this, $xcommands can be used to check the build commands after expanding variables, thus you don't need to specify $Version:

        foo.txt : {buildcheck = $xcommands}

However, this only works when all $VAR in the commands can be expanded and variables used in Python commands are not expanded.

To avoid checking the build commands, use an empty buildcheck. This is useful when you only want the target to exist and don't care about the command used to create it:

        objects : {buildcheck = }
                :print "empty" > objects

Sometimes you might change the build commands in a recipe, which would normally mean the target should be updated, but you are sure that this isn't necessary and want to avoid executing the build commands. You can tell Aap to ignore the buildcheck once with the --contents option.

Chapter 14. Variants

You might first want to read the tutorial for a few examples of using variants.

Here is an example how build variants can be specified. This will be used to explain how it works.

     :variant Opt
             OPTIMIZE = 2
             OPTIMIZE = 6        
             OPTIMIZE = 1

"Opt" is the name of a variable. It is used to select one of the variants. Each possible value is listed in the following line and further lines with the same indent. In the example these are "some" and "much". "*" is used to accept any value, it must be the last one. The first value mentioned is the default when the variable isn't set.

You can now start Aap with various arguments to specify the kind of optimizing you want to use:

        aap Opt=some      will set OPTIMIZE to 2
        aap Opt=much      will set OPTIMIZE to 6
        aap Opt=other    will set OPTIMIZE to 1
        aap                      will set OPTIMIZE to 2

Note that when "Opt" is not given a value the first entry is used, resulting in OPTIMIZE being set to 2. But when it is set to a value that isn't mentioned the last entry "*" is used.

The BDIR Variable

The $BDIR variable will be adjusted for the variant used. CAREFUL: this means that using $BDIR before :variant commands will use a different value, that might not always be what you want.

Inside the :variant command the value of $BDIR has already been adjusted.

When a target that is being build starts with $BDIR and $BDIR doesn't exist, it is created. (Actually, this happens when an item in the path is "build" or starts with "build-".

$BDIR is relative to the recipe. When using ":child dir/main.aap" the child recipe will use a different build directory dir/$BDIR. Note that when building the same source file twice from recipes that are in different directories, you will get two results. Best is to always build a target from the same recipe (that makes it easier to understand the recipe anyway).

Compile only when needed

This continues the last example of the tutorial.

We happen to know that the main.c file does not depend on the GUI used. With the recipe above it will nevertheless be compiled again for every GUI version. Although this is a small thing in this example, in a bigger project it becomes more important to skip compilation when it is not needed. Here is the modified recipe:

1    Source = main.c version.c gui.c
3    :variant Build
4        release
5            OPTIMIZE = 4
6            Target = myprog
7        debug
8            DEBUG = yes
9            Target = myprogd
11   :attr {var_DEFINE = $DEFINE} {var_BDIR = $BDIR} main.c
13   Gui ?= motif
14   :variant Gui
15       console
16       motif
17            Source += motif.c
18       gtk
19            Source += gtk.c
21   DEFINE += -DGUI=$Gui
23   :program $Target : $Source

The only new line is line 11. The "main.c" file is given two extra attributes: var_DEFINE and var_BDIR. What happens is that when "main.c" is being build, Aap will check for attributes of this source file that start with "var_". The values will be used to set variables with the following name to the value of the attribute. Thus DEFINE gets the value of var_DEFINE. This means that the variable is overruled by the attribute while building "main.c".

The var_BDIR attribute is set to "$BDIR" before the second :variant command. It does not yet have the selected GUI appended there. The list of directories used is now:

directorycontains files
build-SYS-release-consoleversion, gui
build-SYS-debug-consoleversion, gui
build-SYS-release-motifversion, gui, motif
build-SYS-debug-motifversion, gui, motif
build-SYS-release-gtkversion, gui, gtk
build-SYS-debug-gtkversion, gui, gtk

Building multiple variants at once

If you want to build all the variants that are possible, use a few lines of Python code. Here is an example:

 1   :variant license
 2       trial
 3           DEFINE += -DTRIAL
 4       demo
 5           DEFINE += -DDEMO
 6       full
 7           DEFINE += -DFULL
 9   :variant language
10       chinese
11           DEFINE += -DCHINESE
12       bulgarian
13           DEFINE += -DBULGARIAN
14       *
15           DEFINE += -DENGLISH
17   build:
18       :print Building with $license license for language $language.
19       :print DEFINE=$DEFINE
21   all:
22       @for a in ['trial', 'demo', 'full']:                    #license
23       @   for c in ['chinese', 'bulgarian', 'english']:       #language
24               :execute main.aap build license=$a language=$c

Invoking Aap without arguments builds the "all" target, which loops over all possible variants and invokes the :execute command with the "build" target. The reason to use the "build" target is that without it the "all" target would be built again and result in an endless loop.

This is the resulting output:

     Building with trial license for language chinese.
     Building with trial license for language bulgarian.
     Building with trial license for language english.
     Building with demo license for language chinese.
     Building with demo license for language bulgarian.
     Building with demo license for language english.
     Building with full license for language chinese.
     Building with full license for language bulgarian.
     Building with full license for language english.

Chapter 15. Publishing

Publishing means distributing the files of your project. This is a generic mechanism. You can use it to maintain a web site or to release a new version of your application.

The most straightforward way to publish a file is with the :publish command:

        :attr {publish = ftp://ftp.my.org/upload/%file%} myfile
        :publish myfile

This uses the "publish" attribute on each of the files. When the "publish" attribute is missing the "commit" attribute is used. If both are missing this is an error.

When a file didn't change since the last time it was published, it won't be published again. This works with signatures, like building a target. The remote file is the target in this case. But Aap won't read the remote file to compute the signature, it will remember the signature from when the file was last uploaded (otherwise checking for outdated files would be slow).

In the example %file% is used. This is replaced with the name of the file being published, including the directory. This means you can use the same attribute for several files:

        Files = myfile yourfile hisfile
        :attr {publish = ftp://ftp.my.org/upload/%file%} $Files
        :publish $Files

Including the directory is sometimes not what you want. To only use the last part of the path use %basename%.

        Files = one/myfile two/yourfile three/hisfile
        :attr {publish = ftp://ftp.my.org/common/%basename%} $Files
        :publish $Files

The three files will be uploaded to the "common" directory. The directory names "one", "two" and "three" will not be used on the ftp server.

To publish all files with a "publish" attribute start Aap like this:

      aap publish

If the "publish' target is defined explicitly it will be executed. Otherwise, all files with the "publish" attribute are given to the :publish command, just like using the :publishall command.

The "publish" attribute may consist of several items. Publishing will use all these items. This means a file can be distributed to several sites at once. This is unlike fetching, which stops as soon as the file could be obtained from one of the items.

When publishing fails for one of the sites, e.g., because the server is down, this is remembered. When you publish again, uploading is done only for that site. The destinations for which pusblishing worked will be skipped then.

Using Secure Copy

Uploading files requires write access to the server. There are several methods for this, but some have the disadvantage that your password is sent as normal text over the internet. Or someone in between can change the files that you send out. There is one that provides sufficient security: scp or secure copy.

To publish a file to a server through secure copy use a URL in this form:

        :publish file {publish = scp://myname@the.server.com/dir/%file%}

"myname" is your login name on the server "the.server.com". The "file" will be written there as "dir/file", relative to your login directory.

This requires the "scp" command, which is not a standard item. If it does not appear to exist then Aap will offer you to install it for you. If the automatic mechanism fails you will have to install it yourself. You might also want to do this if you have specific preferences for how the scp command is to be installed (versions of scp exist with different kinds of encryption).

To avoid having to type a password each time you need to use public keys. For MS-Windows you can find information here:

This is for the PuTTY version of scp, which is what Aap installs for you if you let it. For Unix try man ssh-keygen. Use "SSH protocol version 2" if possible.

You can specify the command to be executed with the $SCP variable, see the reference manual. Example:

          SCP = scp -i c:/private/keyfile

Using Another Method

Using "rsync" has an advantage if you have files with only a few changes. The rsync program will only transfer the differences. This adds a bit of overhead to find out what changed, thus it's a bit slower when copying whole files.

Aap uses the same secure channel as with "scp" by default. This can be changed with the $RSYNC variable, see the reference manual.

If your server does not support "scp", you might want to use "rcp". However, this is insecure, information is transferred unencoded over the internet and making a connection is not secure. Only use this when "scp" is not possible.

Using "rcp" means changing the "scp://" part of the URL to "rcp://". The $RCP variable holds the name of the command, see the reference manual.

You can also use "ftp". Some web servers require this, even though ftp sends your password as plain text over the internet, thus it is insecure. Aap uses the Python ftp library, thus an external command is not needed and there is no variable to specify the command.

Changing A Url

When you switch to another server you need to change the "publish" attribute. The next time you invoke Aap for publishing it will automatically upload all the files to the new server.

If you didn't actually change to another server, but the URL used for the server changed, invoke Aap once with the "--contents" argument:

      aap publish --contents

This will cause only files that changed to be published. It avoids that all the files with a changed "publish" attribute are published again. It will still upload files that you changed since the last upload and newly added files. But be careful: files that you once uploaded, deleted from the list of files and now added will NOT be uploaded!

Distributing Generated Files

When publishing a new version of an application, you might want to include a number of generated files. This reduces the number of tools someone needs to use when installing the application. For example, the "configure" script that "autoconf" produces from "configure.in" can be included.

To avoid these generated results to be generated again when the user runs aap, explicitly specify a signature file to be used and distribute this signature file together with the generated files. For example, suppose you have a directory with these files you created:


Additionally there is the file "version.c" that is generated by the "main.aap" recipe. It contains the date of last modification. To avoid it being generated again, include the "mysign" file in the distribution. The files to be distributed are:


In the "main.aap" recipe the "signfile" attribute is used for the dependency that generates version.c:

        version.c {signfile = mysign} : prog.c
                :print char *timestamp = "$TIMESTR"; >! $target

The result is that "version.c" will only be generated when "prog.c" has changed. When the "signfile" attribute would not have been used, "version.c" would have been generated after unpacking the distributed files.

Copying All Files At Once

The "finally" target is always executed after the other targets have been successfully built. Here is an example that uses the "finally" target to copy all files that need to be uploaded with one command.

        Source = *.html
        all: remote/$*Source {virtual} {remember}

        CFile =
        :rule remote/% : %
                _recipe.CFile += $source

                @if _recipe.CFile:
                        :copy $_recipe.CFile ftp://my.org/www

Warning: When the :copy command fails, aap doesn't know the targets were not made properly and won't do it again next time. Using the "publish" attribute works better.

Publishing images for HTML files

When publishing HTML files you most likely also want to publish the image files referenced by them. You can use a wildcard to select the images files, but this may include images that are not actually used. You can explicitly specify the images, but if you miss one your locally tested web site won't work properly on the server.

A good solution is to parse the HTML files and figure out what images are used in them. However, only image files that can be found locally should be included, not ones that are on other web sites. The get_html_images() function can be used for this, as shown in an example:

        Files = index.html
        Files += `get_html_images(Files)`
        :attr {publish = scp://user@ftp.foo.org/public_html/%file%} $Files

        all: publish

Note that this still isn't perfect. Only images in plain "IMG" tags will be found and only when they use a relative path name. Thus images from Javascript or PHP code will not be included.

Chapter 16. Fetching

Fetching And Updating

A convention about using the "update" and "fetch" targets makes it easy for users to know how to use a recipe. The main recipe for a project should be able to be used in three ways:

  1. Without specifying a target.

    This should build the program in the usual way. Files with a "fetch" attribute are obtained when they are missing.

  2. With the "fetch" target.

    This should obtain the latest version of all the files for the program, without building the program.

  3. With the "update" target.

    This should fetch all the files for the program and then build it. It's like the previous two ways combined.

Here is an example of a recipe that works this way:

        Status = status.txt
        Source = main.c version.c
        Header = common.h
        Target = myprog

        $Target : $Source $Status
            :cat $Status
            :do build $source

        # specify where to fetch the files from
        :attr {fetch = cvs://:pserver:anonymous@myproject.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/myproject} $Source $Header
        :attr {fetch = ftp://ftp.myproject.org/pub/%file%} $Status

Note that the header file "common.h" is given a "fetch" attribute, but it is not specified in the dependency. The automatic dependency checking will notice the file is used and fetch it when it's missing.

When using files that include a version number in the file name, fetching isn't needed, since these files will never change. To reduce the overhead caused by checking for changes, give these files a "constant" attribute (with a non-empty non-zero value). Example:

        PATCH = patches/fix-1.034.diff {fetch = $FTPDIR} {constant}

To fetch all files that have a "fetch" attribute start Aap with this command:

        aap fetch

When the "fetch" target is not specified in the recipe or its children, it is automatically generated. Its build commands will fetch all nodes with the "fetch" attribute, except ones with a "constant" attribute set (non-empty non-zero). To do the same manually:

                :fetch $Source $Header $Status

Or use the :fetchall command.

NOTE: When any child recipe defines a "fetch" target no automatic fetching is done for any of the recipes. This may not be what you expect.

When there is no "update" target it is automatically generated. It will invoke the "fetch" target and the default target(s) of the recipe. To do something similar manually:

        update: fetch $Target

The Fetch Attribute

The "fetch" attribute is used to specify a list of locations where the file can be fetched from. The word at the start defines the method used to fetch the file:

ftpfrom ftp server
httpfrom http (www) server
scpsecure copy
rcpremote copy (aka insecure copy)
rsyncremote sync
filelocal file system
cvsfrom CVS repository For a module that was already checked out the part after "cvs://" may be empty, CVS will then use the same server (CVSROOT) as when the checkout was done.
otheruser defined

These kinds of locations can be used:


For a local file there are two possibilities: using "file://" or "file:". They both have the same meaning. "file:" is preferred, because the double slash is usually used before a machine name: "method://machine/path". A file is always local, thus leaving out "//machine" is the logical thing to do.

Note that for an absolute path, relative to the root of the file system, you use either one or three slashes, but not two. Thus "file:/etc/fstab" and "file:///etc/fstab" are the file "/etc/fstab". A relative path has two or no slashes, but keep in mind that moving the recipe will make it invalid. You can also use "file:~/file" or "file://~/file" for a file in your own home directory, and "file:~jan/file" or "file://~jan/file" for a file in the home directory of user "jan".

In the "fetch" attribute the string "%file%" can be used where the path of the local target is to be inserted. This is useful when several files have a common directory. Similarly "%basename%" can be used when the last item in the path is to be used. This removes the path from the local file name, thus can be used when the remote directory is called differently and only the file name is the same. Examples:

        :attr {fetch = ftp://ftp.foo.org/pub/foo/%file%} src/include/bar.h

Gets the file "src/include/bar.h" from "ftp://ftp.foo.org/pub/foo/src/include/bar.h".

        :attr {fetch = ftp://ftp.foo.org/pub/foo/src-2.0/include/%basename%}

Gets the file "src/include/bar.h" from "ftp://ftp.foo.org/pub/foo/src-2.0/include/bar.h".

Defining Your Own Method

To add a new fetch method, define a Python function with the name "fetch_method", where "method" is the word at the start. The function will be called with four arguments:

dicta dictionary with references to all variable scopes (for expert users only)
machinethe machine name from the url: what comes after the "scheme://" upto the first slash
paththe path from the url: what comes after the slash after "machine"
fnamethe name of the file where to write the result

The function should return a non-zero number for success, zero for failure. Or raise an IOError exception with a meaningful error. Here is an example:

        def fetch_foo(dict, machine, path, fname):
            from foolib import foo_the_file, FooError
                foo_the_file(machine, path, fname)
            except FooError, e:
                raise IOError, 'fetch_foo() failed: %s' % str(e)
            return 1

Note that a version control function overrules a fetch function. Thus if "foo_command()" is defined "fetch_foo" will not be called.


Remote files are downloaded when used. This can take quite a bit of time. Therefore downloaded files are cached and only downloaded again when outdated.

The cache can be spread over several directories. The list is specified with the $CACHE variable.

NOTE: Using a global, writable directory makes it possible to share the cache with other users, but only do this when you trust everybody who can login to the system! Someone who wants to do harm or make a practical joke could put a bogus file in the cache.

A cached file becomes outdated as specified with the "cache_update" attribute or the $CACHEUPDATE variable. The value is a number and a name. Possible values for the name:

daynumber specifies days
hournumber specifies hours
minnumber specifies minutes
secnumber specifies seconds

The default is "12 hour".

When a file becomes outdated, its timestamp is obtained. When it differs from when the file was last downloaded, the file is downloaded again. When the file changes but doesn't get a new timestamp this will not be noticed.

When fetching files the cached files are not used (but may be updated).

Chapter 17. Installing

This section contains details about the installation of the produced programs and other items. Those other items can be libraries (produced by the :lib, :dll, or :ltlib commands), header files for the API of a library, documentation (like manpages or info files), and as a catch-all, "data."

Usually installing is done with aap install. If you do not define an "install" target in the recipe, Aap will add one for you. The default install target invokes up to 15 other install targets, one for each kind of item you can install. This makes it easy to customize the installation of some particular kind of item (e.g. libtool archives).

The default install target invokes two or three other targets: install-platform, install-shared, and (optionally, only if you define it in the recipe) install-local. Each of these invokes other install targets for specific kinds of files, as follows:

Table 17.1. Install targets

High-level TargetLower-level TargetsInstall these Files
install-platform This is for installing platform-dependent files.

Install programs (generally produced through :program command).

 install-sbinInstall programs for system administration. These may have additional security considerations, hence a separate target.
 install-libInstall static libraries (from the :lib command).
 install-dllInstall shared libraries (from the :dll command).
 install-ltlib Install shared libtool libraries (from the :ltlib command). These require special treatment by the libtool program, hence a separate target.
 install-confInstall platform-specific configuration files (such as pkg-config files).
 install-platform-localA catch-all for things that don't fit anywhere else.
install-shared This is for installing files shared between platforms.
 install-dataInstall data for the package. This would typically include translation files, examples (if they're not in the manpage), and images used by the package.
 install-manInstall manpages.
 install-infoInstall GNU-style info pages.
 install-includeInstalls header files (also known as includes).
 install-shared-localA catch-all for things that don't fit anywhere else.

this is an optional target that you can define for extra installing, without changing the other install targets.

Each of these dependencies is only added automatically if you do not define it yourself. In other words, if you do not define a dependency with install-data as a target, Aap will add such a dependency internally. Unless you need special processing for specific kinds of items, you should rarely need to define any of the install targets yourself. The exceptions are install-platform-local, install-shared-local and install-local, which you can define without disturbing Aap's normal mechanisms for installing the programs and libraries you create.

All these dependencies that Aap adds are at the toplevel. Thus there is only one of each for all the recipes in your project. See below for an example of including the path of an item. Note that this works different from the "clean" and "cleanmore" targets. These can exist multiple times, each parent and child recipe can have one.

All of Aap's default install targets operate in roughly the same fashion: specific actions are invoked for each install target. The default actions all use top-level variables named INSTALL_target which collect filenames to install. Other toplevel variables control where those files are installed (targetDIR) and what file mode is used (targetMODE). This table shows the specific settings for each of the default install targets:

Table 17.2. Settings for the install target

targetvariableactiondirectorydefault directorymodedefault mode
install-ltlib$INSTALL_LTLIB No default settings for libtool libraries have been added to Aap yet. It seems likely that DLLDIR and DLLMODE will be used.
install-data$INSTALL_DATAinstalldata$DATADIRshare/ [a]$DATAMODE0644
install-man$INSTALL_MANinstallman$MANDIRman/ [b]$MANMODE0644

[a] A subdirectory will be added with the name $PKGNAME. You must set this variable to the name of your application! In the rare situation that you need to install into multiple directories you may set $PKGNAME to an empty string and prepend the directory name to your data files.

[b] A subdirectory will be added that uses the extension of the file. For "foo.1" the directory is "man1", for "foo.2" it is "man2", and so on.

The :program command adds its target to the $INSTALL_EXEC variable. The :lib command adds its target to the $INSTALL_LIB variable. The :dll command adds its target to the $INSTALL_DLL variable. The :ltlib command adds its target to the $INSTALL_LTLIB variable.

The "installexec" action will strip the program by default, if the "strip" program can be found. If you don't want this add the {nostrip} attribute to the program or set $STRIP to an empty value.

You can also overrule the default actions by one of your own. The install_files() function can be useful then. See the default.aap recipe for examples.

Destination Directories

All the install targets prepend a path to the directory they install into. The directory mentioned above is appended.

$DESTDIRNormally empty, which means that the root directory is used. Set this when you don't want to install to the local machine, but still pretend to install in the root. Examples: "~/dummyroot", "scp://foo.org/". Yes, you can do remote installing this way! Although not everything that works locally will work remotely.
$PREFIXDefault is "/usr/local/" on Unix. This specifies where to install to. The installed program is aware of being installed here, $PREFIX may be put in configuration files.

The variables are concatenated. For example, programs are installed in $DESTDIR$PREFIX$EXECDIR. Slashes are added in between where needed.

The directories that are used are automatically created when needed. Note that "uninstall" does not delete the directories!

When installing the path to a file is normally removed. Thus when you produced a program "results/myprog" it will be installed as "myprog". If you need to keep the path use the "keepdir" attribute on the file name.

          INSTALL_INCLUDE += sys/myheader.h {keepdir}

As an alternative to {keepdir}, there is the {installdir} attribute, which explicitly sets the relative path of the file to be installed. Files with an {installdir} attribute are installed in $DESTDIR$PREFIX$targetDIR$installdir. The above setting could also be done as:

          INSTALL_INCLUDE += sys/myheader.h {installdir=sys}

The advantage of {installdir} over {keepdir} is that the relative paths (from toplevel recipe to file and from install directory to the desired install location) need not be the same. For instance:

          INSTALL_INCLUDE += api/2.2/c/myheader.h {installdir=sys}

For additional flexibility, the source and target filenames need not be the same, either. For this you can use the attribute {installname} which is similar to {installdir}. If {installname} is set, this is used as the filename instead of the name of the source file, thus:

          INSTALL_INCLUDE += api/2.2/c/myheader.h {installname=header.h}

This will install the source file "myheader.h" as "header.h". You can combine {installname} with {keepdir} or {installdir} to install a source file to an arbitrarily-named destination. In summary:

(none) Source file name is preserved. Path to source file is not preserved, install to target directory determined by Aap. The source file "api/2.2/c/myheader.h" is installed as "myheader.h" in the $INCLUDEDIR directory.
{installname} Source file name is not preserved; source file is installed under name given by {installname} attribute. Path to source file is not preserved, install to target directory determined by Aap. The source file "api/2.2/c/myheader.h" with attribute {installname=header.h} is installed as "header.h" in the $INCLUDEDIR directory.
{keepdir} Source file name is preserved. Path to source file is preserved, install to subdirectory under target directory determined by Aap. Subdirectory is the relative path to the source file. The source file "api/2.2/c/myheader.h" with attribute {keepdir} is installed as "myheader.h" in $INCLUDEDIR/api/2.2/c/ .
{installdir} Source file name is preserved. Path to source file is replaced by the value of {installdir} and the file installs to a subdirectory under the target directory determined by Aap. Subdirectory is the value of {installdir} The source file "api/2.2/c/myheader.h" with attribute {installdir=myinclude} is installed as "myheader.h" in $INCLUDEDIR/myinclude/ .
{installdir} {installname} or {keepdir} {installname} The path to the source file is either kept or replaced by the value of {installdir}, and the name of the file is replaced by the value of {installname}. The source file "api/2.2/c/myheader.h" with attributes {keepdir} {installname=header.h} is installed as "header.h" in $INCLUDEDIR/api/2.2/c/ . The source file "api/2.2/c/myheader.h" with attributes {installdir=myinclude} {installname=header.h} is installed as "header.h" in $INCLUDEDIR/include/ .

The mode variable mentioned above is used to set the mode bits of the file after installing. If this is not wanted, use the {keepmode} attribute. Example:

          INSTALL_DATA += myscript.sh {keepmode}

To use another mode for a specific file add the {mode = 0555} attribute:

          INSTALL_DATA += myscript.sh {mode = 0750}

Installing to a remote machine should work, although setting the file mode may not always work properly, depending on the transfer method used.

Keep in mind that installation is done from the top directory. In a child recipe that is located in another directory you need to specify the path to the file to install relative to the top directory. Using the $TOPDIR variable and rc-style expansion should work. Example:

    # Filenames relative to the child directory
    child_INSTALL_DATA = myscript.sh myicon.png

    # Now add those filenames, relative to the top

If you hard code the paths from the parent to the files to install, say by writing INSTALL_DATA += child/myscript.sh, then you cannot execute the child recipe by itself (as if it were a toplevel recipe), since the paths will be wrong. Using $TOPDIR, or equivalently the topdir function, is the safe way to do so.


"aap uninstall" deletes the file that "aap install" has installed. All the targets and actions have the same name with "install" replaced with "uninstall". The same variables are used.

Files that do not exist are silently skipped. Files that do exist but cannot be deleted will cause a warning message.

Sometimes your recipe offers installing optional files. You probably want to uninstall those optional files as well, without requiring the user the specify the same options again. For this you can set the $UNINSTALL_* variables. For example, if you install either the "foo" or "bar" program:

        :variant What
                  Target = foo
                  UNINSTALL_EXEC = bar$EXESUF
                  Target = bar
                  UNINSTALL_EXEC = foo$EXESUF

        :program $Target : $Sources

Installing in non-standard places

When you need to install in other directories than the ones Aap provides there are several alternatives. First of all, you could use $INSTALL_DATA and set $DATADIR to the installation directory. This works if you are otherwise not using $INSTALL_DATA.

If you have several different directories you could use this scheme:

  INSTALL_ITEM1 = file1.txt file2.txt
  INSTALL_DIR1 = somewhere
  INSTALL_ITEM2 = file3.txt file4.txt
  INSTALL_DIR2 = elsewhere

      @install_files(_no.INSTALL_DIR1, _no.INSTALL_ITEM1, '0644')
      @install_files(_no.INSTALL_DIR2, _no.INSTALL_ITEM2, '0644')

      @uninstall_files(_no.INSTALL_DIR1, _no.INSTALL_ITEM1)
      @uninstall_files(_no.INSTALL_DIR2, _no.INSTALL_ITEM2)

In the Python reference chapter you can find explanations for install_files() and uninstall_files()

You could also add a command to set the protection flags of the installed files: :chmod $INSTALL_DIR1/$*INSTALL_ITEM1.

Chapter 18. Version Control

This is about using Aap with a Version Control System (VCS)

The generic form of version control commands is:

        :command file ...


        :command {attr = val} ... file ...

The commands use the "commit" attribute of a file to obtain the kind of version control system and its location. For example:

        :attr foo.c {commit = cvs://:ext:$CVSUSER_AAP@cvs.a-a-p.sf.net:/cvsroot/a-a-p}

For CVS it is also possible to only specify the method. CVS will then use the same specification for the repository as used when checking the files out.

        :attr foo.c {commit = cvs://}

These commands can be used:

:commitUpdate each file in the repository. Add it when needed.
:checkoutLike fetch and additionally lock for editing when possible.
:checkinLike commit, but unlock file.
:unlockRemove lock on file, don't change file in repository or locally.
:addAdd file to repository. File must exist locally. Implies a "commit" of the file.
:removeRemove file from repository. File may exist locally. Implies a "commit" of the file.
:tagAdd a tag to the current version. Uses the "tag" attribute.

Additionally, there is the generic command:

        :verscont action {attr = val} ... file ...

This calls the Version control module as specified in the "commit" attribute for "action" with the supplied arguments. What happens is specific for the VCS.

Operating On All Files

These commands work on all the files mentioned in the recipe and child recipes that have the "commit" attribute:

:checkoutallCheckout the files and locks them.
:commitall Commit the files . Files missing in the VCS will be added. No files will be removed.
:checkinallJust like :commitall and also remove any locks.
:unlockallUnlock the files.
:addallInspect directories and add items that do not exist in the VCS but are mentioned in the recipe(s) with a "commit" attribute. Uses the current directory or specified directories. May enter directories recursively.
:removeallInspect directories and remove items that do exist in the VCS but are not mentioned or do not have a "commit" attribute. Careful: Only use this command when it is certain that all files that should be in the VCS are explicitly mentioned and do have a "commit" attribute!
:reviseallJust like using both :checkinall and :removeall.
:tagallAdd a tag to all items with a "commit" and "tag" attribute.

Related to these commands are targets that are handled automatically when not defined explicitly. When defining a target for these, it would be highly unexpected if it works differently.

aap commit Normally uses the files you currently have to update the version control system. This can be used after you are done making a change. Default is using :commitall.
aap checkout Update all files from the VCS that have a "commit" attribute. When the VCS supports locking all files will be locked. Without locking this does the same as "aap fetch".
aap checkin Do :checkin for all files that have been checked out of the VCS. For a VCS that doesn't do file locking this is the same as "aap commit".
aap unlock Unlock all files that are locked in the VCS. Doesn't change any files in the VCS or locally.
aap add Do :add for all files that appear in the recipe with a "commit" attribute that do not appear in the VCS.
aap remove Do :removeall: remove all files that appear in the VCS but do not exist in the recipe with a "commit" attribute or do not exist in the local directory. This works in the current directory and recursively enters all subdirectories. Careful: files with a search path may be accidentally removed!
aap tag Do :tagall: tag all files with a "commit" and "tag" attribute. The tag name should be defined properly in the recipe, although "aap tag TAG=name" can be used if the recipe contains something like: :attr {tag = $TAG} $FILES
aap revise Same as "aap checkin" followed by "aap remove": checkin all changed files, unlock all files and remove files that don't have the "commit" attribute.

For the above the "-l" or "--local" command line option can be used to restrict the operation to the directory of the recipe and not recurse into subdirectories.

A variable can be used to set the default change log entries:


This variable is used for new, changed and deleted files that don't have a {logentry} attribute.

When it's desired to commit one directory at a time the following construct can be used:

        source_files = *.c
        include_files = include/*.h
        commit-src {virtual}:
            :commit $source_files
            :removeall .
        commit-include {virtual}:
            :commit $include_files
            :removeall include

Note that this is not possible when the sources and include files are in one directory, :removeall only works per directory.

Using Subversion

Subversion is a new version control system that is going to replace CVS. It has many advantages, such as atomic commits. But version 1.0 is not ready yet (although the current versions appear to be very stable and usable).

Subversion support is not implemented yet. For the time being you can retrieve files from a Subversion repository by using a URL. That works, because subversion is using an Apache server. You can obtain a copy of single files by specifying the URL in the fetch attribute. Obviously you can't commit changed files this way.

Using Another Version Control System

To add support for a new version control system, define a Python function with the name "method_command", where "method" is the word at the start of the commit attribute. The function will be called with five arguments:

recdicta dictionary with references to all variable scopes (for expert users only)
namethe name of the repository defined with the "commit" attribute with the "scheme://" part removed.
commit_dictthe dictionary holding attributes for the specified repository; e.g., for "{commit = foo:// {arg = blah}}" it is (in Python syntax): { "name" : "foo://", "arg" : "blah" }
nodelista list of the nodes on which the action is to be performed
actionthe name of the action to be executed; can be "fetch", "commit", etc.

The function should a list of nodes that failed. When the action worked without errors an empty list should be returned.

For an example look at cvs_command() in the VersContCvs.py file of the Aap sources.

A second function that is to be defined is "method_list". It should return a list of the files that are currently in a specified directory in the repository. Return an empty list if there are no files. The function will be called with these arguments:

recdicta dictionary with references to all variable scopes (for expert users only)
namethe name of the repository defined with the "commit" attribute with the "scheme://" part removed.
commit_dictthe dictionary holding attributes for the specified repository; e.g., for "{commit = foo:// {arg = blah}}" it is (in Python syntax): { "name" : "foo://", "arg" : "blah" }
dirnamename of the directory to be listed
recursiveboolean indicating whether recursive listing is to be done

For an example look at cvs_list() in the VersContCvs.py file of the Aap sources.

Chapter 19. Using CVS

A common way to distribute sources and working together on them is using CVS. This requires a certain way of working. The basics are explained here. For more information on CVS see http://www.cvshome.org.

Obtaining A Module

The idea is to hide the details from a user that wants to obtain the module. This requires making a toplevel recipe that contains the instructions. Here is an example:

        CVSROOT = :pserver:anonymous@myproject.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/myproject
        :child mymodule/main.aap {fetch = cvs://$CVSROOT}
        all fetch:
            :fetch {fetch = cvs://$CVSROOT} mymodule

Executing this recipe will use the "fetch" target. The :fetch command takes care of checking out the whole module "mymodule" from the CVS repository with the specified name.

Note that this toplevel recipe cannot be obtained from CVS itself, that has a chicken-egg problem.


The child recipe "mymodule/main.aap" may be totally unaware of coming from a CVS repository. If this is the case, you can build and install with the recipe, but not fetch the files or send updates back into CVS. You need to use the toplevel recipe above to obtain the latest updates of the files. This will then update all the files in the module. However, the toplevel recipe itself will never be fetched.

To be able to fetch only some of the files of the module, the recipe must be made aware of which files are coming from CVS. This is done by using an "fetch" attribute with a URL-like specification for the CVS server: {fetch = cvs://servername/dir}. Since CVS remembers the name of the server, leaving out the server name and just using "cvs://" is sufficient. Example:

        source = foo.c version.c
        header = common.h
        :attr {fetch = cvs://} $source $header
        :program myprogram : $source

If you now do "aap fetch" with this recipe, the files foo.c, version.c and common.h will be updated from the CVS repository. The target myprogram isn't updated, of course.

Note: When none of the used recipes specifies a "fetch" target, one will be generated automatically. This will go through all the nodes used in the recipe and fetch the ones that have an "fetch" attribute.

The recipe itself may also be fetched from the CVS repository:

        :recipe {fetch = cvs://}

To update a whole directory, omit the "fetch" attribute from individual files and use it on the directory. Example:

        source = main.c version.c
        :attr {fetch = cvs://} .
        :program myprog : $source

Alternatively, a specific "fetch" target may be specified. The automatic updates are not used then. You can specify the "fetch" attribute right there.

            :fetch {fetch = cvs://} $source

If you decided to checkout only part of a module, and want to be able to get the rest later, you need to tell where in the module of the file can be found. This is done by adding a "path" attribute to the cvs:// item in the fetch attribute. Example:

            :fetch {fetch = $CVSROOT {path = mymodule/foo}} foo.aap

What will happen is that aap will checkout "mymodule/foo/foo.aap", while standing in two directories upwards. That's required for CVS to checkout the file correctly. Note: this only works as expected if the recipe is located in the directory "mymodule/foo"!

If the "path" attribute is omitted, A-A-P will obtain the information from the "CVS/Repository" file. This only works when something in the same directory was already checked out from CVS.

Checking In

When you have made changes to your local project files and want to upload them all into the CVS repository, you can use this command:


You must make sure that _ALL_ files in the current directory and below that you want to appear in CVS have the "commit" attribute, and no others! Files that were previously not in CVS will be added ("cvs add file") and that exist in CVS but don't have a "commit" attribute are removed ("cvs remove file"). Then all files are committed ("cvs commit file").

For CVS you need to mark binary files specifically, otherwise checking out may result in a wrong file (esp. on MS-Windows). In Aap this is done by adding the "binary" attribute to binary files. Example:

        Files = main.c version.c logo.png {binary}

To be able to commit changes you made into the CVS repository, you need to specify the server name and your user name on that server. Since the user name is different for everybody, you must specify it in a recipe in your ~/.aap/startup/ directory. For example:

        CVSUSER_AAP = foobar

The name of the variable starts with "CVSUSER" and is followed by the name of the project. That is because you might have a different user name for each project.

The method to access the server also needs to be specified. For example, on SourceForge the "ext" method is used, which sends passwords over an SSH connection for security. The name used for the server then becomes:


You can see why this is specified in the recipe, you wouldn't want to type this for commiting each change!

Distributing Your Project With CVS

This is a short how-to that explains how to start distributing a set of files (and directories) using CVS.

  1. Copy the files you want to distribute to a separate directory

    Mostly you have various files in your project for your own use that you don't want to distribute. These can be backup files and snippets of code that you want to keep for later. Since the cvs command below imports all files it can find, you need to have a directory tree with exactly those files you want to store in CVS. Best is to to make a copy of the project. On Unix:

            cp -r projectdir tempdir

    Then delete all files you don't want to distribute. Be especially careful to delete "AAPDIR" directories and hidden files (starting with a dot). It's better to delete too much than too few: you can always add files later.

  2. Import the project to the CVS repository

    Move to the newly created directory ("tempdir" in the example above). Import the whole tree into CVS with a single command. Example:

            cd tempdir
            cvs -d:ext:myname@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/myproject import mymodule myproject start

    Careful: This will create at least one new directory "mymodule", which you can't delete with CVS commands. This will create the module "mymodule" and put all the files and directories in it. If there are any problems, read the documentation available for your CVS server.

  3. Checkout a copy from CVS and merge

    Move to a directory where you want to get your project back. Create the directory "myproject" with this example:

            cvs -d:ext:myname@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/myproject checkout mymodule

    You get back the files you imported in step 2, plus a bunch of "CVS" directories. These contain the administration for the cvs program. Move each of these directories back to your original project. Example:

            mv myproject/CVS projectdir/CVS
            mv myproject/include/CVS projectdir/include/CVS

    If you have many directories, one complicated command does them all:

            cd myproject
            find . -name CVS -exec mv {} ../projectdir/{} \;

    This is a bit tricky. Another method is to copy all the files from your original project into the newly created directory. But then you have to be careful not to change relevant file attributes, which is tricky as well. Obviously, the best solution is to have all files you need in CVS, so that you don't have to copy any files.

  4. Commit changes

    After making changes to your project and testing them, it's time to check them in. In the recipe you use for building, add a "commit" attribute to all the files that should be in CVS. The :reviseall command then does the work for you (see above). Example:

            Files = $source $header main.aap
            :attr {commit = cvs://:ext:$CVSUSER_MYPROJECT@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/myproject} $Files

    Careful: $Files must contain all files that you want to publish in this directory and below. If $Files has extra files they will be added in CVS. Files missing from $Files will be removed from CVS.

    You must assign $CVSUSER_MYPROJECT your user name on the CVS server. Usually you do this in one of your personal A-A-P startup files, for example "~/.aap/startup/main.aap".

Using Sourceforge

If you are making open source software and need to find a place to distribute it, you might consider using SourceForge. It's free and relatively stable. They provide http access for your web pages, a CVS repository and a server for downloading files. There are news groups and maillists to support communication. Read more about it at http://sf.net.

Since you never know what happens with a free service, it's a good idea to keep all your precious work on a local system and update the files on SourceForge from there. If several people are updating the SourceForge site, either make sure everyone keeps copies, or make backup copies (at least weekly).

You can use A-A-P recipes to upload your files to the SourceForge servers. To avoid having to type passwords each time, use an ssh client and put your public keys in your home directory (for the web pages) or on your account page (for the CVS server). Read the SourceForge documentation for how to do this.

For uploading web pages you can use a recipe like this:

        Files = index.html
        :attr {publish = rsync://myname@myproject.sf.net//home/groups/m/my/myproject/htdocs/%file%}

Start this recipe with the "publish" target. If you don't have the "rsync" command you might want to use "scp" instead. The effect is the same, but "rsync" works more efficient.

For sourceforge, set environment variable CVS_RSH to "ssh". Otherwise you won't be able to login. Do "touch ~/.cvspass" to be able to use "cvs login" Upload your ssh keys to your account to avoid having to type your password each time.

Chapter 20. Issue Tracking

Bug Reporting

A recipe used to install an application should offer the "report" target. This is the standard way for a user to report a problem. The recipe should then help the user with reporting a problem as much as possible.

An example is to send the developer an e-mail. Commands in the recipe are used to put useful information in the message, so that the user only has to fill in his specific problem. Example:

            tmpfile = `tempfname()`
            :syseval foobar --version | :assign Version
            :print >$tmpfile  Using foobar version: $Version
            :print >>$tmpfile system type: `os.name`
            @if os.name == "posix":
                :print >>$tmpfile system details: `os.uname()`
            :print >>$tmpfile
            :print >>$tmpfile State your problem here
            :do email {subject = 'problem in FOOBAR'}
                            {to = bugs@foobar.org}

The "foobar --version" command is used to obtain the actual version of the "foobar" program being used. Replace "foobar" with the actual name of your program.

When a web form is to be filled in, give the user hints about what information to fill in certain fields and start a browser on the right location. Example:

            :do view {async} http://www.foo.org/bugreport/
            tmpfile = `tempfname()`
            :print >$tmpfile   use this information in the bug report:
            :print >>$tmpfile  program version: $VERSION
            :print >>$tmpfile  system type: `os.name`
            :do view {remove} $tmpfile

Obviously this is a bit primitive, the user has to copy text from the text viewer to the browser. Try using a better method, filling fields of the form directly if you can.

Bug Fixing

Once a bug has been fixed, the developer needs to update the related bug report. The "tracker" target is the standard way for a developer to get to the place where the status of the bug report can be changed.

Since trackers work in many different ways the recipe has to specify the commands. Example:

            :do view {async} http://www.foo.org/tracker?assigned_to=$USER

This is very primitive. The developer still has to locate the bug report and change the status and add remarks. The above example at least lists the bug reports for the current user.

Chapter 21. Using Python

Python commands can be used where Aap commands are not sufficient. This includes flow control, selecting the commands to be executed and repeating commands.

Using Python Lines

Single lines of Python code can be included in the recipe by prepending "@". This is most often used for flow control:

        @if os.path.isdir("/usr/local/bin"):
            :copy $File /usr/local/bin

You can write multiple Python commands, just prefix a "@" to every line. Do remember that the amount of indent is used to form command blocks. The indent that is used excludes the "@" character. When there is a non-white character after the "@", the "@" is removed. When there is white space after the "@" it is replaced with a space. Generally you don't need to worry about this, if the indenting looks right it probably is.

The main advantage of using single Python lines is that they can be mixed freely with Aap recipe command lines. You can use Python lines both at the recipe level and in build commands. Again, just make sure the indent indicates command blocks.

To learn using Python start at the Python web site: http://www.python.org/doc/

Using Aap variables in Python

You can use all the Aap variables in Python code. You don't use the "$", Python syntax does not use a dollar for variables.

When using a scope name, as in "_recipe.var", the variable otherwise looks the same as in Aap commands. But when omitting a scope name it works differently. While "$var" in Aap searches for "var" in the "_no" scope, this does not happen for Python. Python only looks in the current scope. Thus you must explicitly specify "_no.var" in Python code to get the same effect as "$var" in an Aap command.

In the following example a local variable "system" is used:

        CFLAGS = -DFOO
            system = $OSTYPE
            @if system == "posix":
            @   flags = _recipe.CFLAGS

The same thing could be done by accessing $OSTYPE directly from Python:

        CFLAGS = -DFOO
            @if _no.OSTYPE == "posix":
            @   flags = _recipe.CFLAGS

Using Python Expressions

In an assignment, command arguments and most other places a Python expression can be used in backticks. Expanding this is done before expanding $VAR items, because this allows the possibility to use the Python expression to result in the name of a variable. Example:

        foovaridx = 5
        Foo = $Src`foovaridx`

Is equivalent to:

        Foo = $Src5

The result of the Python expression in backticks should be a string or a list of strings. A list is automatically converted to a white-separated string of all list items.

A Python expression cannot be used for the variable name in an assignment. This doesn't work:

        `varname` = this does not work

If you really need this, use a Python command instead:

        @eval(varname + ' = "value"')

When using a function from a module, it must be imported first. Example:

        @from httplib import HTTP
        Connection = `HTTP('www.microsoft.com')`

For your convenience these things are imported for you already:

        from glob import glob
        from RecPython import *

The RecPython module defines the Python functions listed in Chapter 41, A-A-P Python functions.

A backtick in the Python expression has to be escaped to avoid it being recognized as the end of the expression:

        CMD = `my_func("$(`)grep -l foo *.c$(`)")`

contains the Python expression:

        my_func("`grep -l foo *.c`")

In the result of the Python expression $ characters are doubled, to avoid them being interpreted as the start of a variable reference. Otherwise Python expressions with arbitrary results would always have to be filtered explicitly. When the resulting string is used the $$ will be reduced to a single $ again.

The result of the expression is used as a string in place of the expression and the backticks. Example:

        Foo = foo/`glob("*.tmp")`

Would be equivalent to:

        Foo = foo/one.tmp two.tmp

Note that "foo/" is only prepended to the whole result, not each white-separated item. If you do want rc-style expansion, use two commands:

        TT = `glob("*.tmp")`
        Foo = foo/$*TT

Equivalent to:

        Foo = foo/one.tmp foo/two.tmp

Note that a following attribute is only attached to the last item resulting from the Python expression.

        Source = `glob('*.c')` {check = md5}

Can be equivalent to:

        Source = foo.c bar.c {check = md5}

To apply it to all items, use the :attr command:

        Source = `glob('*.c')`
        :attr {check = md5} $Source

Watch out for unexpected results when rc-style expansion is done for $*VAR. Example:

        VAR = one two
        Foo = $*VAR/`glob("*.tmp")`

Would result in:

        Foo = one/one.tmp two/one.tmp two.tmp

because the `` part is expanded first, thus the assignment is executed like:

        Foo = $*VAR/one.tmp two.tmp

The backticks for a Python expression are also recognized inside quotes. Thus you need to escape the special meaning there:

        Foo = "this$(`)file" that$(`)file

Backtick expressions can be used inside a string if you really need this:

        DIR = /home/foo /home/bar
        :print "`DIR + "/fi le"`"

results in:

        "/home/foo /home/bar/fi le"

Compare this to:

        :print "$*DIR/fi le"

which results in:

        "/home/foo/fi le" "/home/bar/fi le"

Python Block

A block of Python commands is started with a :python command. If no terminator string is specified the python code ends where the indent is equal to or less than the :python command:

    Source = foo.c bar.c
        for i in items:
            Source = Source + " " + i
    Target = foo

Optionally a terminator string may be specified. The indent of the Python code may then drop below the indent of the :python command.

The terminator cannot contain white space. A comment may follow. The Python block continues until the terminator string is found in a line by itself. It may be preceded and followed by white space and a comment may follow. Example:

    @if ok:
        :print finding include files
        :python EOF         # start of the Python block
    include = glob("include/*.c")
                EOF         # end of the Python block

Useful Python Items

A list of Python functions defined by Aap can be found in the reference manual, Chapter 41, A-A-P Python functions.

        VAR = `os.environ.get('VAR', 'default')`

Obtain environment variable $VAR. If it is not set use "default".

        @os.environ["PATH"] = mypath

Set an environment variable.

        files = `glob("*.ext")`

Obtain a list of files matching "*.ext". Aap will take care of turning the list that glob() returns into a string, using quotes where needed.

The difference with using "*.ext" directly is that the expansion is done right here, not later when $files is used. The catch with using glob() here is that when a file name contains a wildcard character it may be expanded again. So long as that expansion fails or matches the same file name it is still OK, but it becomes rather unpredictable. Use wildescape() when needed.

        choice = `raw_input("Enter the value: ")`

Prompt the user to enter a value.

        tempfile = `tempfname()`

Get a file name to use for temporary files. The file will not exist. See tempfname().

If you create it you need to make sure it is deleted afterwards. Example:

        tempfile = `tempfname()`
          :print >$tempfile  start of file
          :print >>$tempfile $this variable may not exist and cause an error
          :cat $tempfile
          # this is executed whether there is an error or not
          :del $tempfile

Exception handling can be useful to handle situations where you know something might fail. Example:

         :sys links -dump exec.html >exec.txt
         :sys lynx -dump -nolist exec.html >exec.txt

This will execute the "links" command. If this fails for some reason (e.g., because a new version of "links" does not support the "-dump" argument) then the "lynx" command will be used.

Chapter 22. Porting an Application

Porting an application means starting with the original sources and changing them a little bit to make the application compile and install on a specific system. An Aap port recipe offers a simple way to create a port, because all the standard work does not need to be specified.

NOTE: not all features mentioned here fully work. Make sure you test your port recipe before publishing it.

The Port Recipe

The basic idea is that you assign values to a number of predefined variables. Aap will then generate the steps for building and installing the package, using the values you have specified. The presence of the "PORTNAME" variable triggers Aap to handle the recipe as a port recipe. The list of variables is in the next section.

This is thee list of steps performed when executing Aap without arguments, in this order:

dependcheckearly check to see if dependencies can be met; abort without doing anything if something is known to fail
fetchdependhandle dependencies for fetch and checksum
fetchget the required files
checksumcheck if the files have correct checksums
extractdependhandle dependencies for extract and patch
extractunpack archives
patchapply patches
builddependhandle dependencies for configuring and building
configdo pre-building configuration
testdependhandle dependencies for testing
testcheck if building was done properly
packagecreate a binary package
installinstall the binary package
rundependhandle runtime dependencies
installtesttest if the package fully works and was installed properly

For each step a dependency with build commands is added. The purpose of each step is further explained below.

[Note]Meaning of "dependency"

The term "dependency" is ambiguous here. You should be able to guess from the context whether it is used for a dependency of one software package on another package, or a dependency of a target file on a source file.

You can do part of the work by starting Aap with one of the step names. The steps before it will also be executed if necessary. For example, "aap package" will do all the steps necessary to generate the binary package but not install it.

If your port requires non-standard stuff, you can specify your own build commands. You can replace the normal step, prepend something to it and append something to it:

do-XXXreplace the body of a step
pre-XXXdo something before a step
post-XXXdo something after a step


          # delete the directory used for testing
          :del {r}{f} $WRKDIR/testdir


Various variables need to be set to specify properties of the port.

variableused forexample value
PORTNAMEname of the port"foobar"
PORTVERSIONapp version number"3.8alpha"
PORTREVISIONport patchlevel (optional)"32"
CVSMODULESnames of CVS modules to checkout (optional)Exec
MAINTAINER_NAMEmaintainer name (optional)John Doe
MAINTAINERmaintainer e-mail (optional)john@foobar.org
PORTCOMMENTshort description get foo into the bar
PORTDESCR long descriptionblah blah blah
IS_INTERACTIVErequires user input (optional)yes or no

Variables that can be used by the port recipe:

variableused for  default value
WRKDIRdirectory all files are extracted in and the building is done in  "work"
DISTDIRdirectory where downloaded distfiles are stored  "distfiles"
PATCHDISTDIRdirectory where downloaded patches are stored  "patches"
PKGDIRdirectory where files are stored before creating a package  "pack"

Variables that may be set by the port recipe, defaults are set only after reading the recipe:

variableused fordefault value
WRKSRCDirectory inside $WRKDIR where the unpacked sources end up. This should be the common top directory in the unpacked archives. When using CVS it is always set to $CVSWRKSRC (also when $WRKSRC was already set).$PORTNAME-$PORTVERSION
CVSWRKSRCDirectory inside $WRKDIR where files obtained with CVS end up.the first entry in $CVSMODULES
PATCHDIRDirectory inside $WRKDIR where patches are to be applied. Can be overruled for a specific patch with a "patchdir" attribute.$WRKSRC
BUILDDIRDirectory inside $WRKDIR where building is to be done.$WRKSRC
TESTDIRDirectory inside $WRKDIR where testing is to be done.$WRKSRC
INSTALLDIRDirectory inside $WRKDIR where $INSTALLCMD is to be done.$WRKSRC
CONFIGURECMDSet to the command used to configure the application. Usually "./configure".nothing
BUILDCMDSet to the command used to build the application. Usually just "make"."aap"
TESTCMDSet to the command used to test the application. Usually "make test"."aap test"
INSTALLCMDSet to the command used to do a fake install of the application."aap install DESTDIR=$PKGDIR"

Dependency Format

Dependencies on other modules are specified with the various DEPEND_ variables. The format of these variables is a list of items.

NOTE: Although you can currently specify dependencies, the code for checking them has not been implemented yet! Thus the user will have to figure it out by himself...

Items are normally white space separated, which means there is an "and" relation between them. Alternatively "|" can be used to indicate an "or" relation.

        DEPENDS = perl python           # require both perl and python
        DEPENDS = perl | python         # require perl or python

Parenthesis can be used to group items. Parenthesis must be used when combining "or" and "and" relations. Example:

        DEPENDS = (foo bar) | foobar    # Either both "foo" and "bar" or "foobar"
        DEPENDS = foo bar | foobar      # Illegal
        DEPENDS = foo (bar | foobar)    # "foo" and either "bar" or "foobar"

When a dependency is not met the first alternative will be installed, thus the order of "or" alternatives is significant.

Each item is in one of these formats:

name-version_revisiona specific version and revision
nameany version
name-regexpa version specified with a regular expression (shell style)
name>=version_revisionany version at or above a specific version and revision
name>version_revisionany version above a specific version and revision
name<=version_revisionany version at or below a specific version and revision
name<version_revisionany version below a specific version and revision name!version_revision any version but a specific version and revision

In the above "_revision" can be left out to ignore the revision number. It actually works as if there is a "*" wildcard at the end of each item.

"name" can contain wildcards. When a part is following it is appended at the position of the wildcard (or at -9 if it comes first).

foo-*matches foo-big, foo-big-1.2 and foo-1.2
foo-*!1.2matches foo-big, foo-big-1.2 and skips foo-1.2

The version specifications can be concatenated, this creates an "and" relation. Example:

foo>=1.2<=1.4versions 1.2 to 1.4 (inclusive)
foo>=1.2!1.8versions 1.2 and above, excluding 1.8
xv>3.10versions above 3.10, accepts xv-3.10a

The "!" can be followed by parenthesis containing a list of specifications. This excludes the versions matching the specifications in the parenthesis. Example:

foo>=1.1!(>=1.3<=1.5)versions 1.1 and higher, but not versions 1.3 to 1.5
foo>=6.1!6.1[a-z]*version 6.1 and later but not 6.1a, 6.1rc3, etc.

When a dependency is not met the newest version that meets the description is used.

For systems that do not allow specifying dependencies like this in a binary pacakge, the specific package version that exists when generating the package is used.

Dependencies For Various Steps

The various variables used to specify dependencies:

DEPEND_FETCHRequired for fetching files. Also for computing checksums.
DEPEND_EXTRACTRequired for unpacking archives.
DEPEND_BUILDRequired for building but not necessarily for running; these are not included in the binary package; items may also appear in DEPEND_RUN.
DEPEND_TESTRequired for testing only; don't include items that are already in DEPEND_RUN.
DEPEND_RUNRequired for running; these will also be included in the generated binary package.

Only the dependencies specified with DEPEND_RUN will end up in the generated binary package. When using a shared library, it is recommended to put a dependency on the developer version (includes header files) in DEPEND_BUILD and a dependency on the library itself in DEPEND_RUN. The result is that when installing binary packages the header files for the library don't need to be installed.

The "CONFLICTS" variable should be set to specify modules with which this one conflits. That means only one of the two packages can be installed in the same location. It should still be possible to install the packages in different locations. The format of CONFLICTS is identical to that of the DEPENDS_ variables.

NOTE: Although you can currently specify dependencies and conflicts, the code for checking them has not been implemented yet! Thus the user will have to figure it out by himself...

Dependencies are automatically installed, unless "AUTODEPEND" is "no". The dependencies are normally satisfied by installing a port. When a satisfying port can not be found a binary package is installed. The ports and packages are first searched for on the local system. When not found the internet is searched.

The order of searching can be changed with "AUTODEPEND":

binaryonly search for binary packages, default locations
sourceonly search for ports, default locations
source {path = /usr/ports http://ports.a-a-p.org}only search for ports in /usr/ports and on the ports.a-a-p.org web site.


These are the individual steps for installing a ported application. Each step up to "install" depends on the previous one. Thus "aap install" will do all the preceding steps. But the steps that have already been successfully done in a previous invocation of Aap will be skipped. The "rundepend", "installtest", "clean", etc. targets do not depend on previous steps, they can be used separately.


Check if required dependencies can be fulfilled.

This doesn't install anything yet, it does an early check if building and/or installing the port will probably work before starting to download files.

This uses all the DEPEND_ variables that will actually be used. Fails if something is not available.


Check dependencies for fetch and checksum.

Uses DEPEND_FETCH, unless disabled with AUTODEPEND=no


Get required files.

If $CVSMODULES is set and $CVS is not "no", obtain files from CVS:

Uses $CVSROOT or cvsroot attribute in $CVSMODULES.
$CVSWRKSRC is where the files will end up (default is first member in $CVSMODULES).
Also obtain $CVSDISTFILES if defined.
Also obtain $CVSPATCHFILES if defined.
Use a post-fetch target if directories need to be renamed.


if $DISTFILES is set obtain them
if $PATCHFILES is set obtain them


The directory can be overruled with a {distdir = dir} attribute on individual patch files.

Files that already exist are skipped (if there is a checksum error, delete the file(s) manually).


Check if checksums are correct.

The port recipe writer must add the "do-checksum" target with :checksum commands to verify that downloaded files are not corrupted. Example:

        # >>> automatically inserted by "aap makesum" <<<
            :checksum $DISTDIR/foo-1.1.tgz {md5 = 2341423423423423434}
            :checksum $PATCHDISTDIR/foo-patch3.gz {md5 = 3923858739234}
        # >>> end <<<

The "aap makesum" command can be used to generate the lines.


Check dependencies for extract and patch.

Uses DEPEND_EXTRACT, unless disabled with AUTODEPEND=no


Unpack archives in the right place. Use $EXTRACT_ONLY if defined, otherwise $DISTFILES or $CVSDISTFILES when CVS was used.

Uses the "extract" action. To extract a new type of archive:

add filetype detection for this type of archive
define an "extract" action for this filetype

Extraction is done in $WRKDIR. A subdirectory may be specified with the "extractdir" attribute on each archive.

        DISTFILES = foo-1.1.tgz   foo_doc-1.1.tgz {extractdir = doc}

Apply patches not applied already.

$PATCHCMD defines the patch command, default: "patch -p < ". The patch file name is appended, unless "%s" appears in the string, then it's replaced by the file name.

A "patchcmd" attribute on each patch file may specify a patch command that overrules $PATCHCMD.

The patches are applied in $WRKDIR/$PATCHDIR (default: $WRKSRC). A "patchdir" attribute on each patch file may overrule the value of $PATCHDIR.


Check dependencies for configure and build.

Uses DEPEND_BUILD, unless disabled with "AUTODEPEND=no".


Perform configuration.

Executes the command specified with CONFIGURECMD. Usually autoconf, imake, etc. May be empty.


Run the command specified with BUILDCMD. When empty "aap" is used. Useful values are "gmake", "make", etc. An argument may be included. Example: "BUILDCMD=make foo"



Check test dependencies.


check if all required items are present try to install them automatically, unless disabled AUTODEPEND=no This is skipped when "SKIPTEST=yes"


Check if building was done properly.

Executes TESTCMD. When it is empty "aap test" is used. Example: "TESTCMD=make testall"

This is skipped when "SKIPTEST=yes" Done in $WRKDIR/$TESTDIR, default: $WRKDIR/$WRKSRC


Create a package with selected files, usually including the compiled program.

There are two methods to select files to be included in the package:

  1. Specify the list of files below $WRKDIR, with a "dest" attribute where they should end up. Assign the list to $PACKFILES. Example:

            PACKFILES = $WRKSRC/bin/prog {dest = /usr/local/bin/prog}
                        $WRKSRC/man/prog.1 {dest = usr/local/man/man1/prog.1}

  2. Specify a command to fake-install into $PKGDIR and use all files that end up there. Set $INSTALLCMD to the command to be used. Example:

            INSTALLCMD = "aap install DESTDIR=$PKGDIR"

    Set INSTALLDIR to the directory inside $WRKDIR where the files are put. Default is $WRKSRC. $PKGDIR/$PREFIX is where files end up.

A packing list is generated with the files that exist in the package. Then "pkg_create" is executed to actually create the package. Arguments are given such that $PORTDESCR is used as the description of the package and $PORTCOMMENT for a short explanation of what the package is for.


Install the binary package.

This executes the "pkg_add" command in a separate shell. You are asked to type the root password. This is reasonably safe, since the shell is only connected to Aap and it can only install a package.

Exception: This updates the "rundepend" and "installtest" targets after updating the post-install target. This allows doing "aap install", which is a lot more obvious than "aap installtest".


Check runtime dependencies.

Check if all required items specified with $DEPEND_RUN are present and tries to install them automatically, unless $AUTODEPEND is "no".

This is skipped if $SKIPRUNTIME is "yes". The pre-rundepend and post-rundepend are still done, they should check $SKIPRUNTIME themselves.

"aap rundepend" will _not_ cause previous steps to be updated.


Test if the installed package works.

This is empty by default, specify a "do-installtest" target to actually do something.

Note that when $SKIPRUNTIME is "yes" the dependencies have not been verified and running the application might not work.


Uninstall the binary package. Not implemented yet!

Execute pkg_delete or equivalent. Does not depend on other steps.


Delete all generated, unpacked, patched and CVS files.

Does not delete the downloaded files. Does not depend on other steps. Does not clean packages this one depends on.


Delete everything except the toplevel recipe. After this all steps must be redone.

Does not depend on other steps. Does not clean packages this one depends on.


Generates a "do-checksum" dependency that checks if the fetched files were not corrupted.

If the recipe already contained a "do-checksum" dependency that was generated it is replaced. Otherwise a new one is appended. Do not change the markers before and after the "do-checksum" dependency, otherwise you end up with two of these when doing "aap makesum" again.

Does not depend on other steps. The files must already be present. You can use "aap fetch --nofetch-recipe" to obtain the files, if needed (it obtains the files but not the recipes).


Generate a package with recipe and source files. Not implemented yet!

Puts the main recipe and all downloaded files into an archive. The resulting archive can be installed without downloading.

Depends on the "fetch" target.

Port Description

The text to describe the port is usually a page full of plain text. Here is an example:

        PORTDESCR << EOF
        This is the description of the port.
        A very important application indeed.

        See our website http://myport.org.

In the rare situation that "EOF" actually appears in the text you can use anything else, such as "THEEND".

Chapter 23. Automatic Configuration

The :conf command is used to discover properties of the compiler and the system. With this information a program can be compiled to work on many different systems without the user to manually specify the properties. For Unix systems an alternative is using Autoconf, see Chapter 24, Using Autoconf.

TODO The ":conf" command is still under development.

  :conf init        Clean the configuration environment.  Only needed when
                    configure checks were done before.

  :conf language lang
                    Use "lang" as the language for tests that do not have a
                    {language} attribute.
                    Only "C" and "C++" are currently supported. "C" is the
                    A test will be done if the compiler for the language
                    works.  If not all tests for the language will fail.
                           :conf language C++

  :conf header [mainoptions] headername [itemoptions] ...
                    Check for C or C++ header file(s) "headername".
                    Uses current value of INCLUDE.
                    Defines HAVE_headername if "headername" is available.
                        oneof        first of the items that works is used, at
                                     least one is required
                        required     all items are required to exist
                        header       text included in the test program
                        language     C or C++
                        :conf header X11/Shell.h
                        :conf header {oneof} sys/time.h times.h

  :conf function [mainoptions] functionname [itemoptions] ...
                    Check for C or C++ function(s) "functionname".
                    Uses the current value of $LIBS.
                    Defines HAVE_functionname if "functionname" is available.
                    Options: see ":conf header"
                        :conf function bcopy

  :conf type [mainoptions] typename [itemoptions] ...
                    Check for C or C++ type(s) "typename".
                    Uses the current value of $LIBS.
                    Defines HAVE_typename if type "typename" is available.
                    Options: see ":conf header".
                    Additional itemoption:
                        fallback     type definition to use for the type when
                                     it is not available
                           :conf type size_t {fallback = unsigned long}

  :conf lib [mainoptions] libname,funcname [itemoptions] ...
                    Check for library/libraries by testing if "funcname"
                    exists when using the "libname" library.
                    Uses the current value of $LIBS and appends "-llibname"
                    if the test succeeds.  Also appends to $_conf.LIBS.
                    Defines HAVE_libname if library "libname" is available.
                    Options: see ":conf header".
                           :conf lib iconv,iconv_open

  :conf write header filename
                    Write the HAVE_ and other symbols collected so far into
                           :conf write header $BDIR/config.h

  :conf write recipe filename
                    Write the settings in the _conf scope into "filename".
                           :conf write recipe $BDIR/config.aap

The _conf scope stores variables set by configure tests.  For example,
$_conf.LIBS the libraries that ":conf lib" found.  The _conf scope is used in
the tree of scopes just before the toplevel scope, after all callstack and
recipe tree scopes.

Special characters in header, function and type names are changed to an
underscore before defining the HAVE_ symbol.  Lowercase characters are changed
to uppercase.

The preprocessor symbols that are gathered from the tests are available in
the $_conf.have dictionary.  Example:
  	:conf header sys/time.h
	@if _conf.have["HAVE_SYS_TIME_H"]:
	   :print we have time
	   :print sorry, no time.

":conf write recipe" writes the variables in the _conf scope.  You can remove
variables you do not want to be written.  Example:
  	saveLIBS = $?_conf.LIBS
	_conf.LIBS =
	:conf lib foo,foobar
	_conf.FOOLIB = $_conf.LIBS
	_conf.LIBS = $saveLIBS

Chapter 24. Using Autoconf

The autoconf system is often used to configure C programs to be able to compile them on any Unix system. This section explains how to use autoconf with Aap in a nice way. An alternative is to use the :conf command of Aap. It is much easier to use and also works on non-Unix systems. See Chapter 23, Automatic Configuration.

Running The Configure Script

A recipe that uses the configure script that autoconf generates can start like this:

        $BDIR/config.h $BDIR/config.aap :
                                configure config.arg config.h.in config.aap.in
            :sys ./configure `file2string("config.arg")`
            :move {force} config.h config.aap config.log
                                              config.cache config.status $BDIR
            :touch {exist} config.arg

        :update $BDIR/config.aap
        :include $BDIR/config.aap

What happens here is that the "config.aap" target is updated before any of the building is done. This is required, because running the configure script will generate or update the "config.aap" file that influences how the building is done.

Remembering Configure Arguments

The arguments for configure are stored in the "config.arg" file. This makes it easy to run configure again with the same arguments. The file is read with the file2string() function. There should be a "config.txt" file that explains all the possible configure arguments, with examples that can be copied into "config.arg". Example:

        # Select the library to be used for terminal access.  When omitted a
        # series of libraries will be tried.  Useful values:

The user can now copy one of the example lines to his "config.arg" file. Example:

        # select specific terminal library

Comment lines can be used, they must start with a "#". Note: a comment after an argument doesn't work, it will be seen as an argument.

When updating to a new version of the program, the same "config.arg" file can still be used. A "diff" between the old and the new "config.txt" will show what configure arguments have changed.

Variants And Configure

"config.aap" and "config.h" are put in $BDIR, because they depend on the current system. They might also depend on the variant to be built. In that case the :variant statement must be before the use of $BDIR. However, if the variant is selected by running configure, the variant must come later. "config.aap" and "config.h" are then updated when selecting another variant.

For the program to find "config.h" in $BDIR you must add an option to the C compiler. And you have to notify the compiler that the file exists, so that it will be included:

        INCLUDE += -I$BDIR

The "config.cache", "config.log" and "config.status" files are also moved to $BDIR. This means they are not available when running "./configure" again., This may be a bit slower, since the cache isn't used, but it is much more reliable. And you can view the log of each variant that was build.

Running Autoconf

For a developer there also needs to be a method to generate the configure script from configure.in. This needs to be done even before configure is run. Prepending this to the example above should work:

        configure {signfile = mysign} : configure.in
            :sys autoconf

Normally the "configure" script is distributed with the program, so that a user does not need to install and run autoconf. The "{signfile = mysign}" attribute on the target is used to avoid running autoconf when the user builds the program and the "configure" and "configure.in" files are still as they were distributed. The signatures in the "mysign" file, which you must include in the distribution, will match and Aap knows that "configure" is up-to-date. If using the "mysign" file was omitted, there would be no signature for the "configure" target and Aap would decide to run autoconf. When you change "configure.in" its signature will be different from what is stored in "mysign" and autoconf will be run.

Using A Distributed Configure Script

If you are porting an application that already has a configure script you can filter it to make it work with Aap. This means you can use the unmodified configure.in.

        configure_aap : configure
	:cat configure
		| :eval re.sub("Makefile", "config.aap", stdin)
		>! configure_aap
	:chmod 755 configure_aap

Now you need to execute "configure_aap" instead of "configure" in the first example above.

Skipping Configuration

Running configure can take quite a bit of time. And when you are not going to build anything that can be annoying. For example, "aap comment" doesn't require configure to run.

Also, configure doesn't work on a non-Unix system. When you have taken care in your code to handle this you can simply skip configure. This line above all the configure code should take care of this:

        @if osname() == "posix" and has_build_target():

The has_build_target() function checks for a target that will do some kind of building, which means configure must be run.

A Complete Example

Using all the parts mentioned above together we have a fairly complete method to handle running autoconf and configure. This code is used in the recipe that builds the Exuberant Ctags program.

    # On Unix we run configure to generate config.h and config.aap.
    # This is skipped if there is no building to be done (e.g., for "clean").
    @if osname() == "posix" and has_build_target():

        # "config.h" and "config.aap" are generated in $BDIR, because the are
        # different for each system.
        # Tell the compiler to find config.h in $BDIR.
        INCLUDE += -I$BDIR

        # Run autoconf when needed, but avoid doing this always, not everybody has
        # autoconf installed.  Include "mysign" in the distribution, it stores the
        # signature of the distributed configure script.
        configure {signfile = mysign} : configure.in
            @if not program_path("autoconf"):
                :print Can't find autoconf, using existing configure script.
                :sys autoconf

        # Filter the configure script created by autoconf to generate config.aap
        # instead of Makefile.  This means we can use the unmodified configure.in
        # distributed with ctags.
        configure_aap : configure
            :cat configure
                    | :eval re.sub("Makefile", "config.aap", stdin)
                    >! configure_aap
            :chmod 755 configure_aap

        # Dependency to create config.aap by running the configure script.
        # The "config.arg" file is used for configure arguments.
        :attr config {virtual} {comment = Do configuration only}

        config $BDIR/config.h $BDIR/config.aap :
                    configure_aap config.arg config.h.in config.aap.in
            :sys ./configure_aap `file2string("config.arg")`
            # Move the results into $BDIR.  This also means the cache isn't used
            # the next time, it is unreliable.
            :move {force} config.h config.aap config.log config.cache
                                                               config.status $BDIR

        # Create an empty config.arg when it's missing.
            :touch {exist} config.arg

        # Update config.aap before including it.  Forcefully when the "reconfig"
        # target is used.
        @if "reconfig" in var2list(_no.TARGETARG):
            :del {force} config.cache config.status
            :update {force} $BDIR/config.aap
            :update $BDIR/config.aap

        :include $BDIR/config.aap

Chapter 25. Automatic Package Install

Aap provides a very powerful feature: When a program is required and it does not exist on the system, it can be installed automatically.

Suppose a recipe specifies that a file is to be uploaded to a server with secure copy. This requires the "scp" command. When Aap cannot find this command it offers you the choice to install it. Aap will check what kind of system you have and find a recipe for it. This recipe is executed and it will install the package for you. Either by obtaining an executable program or by fetching the sources and building them. Then the original recipe continues and uses the "scp" command that has just been installed.

Note: This requires an internet connection!

How Does It Work?

The first step is to detect if a required program is present on the system. This is done internally when "scp" or "cvs" is to be used. You can also check explicitly in a recipe with the :assertpkg command. This uses the $PATH environment variable. Aap will also look in its own directory, because this is where previously installed programs are sometimes located. Also see the :progsearch command and the program_path() function.

When the program is not found, the user is asked what is to be done:

    Cannot find package "scp"!
    1. Let Aap attempt installing the package
    2. Retry (install it yourself first)
    q. Quit

When the user types "1" the automatic install will be invoked. That will be explained below. An alternative is to install the package yourself. This is useful if you know how to do this or when you don't think the automatic mechanism will work. After the package has been installed you can enter "2" and Aap continues executing the recipe. The last choice is "a", which means you give up and abort executing the recipe.

In situations where the package name differs from the command name, or there are more complicated requirements, you can write a check yourself. When a package needs to be installed the :installpkg command can be used to have Aap install the package.

To install a package automatically Aap will download a recipe and execute it. To be able to execute the recipe in a proper environment a directory is created. On Unix this will be "~/.aap/packages/{package-name}/". The "boot.aap" recipe is downloaded from the A-A-P web site. This uses a simple PHP script that selects the recipe to use. Example:


The downloaded recipe contains further instructions for building and/or installing the package. This can be anything, thus it is very flexible. Usually the recipe finds out what kind of system you are using and selects another recipe to be used for it. Or it uses the standard package mechanism of your system.

If you are running a BSD system you probably have the BSD ports system installed (if not, you should install it!). This is a very well maintained system that takes care of installing almost any software you can think of. The only disadvantage is that you need to be super-user to use it. Aap will ask you if you want to do this:

    The devel/templ port appears to exist.
    Do you want to become root and use the port? (y/n) 

If you respond with "y" you will be asked to type the root password and Aap will invoke the commands to build and install the BSD port. If you respond with "n" the generic Unix method will be used (if there is one).

On MS-Windows it will often be possible to download an executable file. This works without asking questions. Since there is no standard directory for executables, they are often placed in the Aap directory. You might want to move them to a directory in $PATH if you want to use them at the command line.

On generic Unix systems (Posix, Linux) the recipe will attempt to download a source archive, unpack it and build and install it. This mostly works, but may fail on some systems. You may have to do some steps manually then, possibly by running "configure" with specific arguments. You can find the downloaded files in "~/.aap/packages/{package-name}/". The Aap message log "AAPDIR/log" may contain hints about what went wrong. If you know the solution, please report this to the maintainer of the recipe, so that it can be made to work automatically.

Adding Support For a Package

To make it possible to automatically install a package at least one recipe needs to be written. This recipe is placed on the A-A-P website, so that every Aap user can find it without typing a URL. You need to e-mail this recipe to the maintainer of the A-A-P website: webmaster AT a-a-p.org. Chose the package name carefully, because it must be unique. Mostly it is the name of the command that was to be executed, such as "scp" or "cvs".

If there is only one recipe it must take care of all systems. This is useful for a Python module, for example. Or when you want to redirect to another site where the recipes for this specific package are stored. Here is an example:

    all install:
        :execute generic.aap {fetch = http://www.foo.org/recipes/%file%} $buildtarget

This recipe redirects everything to another recipe, which is downloaded from the URL specified with the "fetch" attribute. Note that the "all" and "install" targets are supported. "all" is used to build the package (as the current user) and "install" to install it (possibly requiring root privileges).

Installing on MS-Windows

For MS-Windows you often have a different method to install a package. Especially when the command to be installed is available as one executable program. Here is an example for the "scp" command:

      # Package recipe for SCP on MS-Windows.
      # Maintainer:  Bram Moolenaar <Bram@a-a-p.org>
      # Last Update: 2003 May 1

              # We use the scp command from PuTTY, it appears to work well.
              # For info about PuTTY see:
              #	http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
              :print This will install SCP on MS-Windows.
              dir = "`Global.aap_bindir`"
              :mkdir {force} $dir
              :fetch {fetch = http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/pscp.exe
              # That's all, it doesn't need to be installed.

The actual work is done with one :fetch command. It specifies two locations where the program can be downloaded. Specifying several locations is useful, because servers may be down or unreachable from behind a firewall (some companies disable access to ftp servers).

Note the use of "Global.aap_bindir". This is the directory where Aap itself is located with "bin" added. Putting the executable there avoids asking the user to make a choice. This directory is always searched for executable commands, it does not have to be in $PATH. Double quotes are used for the case the directory contains a space (e.g., "C:\Program Files").

Building and Installing on Unix

For Unix things are generally a bit more complicated. The best is to use the package mechanism of the system. Using a BSD port was mentioned above. Most systems have an equivalent mechanism. When this is not available you need to fall back to compiling from sources. Here is an example for "cvs":

      # Package recipe for CVS on Posix.
      # Maintainer:  Bram Moolenaar <Bram@a-a-p.org>
      # Last Update: 2003 May 1

      PREFIX =

      name = cvs-1.11.5
      tarname = $(name).tar.gz

      all install:
          # There is no check for a BSD port here, because BSD systems should have a
          # cvs command already.

          # Ask the prefix before compiling.
          @if not _recipe.PREFIX:
              @_recipe.use_asroot, _recipe.PREFIX = ask_prefix("cvs")
              @if not _recipe.PREFIX:
                  :error No prefix given

          # Should use a port recipe for this...

          @if buildtarget == "all":
              # Get the sources and build the executable.
              # This can be done by an ordinary user.
              :print This will build "cvs" on Posix machines.
              :update get-tar
              :sys tar xfz $tarname
              :cd $name
              :sys ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX

              # The GSSAPI stuff breaks the build for me on FreeBSD.  If we can find
              # a solution it can work on other systems..
              :cat config.h | :eval re.sub('#define HAVE_GSSAPI\\b', '', stdin) >! config.h

              :sys make
              # Install the executable.
              # This may need to be done by root.
              :cd $name
              @if _recipe.use_asroot:
                  # Assume the directories already exist...
                  :asroot make $buildtarget
                  :sys make $buildtarget

      get-tar {virtual}: $tarname {fetch = http://ftp.cvshome.org/$name/%file%}

Note that this recipe specifically mentions the version "1.11-5". This is a bit unusual. Better is to refer to the latest stable version. Unfortunately, for CVS the proper link is not available. This means the recipe has to be updated every time a new stable version is released.

The user has the choice of installing CVS for himself or for everybody on the system. Aap has a build-in function for this: ask_prefix(). When the user is root it will return "1" and "/usr/local/" without asking, assuming the super-user will want to install for everybody (why else would he be doing this as root?). Normal users will be asked to make a choice:

    Select where to install cvs:
    1. become root and install in "/usr/local/"
    2. become root and install in specified location
    3. install in your home directory "/home/mool/"
    4. install in a specified location
    a. abort

It is obvious what the choices will do. The "cvs" recipe then continues to obtain the sources, using ":update get-tar" to allow using a cached file. The archive is unpacked with "tar" and "configure" is run before invoking "make". This is the standard way how most Unix programs are build.

There is one extra step: While testing the recipe it was discovered that the configuration makes a mistake and defines "HAVE_GSSAPI", but that doesn't work. The recipe modifes "config.h" to fix this. This is not a nice solution, but it makes the building work. This kind of porting would actually better be done in a separate recipe. And by reporting the problem to the maintainers of the CVS configure script.

When the recipe is invoked with the "install" target the choice to install as root or not is used. This was stored in "_recipe.use_asroot" to avoid having to make the choice again when invoked a second time (the recipe is first invoked with "all" to build the program as the current user and then with "install" to do the actuall install, possibly as super-user). The :asroot command passes the command to a separate shell with root privileges. The user is asked confirmation for every executed command for safety.

Installing a Specific Package

This automatic package installation system is a nice way of installing a program without the need to know how it's done. You can also use it to install a package directly:

      % aap --install scp

This will attempt to install the "scp" package on your system. It works just like when Aap discovered that the "scp" command was needed for executing a recipe.

Obviously not just any package is available. Quite a few currently, but hopefully this will grow when people submit their packages. When a package cannot be found you get an error message:

      % aap --install foobar
      Aap: Creating directory "/home/mool/.aap/packages/foobar"
      Aap: Entering directory `/home/mool/.aap/packages/foobar'
      Aap: Attempting download of "http://www.a-a-p.org/package.php?package=foobar&osname=posix"
      Aap: Downloaded "http://www.a-a-p.org/package.php?package=foobar&osname=posix" to "boot.aap"
      Aap: Error in recipe "/home/mool/.aap/packages/foobar/boot.aap" line 3: Sorry, package 'foobar' is not available.

Cleaning Up

Currently Aap does not delete the files downloaded and generated while installing a package. This is useful especially when something fails, so that you can read the log file "AAPDIR/log" and/or do part of the installation manually. But this does mean disk space is used.

In the comments produced while installing the package you can see which directory is used for the files. This depends on the system and environment variables. It should be one of these:


It is fairly safe to delete the "packages" directory and everything it contains.

In case you are really low on disk space, you might want to check the Aap install directory for any programs that you no longer want to use. This is only relevant on MS-Windows.

Chapter 26. Debugging a Recipe

The log file shows what happened while A-A-P was executing. Often you can figure out what went wrong by looking at the messages.

The log file is named "AAPDIR/log". It is located in the directory of the main recipe. If you executed aap again and now want to see the previous log, it is named "AAPDIR/log1". Older logs are "AAPDIR/log2", "AAPDIR/log3", etc. This goes up to "AAPDIR/log9".


The kind of messages given can be changed with the MESSAGE variable. It is a comma separated list of message types for which the message is displayed. Other messages are still written in the log file.

namedisplay message for
errorerrors (Aap cannot continue)
warningwarnings (things that are wrong but Aap can still continue)
notenotes (warnings about things that are probably OK)
dependdependencies, the reasoning about what to build
infogeneral info (file copy/delete, up/downloads)
extraextra info (why something was done)
systemsystem (shell) commands that are executed
resultthe result of system (shell) commands
changedirchanging directories

The command line arguments "-v" and "-s" can be used to make the most often used selections:

Aap argument$MESSAGE value

Other values can be assigned at the command line. For example, to only see error and dependency messages:

        aap MESSAGE=error,depend  (other arguments)

Don't forget that excluding "error" means that no error messages are displayed!

No matter what messages are displayed, all messages are written in the log file. This can be used afterwards to see what actually happened.

Chapter 27. Differences from make

An Aap recipe has the same structure as a Makefile. But there are many differences. The most important and unexpected ones are mentioned here.

Build if file does not exist

In a Makefile a dependency with only a target is not executed if the target exists. With Aap the build commands will be executed in more situations:

  • when the build commands were never executed

  • when the build commands have changed

For example, this dependency is often used in a Makefile to create a symbolic link when it doesn't exist yet:

        ln -s vim gvim

The Aap recipe for this would be:

        :symlink vim gvim

When running Aap with this recipe for the first time and the "gvim" link already exists, you will get an error message.

To avoid this problem, set the buildcheck attribute to an empty string:

    gvim: {buildcheck=}
        :symlink vim gvim

Note: if the symbolic link exists but the file that it points to doesn't exist you still get an error. That's probably what you want.

Use Of Environment Variables

The "make" program uses all environment variables for variables in the Makefile. This can cause unexpected results, because you may have a large number of environment variables and some of them you didn't set yourself thus don't even know about them.

Aap does not use environment variables for recipe variables. A few environment variables are explicitly used. For example, $PATH is used to locate programs. To access an environment variable Python code must be used. The "os.environ" dictionary stores them. Example:

        Home = `os.environ.get("HOME")`

Note that some systems are case sensitive (e.g., Unix), some systems are not (e.g., MS-Windows).

Signatures Instead Of Timestamps

Make checks for outdated files by comparing timestamps. A target file is considered out-of-date when it's older than one of the source files. This means that Make will not notice a source file that was changed back to an older version. And Make has big problems when a source file has a timestamp in the future (happens when the system clock is turned back for some reason). The target will always be older, thus Make will build it every time.

The default check for Aap is to use MD5 signatures. This means a target is considered out-of-date if one of the source files is different from when this target was last build. Additionally, a signature is made for the build commands. If you change the commands that build the target it will also be considered out-of-date. Mostly this means Aap will build the target in many more situations.

If you want Aap to use timestamps like Make does, set the $DEFAULTCHECK variable to "newer". Also see the check attribute, it can be used to change the check for a specific dependency.

Chapter 28. Customizing Filetype Detection and Actions

See Chapter 8, Filetypes and Actions for a simple example how to define a new filetype.

Filetype Detection

A-A-P detects the type of a file automatically. This is used to decide what tools can be used for a certain file.

The detection often uses the name of the file, especially the suffix. Extra suffixes like ".in" and ".gz" are ignored. Sometimes the contents of the file is inspected. for example, on Unix a shell script is recognized by "#!/bin/sh" in the first line.

To manually set the file type of an item add the "filetype" attribute. This overrules the automatic detection. Example:

        foo.o : foo.x {filetype = cpp}

Most detection is already built in. If this is not sufficient for your work, filetype detection instructions can be used to change the way file type detection works. These instructions can either be in a file or directly in the recipe:

        :filetype  filename
            suffix p pascal
            script .*bash$ sh

The advantage of using a file is that it will also be possible to use it when running the filetype detection as a separate program. The advantage of using the instructions directly in the recipe is that you don't have to create another file.

For the syntax of the file see Chapter 38, Filetype Detection.

It is sometimes desired to handle a group of files in a different way. For example, to use a different optimizer setting when compiling C files. An easy way to do this is to give these files a different filetype. Then define a compile action specifically for this filetype. Example:

        :attr {filetype = c_opt} bar.c foo.c
        :action compile c_opt
            OPTIMIZE = 3
            :do compile $source

When you define an action (or a route), Aap checks that the filetypes you use are known filetypes, i.e. mentioned somewhere in a :filetype command. If you just make up filetypes and use them in actions, Aap will give you a warning. This helps detect misspellings and the like. However, for the "optimized C" filetype above, this leads to a warning where you do not want one: c_opt is a proper filetype in this context. In order to declare a filetype without giving any rules to detect files of that type, use declare in a :filetype command:

	declare c_opt

The detected filetypes never contain an underscore. A-A-P knows that the underscore separates the normal filetype from the additional part. When no action is found for the whole filetype, it is tried by removing the "_" and what comes after it. (This isn't fully implemented yet!)

Care should be taken that an action should not invoke itself. For example, to always compile "version.c" when linking a program:

        :attr {filetype = my_prog} $TARGET
        :action build my_prog object
            :do compile {target = version$OBJSUF} version.c
            :do build {target = $target} {filetype = program}
                                        $source version$OBJSUF

Without "{filetype = program}" on the :do build" command, the action would invoke itself, since the filetype for $TARGET is "my_prog".

Attributes on source arguments of the :do that start with "var_" are passed on to the executed action as variables. Examples:

          :do build foo.c {var_OPTIMIZE = 2}

          :attr {var_OPTIMIZE = 2} foo.c
          :do build foo.c

In the same way an attribute starting with "add_" is added to a variable. Example:

          :do build foo.c {add_DEFINE = -DBIG}

The value of the attribute is not added when it already appears in the variable. This avoids adding it two or more times.

Variable values for the executed action can also be passed by giving an attribute just after the action:

          :do build {OPTIMIZE = 2} foo.c

And yet another method is to define a user scope and use this for the action:

          s_foo.OPTIMIZE = 4
          :do build {scope = s_foo} foo.c

Executing Actions

The user can select how to perform an action for each type of file. For example, the user may specify that the "view" action on a file of type "html" uses Netscape, and the "edit" action on a "html" file uses Vim.

To start an application:

        :do actionname filename

This starts the action "actionname" for file "filename". Variables to be used by the commands can be specified after the action as attributes:

        :action convert default
            :sys convertcmd $?arg $source >$target
        :do convert {arg = -r} filename

The filetype is automatically detected from the file name(s) and possibly its contents. To overrule the automatic filetype detection, specify the filetype as an attribute on the file:

        :do convert filename {filetype = text}

This changes the filetype of the source file, the input of the action. To change the filetype of the output, the target of the action, use a "filetype" attribute on the action name:

  :do convert {filetype = html} filename {filetype = text}

Multiple filename arguments can be used:

        :do action file1 file2 file3

For some actions a target can or must be specified. This is done as an attribute on the action name:

        :do convert {target = outfile} infile1 infile2

Attributes of the input filenames other than "filetype" are not used to select the action that will be executed.

The "async" attribute can be used to start the application without waiting for it to finish. However, this only works for system commands and when multi-tasking is possible. Example:

        :do email {async} {remove} {to = piet} {subject = done building} logmessage

The "remove" attribute specifies that the files are to be deleted after the command is done, also when it fails.

When the filetype contains a "_" and no action can be found for it, the search for an action is done with the part before the "_". This is useful for specifying a variant on a filetype where some commands are different and the rest is the same.

"action" is usually one of these:

viewLook at the file. The "readonly" attribute is normally set, it can be reset to allow editing.
editEdit the file.
Send the file by e-mail. Relevant attributes:  
editedit before sending
subjectsubject of the message
buildBuild the file(s), resulting in a program file. The "target" attribute is needed to specify the output file.
compileBuild the file(s), resulting in object file(s). The "target" attribute may be used to specify the output file. When "target" is not specified the action may use a default, usually `src2obj(fname)`. See here
extractUnpack an archive. Requires the program for unpacking to be available. Unpacks in the current directory.
preprocRun the preprocessor on the file. The "target" attribute can be used to specify the output file. When it is missing the output file name is formed from the input file name with `src2obj(fname, sufname = None)` and then appending ".i".
referenceRun a cross referencer, creating or updating a symbol database.
stripStrip symbols from a program. Used to make it smaller after installing.


        :do view COPYRIGHT {filetype = text}
        :do edit configargs.xml
        :do email {edit} bugreport
        :do build {target = myprog} main.c version.c
        :do compile foo.cpp

Default Actions

These are defined in the default.aap recipe.

:action edit default

Uses the environment variable $VISUAL or $EDITOR. Falls back to "vi" for Posix systems or "notepad" otherwise. You can set the Aap variable $EDITOR to the editor program to be used.

The {line = 999} attribute can be used to specify a line number to jump to. The {byte = 999} attribute can be used to jump to a character position in the file.

:action edit gif,jpeg,png

Uses the environment variable $PAINTER. You can set the Aap variable $PAINTER to the image editor program to be used.

The {line = 999} attribute can be used to specify a line number to jump to. The {byte = 999} attribute can be used to jump to a character position in the file.

:action depend

The default dependency checker. Works for C and C++ files. Uses gcc when available, because it is faster and more reliable. Uses an internal function otherwise. This attempts to handle the situation that a header file doesn't exist (when it needs to be fetched or build) but that is not fully implemented yet.

:action view html,xml,php

Uses the environment variable $BROWSER. Searches a list of known browsers if it's not set.

:action email default

Uses the environment variable $MAILER. Falls back to "mail".

:action build default default

Does: ":sys $CC $LDFLAGS $CFLAGS -o $target $source $?LIBS"

:action compile object c,cpp

Does ":sys $CC $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS -c -o $target" $source

:action preproc default c,cpp

Does ":sys $CC $CPPFLAGS -E $source > $target"

Specifying Actions

Applications for an action-filetype pair can be specified with this command:

        :action action in-filetype

This associates the commands with action "action" and filetype "in-filetype". The commands are A-A-P commands, just like what is used in the build commands in a dependency.

The "in-filetype" is used for the source of the action, the type of the target is undefined. It is also possible to specify an action for turning a file of one filetype into another filetype. This is like a :rule command, but using filetypes instead of patterns.

        :action action out-filetype in-filetype

Actually, specifying an action with one filetype is like using "default" for the out-filetype.

Several variables are set and can be used by the commands:

$fnameThe first file name of the :do command.
$sourceAll the file names of the :do command.
$filetypeThe detected or specified filetype for the input.
$targettypeThe detected or specified filetype for the output.
$actionThe name of the action for which the commands are executed.

Furthermore, all attributes of the action are turned into variables. Thus when ":do action {arg = -x} file " is used, $arg is set to "-x". Example for using an optional "arg" attribute:

        :action view foo
                :sys fooviewer $?arg $source

In Python code check if the {edit} attribute is specified:

        :action email default
            # when $subject and/or $to is missing editing is required
            @if not globals().get("subject") or not globals().get("to"):
                edit = 1
            @if globals().get("edit"):
                :do edit $fname
            :sys mail -s $subject $to < $fname

"action" and "ftype" can also be a comma-separated list of filetypes. There can't be any white space though. Examples:

        :action view html,xml,php
            :sys netscape --remote $source
        :action edit,view text,c,cpp
            :sys vim $source

"filetype" can be "default" to specify an action used when there is no action specifically for the filetype.

When using a variable in the commands of an action without specifying a scope, or using the "_no" scope, its value is obtained from the first scope where it is defined from this list:

  1. The local scope, the scope of the action commands.

  2. Invoking command blocks. That is, the scope of the command block that invoked the action with a :do command. Then the scope of the command block that invoked that command block, and so on. This excludes the toplevel.

  3. The recipe in which the ":do" command was invoked, its parent and so on. This goes on until and including the toplevel.

  4. The recipe in which the action was defined, its parent and so on. This goes on until the toplevel.

The meaning of this all is that when using a variable such as $FOOCMD, you can give it a default value in the recipe where the action is defined. The location where the action is later invoked from can define a different value. Example:

        FOOCMD = foocc
        done =
        :action compile object foo
            :sys $FOOCMD $source > $target
            _recipe.done += $-source
        :action foolist default
            :print Compiled $_recipe.done

The action can be used like this:

            FOOCMD = foocc -O            # used instead of the default $FOOCMD
            :do compile {target = opt/piet.o} piet.f
            done = nothing               # This has no effect
            :do foolist any

In action the "done" variable is used with the "_recipe" scope prepended, thus a "done" variable in the scope of the commands that invoked this action will not be used.

Note that the "async" attribute of the :do command may cause the :sys command to work asynchronously. That is done because the "async" attribute is turned into the "async" variable for the :action commands. If you don't want a specific :sys command to work asynchronously, reset "async":

        :action view foo
            tt = $?async
            async = 
            :sys foo_prepare
            async = $tt
            :sys foo $source

However, since two consecutive :sys commands are executed together, this should do the same thing:

        :action view foo
            :sys foo_prepare
            :sys foo $source

Quite often the program to be used depends on whether it is available on the system. For example, viewing HTML files can be done with netscape, mozilla, konquerer or another browser. We don't want to search the system for all kinds of programs when starting, it would make the startup time quite long. And we don't want to search each time the action is invoked, the result of the first search can be used. This construct can be used to achieve this:

        BROWSER =
        :action view html
            @if not _recipe.BROWSER:
                :progsearch _recipe.BROWSER netscape mozilla konquerer
            :sys $_recipe.BROWSER $source

The generic form form :progsearch is:

        :progsearch varname progname ...

The "_recipe" scope needs to be used for variables set in the commands and need to be used after the action is finished.

The first argument is the variable name to which to assign the resulting program name. When none of the programs is found an error message is given. Note that shell aliases are not found, only executable programs.

When the action uses a temporary file, make sure it is deleted even when one of the commands fail. The Python try/finally construction is ideal for this. Example:

        :action filter .pdf .txt
            tmp = `tempfname()`
                :sys extract_docs $source >$tmp
                :sys docs2pdf $tmp $target
                :delete $tmp
            :print Converted $source to $target

When the ":sys" commands execute without trouble the ":delete" and ":print" commands are executed. When the first ":sys" commands causes an exception, execution continues with the ":delete" command and then the exception is handled. Thus the second ":sys" command is skipped and the ":print" command is not reached.

More examples:

        :action compile object c,cpp
            :sys $CC $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS -c $source
        :action build object
            :sys $CC $LDFLAGS $CFLAGS -o $target $source

Specifying Actions in Python

When an action needs to be defined with more properties, a Python function can be used. Example:

            define_action("buildme", 1, """
                @if DEFER_ACTION_NAME:
                    :do $DEFER_ACTION_NAME {target = $target} $source
                    :sys me < $source > $target
                outtypes = ["me"],
                intypes = ["moo"],
                defer_var_names = ["BUILDME_ACTION"])

This defines an action almost like this :action command

        :action buildme {primary} me moo
            @if _no.get("BUILDME_ACTION"):
                :do $BUILDME_ACTION {target = $target} $source
                :sys me < $source > $target

An important difference is that when the action defined with $BUILDME_ACTION supports different input and output filetypes, the action defined with define_action() will use these. The action defined with ":action" will always support "me" and "moo", even though the actually used $BUILDME_ACTION action supports different types.

More info about the define_action() function in the reference manual.

Chapter 29. Customizing Automatic Depedencies

For various file types A-A-P can scan a source file for header files it includes. This implies that when a target depends on the source file, it also depends on the header files it includes. For example, a C language source file uses #include lines to include code from header files. The object file generated from this C source needs to be rebuilt when one of the header files changes. Thus the inclusing of the header file has an implied dependency.

Aap defines a series of standard dependency checks. You don't need to do anything to use them.

The filetype used for the dependency check is detected automatically. For files with an ignored suffix like ".in" and ".gz" no dependency checking is done.

To avoid all automatic dependency checks, set the variable "AUTODEPEND" to "off":

        AUTODEPEND = off

To avoid automatic dependencies for a specific file, set the attribute "autodepend" to "off":

        foo.o : foo.c {autodepend = off}

Custom Dependency Checking

You can add your own dependency checks. This is done with an :action command. Its arguments are "depend" and the file types for which the check works. A block of commands follows, which is expected to inspect $source and produce the detected dependencies in $target, which has the form of a dependency. Simplified example:

        :action depend c,cpp
            :sys $CC $CFLAGS -MM $source > $target

The build commands are expected to generate a file that specifies the dependency:

        foo.o : foo.c foo.h

The first item (before the colon) is ignored. The items after the colon are used as implied dependencies. The source file itself may appear, this is ignored. Thus these two results have the same meaning: a dependency on "foo.h":

        foo.xyz : foo.c foo.h
        foo.o : foo.h

Comments starting with "#" are ignored. Line continuation with "\" is supported. Only the first (continued) line is read.

Aap will take care of executing the dependency check when the source changes or when the command changes (e.g., the value of $CC and $CFLAGS). This can be changed with a "buildcheck" attribute after "depend". In the following example only a change in $CFLAGS is noticed. A change in $CC or the ":sys" command does not cause generating the target.

        :action depend {buildcheck = $CFLAGS} c
            :sys $CC $CFLAGS -MM $source > $target

Aap expects the dependency checker to only inspect the source file. If it recursively inspects the files the source files include, this must be indicated with a "recursive" attribute. That avoids Aap will take care of this and do much more work than is required. Example:

        :action depend {recursive}  c,cpp
            :sys $CC $CFLAGS -MM $source > $target

Missing Include Files

It is possible that an include file is not typed in by the user, but is generated with commands. This file may then need to be generated to be able to figure out the dependencies.

This can be complicated, because the generated include file may again include other files. Thus the dependency check needs to be repeated after the file has been generated.

To make it easier to handle this situation, Aap provides the :sysdepend command. It will take care of executing a shell command to figure out the dependencies, catching the output to check for error messages, build targets that can't be found and repeat until it is done.

Here is an example for the imaginary 'f' language:

        :action depend {recursive} f
	    :sysdepend {filepat = .*File "([^:]*)" Not found}
                       $FCC $FFLAGS --depend $source > $target

The "filepat" option of :sysdepend specifies how the file name of a missing file can be located. This is a Python regular expression, where the file name matches in the first group in parenthesis.

See the :sysdepend command for more details and an option to specify the search path.

Chapter 30. Customizing Default Tools

Tools are used to execute actions. Examples are a compiler and a linker. Each tool must be executed with specific arguments. But the recipe attempts to be portable, thus not include the literal command to be executed. The mechanism described in this chapter takes care of translating the generic action into invoking a specific tool with its arguments.

It all starts with an action. Let us use the C compile action as an example. In the default recipe a default C compile action is defined. This one works for most C compilers that take arguments like the Unix "cc" command. If another kind of compiler is to be used, the $C_COMPILE_ACTION variable is set to the name of the action to be used, for example "compile_msvc". The default compile action will check the $C_COMPILE_ACTION variable and invoke the "compile_msvc" action instead of using its generic compile command.

During startup the default recipe will check for existence of tools for C and C++. A specific sequence of tools is checked for, depending on the platform. Thus in MS-Windows "msvc" will be checked for, while on Unix this doesn't happen. This is implemented with a Python module. For msvc it is "tools/msvc.py".

Each tool module defines an exists() function. It contains a check if the tool can be found. Mostly this is done by looking for a certain executable program. The msvc tool searches for "cl" (the compiler) and "vcvars32" (a command to start using the MSVC command line tools).

If a tool is detected, the actions for it are defined. This is always done, also when another tool was already detected. This allows the user to invoke specific actions or switch toolchain where he wants to. For MSVC the "compile_msvc" action is defined. That is like the normal "compile" action but with MSVC specific arguments.

The first tool that is detected will be used by default. The use_actions() function of the tool is invoked, which sets a number of variables, such as $C_COMPILE_ACTION, to the name of the action to be used. As mentioned above, the result will be that the generic actions will invoke the tool-specific action.

Building in a different way

The default build action works for object files generated from C source files. It might also work for other object files, in that case you do not need to do anything.

When building needs to be done in a different way, depending on the kind of source files used, add a "buildaction" attribute to the object file. This will make the default build action invoke the action specified with "buildaction" instead of the default build commands. Sources without a "buildaction" attribute do not influence this choice.

Note that it is not possible to have two different "buildaction" attributes on the sources of the build action. If you want to handle this set the $BUILD_ACTION variable to the build action that can handle this.

If a tool needs to do building for C and C++ files differently, set the $C_BUILD_ACTION and/or $CXX_BUILD_ACTION variables to the action that will do the building.

Adding A New Tool

You need to write a Python module and place it in the "tools" directory. Copy one of the existing tool files to start with. Then make changes to the functions:


Return True if the tool can be located. This is mostly done by simply checking for an executable program with the program_path() function. But you might do something more complicated, such as running the program with a "--version" argument and check the output.


Define the actions that this tool can accomplish. Each action name should be formed from the basic action name with "_toolname" appended. Thus a compile action for the MSVC compiler uses the action name "compile_msvc". You can define this action for several file types.

The action usually supports using variables, so that the user can modify them in a recipe. Some variables are generic and can be used by all tools, such as $CFLAGS. Your tool may need to translate it from the generic form to the tool-specific argument. For example, if $DEFINE contains "-DFOO=foo" you might have to translate this to "/D:FOO=foo".

You can also support specific variables for your tool. For example $MSVC is used to specify the name of the compiler. You give it a default value in the toplevel scope, but only when the user didn't do that already. The toplevel scope can be obtained from the Global module: "Global.globals".


This function is called when the actions of the tool will be used as the default actions in "scope". When the tool is the first one found it will be called from the startup code. But the user may also use this to select a specific tool to be used in one recipe, or even one dependency.

Using A Specific Tool

The :usetool command can be used to specify a specific tool to be used in the current scope. When used in the toplevel recipe the tool becomes the default tool. When used in a child recipe the tool will be used in that recipe or by all actions invoked there. It can also be used in build commands, the tool will be used by invoked actions and dependencies.


        :usetool mingw
        :update prog_A
        :usetool msvc
        :update prog_B

This actually works by defining the tool-specific actions and defining variables such as $C_COMPILE_ACTION in the current scope.

Chapter 31. Adding A Language Module

This chapter explains how to add support for a language to Aap. Both for your own setup and for a module that is to be included in an Aap release.

Although the text explains modules for a language, this can also be used for adding a module for other purposes. It is a generic method to have Aap load a module that defines actions, sets variables, etc.

In a recipe a module can be used with the :import command. Thus when your recipe uses Java, you would add this line:

      :import java

For the standard modules see Chapter 39, Standard Modules.

Module Name

It is important to chose a good name for the module, because it must be unique on your system. For a programming language simply use the name of the language. For Java you would use "java", for the D language "d". In case there are variants of a language that are different enough to justify using a different module, add something to the name to make this clear. You can use letters, digits and the underscore. Examples: "foo", "foo2004", "foo_latest".

If you have a specific module with different functionality, you could prepend "my". For example, "myjava".

After the module has been imported, the variables in it can be accessed through the "m_name" scope, where "name" is the name of the module. For example the variable "$m_d.DMD" holds the command used for the "d" language to execute the compiler.

Note: It is not possible to have a variable and a scope with the same name. Thus if you have a module called "foo", which uses the scope "m_foo", you cannot have a variable "m_foo" anywhere in a recipe.

Since the modules are Aap recipes the file names always end in ".aap".

Module directories

Modules that are included with Aap are located in the Aap sub-directory "modules". If you are working on a module that is to be submitted for a next Aap release you may also want to put the module there for testing. But be aware that this directory may be overwritten or deleted when updating Aap!

Modules that you want to share with all users on your system should be placed in a system-wide directory. For Unix this usually is /usr/local/share/aap/modules. This can be changed with $AAPSYSDIR.

Modules that you only use for yourself are placed in $HOME/.aap/modules (for Unix and Mac OS X), $HOME/aap/modules/, $HOMEDRIVE/$HOMEPATH/aap/modules/ or c:/aap/modules/ (MS-Windows).

If you only want to change a few settings after the module is loaded, you can place these in the modules2 directory. See :import for details.

Parts Of A Module

In a module you will usually find these parts:

(1) filetype recognition

How to recognize files used in the module. For a module included with Aap this is normally missing, since it can be added to the generic Python filetype module. See Chapter 28, Customizing Filetype Detection and Actions.

(2) default values

Give default values to variables used in the commands further on. The user can change these values if he needs to. It is a good habit to put all specific command names, directories and arguments in a variable.

(3) object file suffixes

If the language uses different suffixes for object files, for static or dynamic libraries, this can be specified. See below.

(4) search for tools

Usually there are different ways to invoke the compiler on different platforms. And on one platforms various tools may be installed. The :toolsearch command is used to locate the tools. See below.

(5) actions, rules and routes

The generic methods for compiling and building. See below.


This example is for the "D" language. This module is included with Aap.

      # (1) Filetype recognition
          suffix d d

      # (2) Default values
      DMD = dmd

      # (3) Object file suffixes
      # dll and lib objects are equal to normal objects.
      _top.D_LIBOBJSUF = $OBJSUF
      _top.D_DLLOBJSUF = $OBJSUF

      # (4) Search for tools
      # Actions are installed for every toolchain that exists.
      # The first one found sets $D_COMPILE_ACTION and friends.
      :toolsearch dmd

      # (5) Actions, Rules and Routes

      # :do compile

      :action compile object,libobject,dllobject,default d
          @if not _no.get("target"):
              target = `src2obj(fname)`
          # Use the d_build action for building and also for :dll and :lib.
          :attr {buildaction = d_build} $target
          @if _no.get("D_COMPILE_ACTION"):
              :do $D_COMPILE_ACTION {target = $target} $source
              :sys $DMD $?DFLAGS -of$target -c $source

      :rule {global} {default} %$OBJSUF : {buildcheck = $DMD $?DFLAGS } %.d
          :do compile {target = $target} $source

      # :do build for object files resulting from "d" source files.

      :action d_build default
          @if _no.get("D_BUILD_ACTION"):
              :do $D_BUILD_ACTION {target = $target} $source
              :sys $DMD $?DLINKFLAGS -of$target $source

      # default route

      :route {default} d object,libobject,dllobject

Object File Suffixes

Many languages use the same object file suffixes as used for C: ".o" on Unix and ".obj" on MS-Windows. But for some languages a different suffix is used and the suffixes for building a static and shared library are different.

The simplest example is when a language always uses the same suffix for all kinds of object files. For example, the "d" language does not make a difference between normal object files, static library objects, etc. This can be specified like this:


Note that the "_top" scope is used. If this would be left out the variables would only be set in the scope of the module and would not be available in the user recipe.

The name of the variable is made from the filetype in upper case, and underscore and the name of the generic variable. The src2obj() function will look for these variables. Note that the filetype is used, not the module name!

An extreme example is when all suffixes are different:

     _top.FOO_OBJSUF = .fo
     _top.FOO_DLLOBJSUF = .dfo
     _top.FOO_LIBOBJSUF = .lfo
     _top.FOO_LTOBJSUF = .tfo

An advantage of using a different suffix for every type of object file is that all types can be generated in the same directory.

If the compiler or linker does not support using different suffixes, but the various object files are different, the user must make sure that the object files are put in different build directories. This can be done by specifying an attribute on the source files to use a different build directory:

    :program foo : foo.c                    # uses $BDIR
    :dll foo : foo.c {var_BDIR = $BDIR-dll}
    :lib foo : foo.c {var_BDIR = $BDIR-lib}

Searching For Tools

When there is only one compiler that always uses the same (type of) arguments you can simply invoke it directly from the actions in the module. Otherwise, Aap can search for tools that are currently installed. The working of tools is explained in Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools

As an example, let's look at how Aap searches for C compilers:

      @if osname() == 'mswin':
          :toolsearch msvc mingw gcc icc bcc
      @elif osname() == 'os2':
          :toolsearch icc gcc msvc

The :toolsearch command is used with a list of tools that need to be checked for. The first tool for which the exists() function returns True is then used. This works by setting variables to the name of the action to be used. For example, the "msvc" tool sets $C_COMPILE_ACTION to "compile_msvc".

The list of tools to be searched depends on the platform. Note that the "msvc" tool is the first choice for MS-Windows, but the last choice for OS/2. This ordering is based on what works best for most people.

Note that for Unix systems there is no search for tools. That is because the default command for the C compiler "always" works there.

There is one trick you should be aware of, which is using the "buildaction" attribute on object files. When a specific compiler is used to turn a source file into an object file, this often means a specific action needs to be used to turn this object file into a program or library. The compile action must then add a "buildaction" attribute to the object file, so that the generic build action can inspect the object files and invoke the proper build action. You can see this in the example above: The compile action for the "d" language contains:

          # Use the d_build action for building and also for :dll and :lib.
          :attr {buildaction = d_build} $target

The action is not executed when the target is already up-to-date. Therefore the "buildaction" attribute should also be set by the dependency or rule, using a ">always" section. See the section called “Command block sections”. Example:

          :rule %$OBJSUF : $.cpp
                  :attr {buildaction = cxx_build} $target
                  :do compile {target = $target} $source

Note that the generic build action cannot handle the situation that object files with different "buildaction" attributes are linked together. And object files that do not have a "buildaction" attribute are taken along, Aap assumes they can be linked together with the object files that specify the "buildaction" attribute. If this does not do what you intend, you can specify another build action to use with $BUILD_ACTION. Similarly, $BUILDDLL_ACTION and $BUILDLIB_ACTION are used for building libraries. Look in the distributed default.aap for the details.

Actions, Rules and Routes

Actions are used to specify how files are to be compiled and build into a program or library. Rules are used to specify which actions to use for files matching a pattern. Routes are used to specify which actions to use to turn one filetype into another. Thus these three items are closely related.

The most obvious thing for a language module is to define an action for compiling the language. Here is an excerpt from the "d" module:

      :action compile object,libobject,dllobject,default d
          @if not _no.get("target"):
              target = `src2obj(fname)`
          # Use the d_build action for building and also for :dll and :lib.
          :attr {buildaction = d_build} $target
          @if _no.get("D_COMPILE_ACTION"):
              :do $D_COMPILE_ACTION {target = $target} $source
              :sys $DMD $?DFLAGS -of$target -c $source

This action is specified for all kind of object files, including dllobject and libobject. If compiling for a library has to be done differently you should specify a separate action for libobject and/or dllobject.

The action starts with checking if $target is set. In rare cases it isn't set and needs to be derived from $source. Since the object file suffixes have been defined (see above) calling src2obj() takes care of this. $fname is the first item in $source.

When a D file has been compiled into an object file it needs to be build in a special way. To accomplish this the "buildaction" attribute of the target is set to "d_build". This action is also defined in the D module.

The check for $D_COMPILE_ACTION takes care of invoking the action that was defined by a tool. The first tool found with :toolsearch will set this variable. It can later be changed with a :usetool command.

When $D_COMPILE_ACTION is not set, the default command to compile a D file is executed with :sys. This happens when no appropriate tool could be found. Often this is used for Unix, where the compile command is the same for various compilers. The user may set $m_d.DMD to the name of the compiler to be used and set $DFLAGS to additional arguments. What could be added here is using $DINCLUDE and $DDEFINE, like what $INCLUDE and $DEFINE do for C. A compiler may also use $DEBUG and $OPTIMIZE. Note that these can't be directly used as an argument but must be translated.

The other actions defined in the module are similar. You can see in the example for the D module how the build action is defined:

      :action d_build default
          @if _no.get("D_BUILD_ACTION"):
              :do $D_BUILD_ACTION {target = $target} $source
              :sys $DMD $?DLINKFLAGS -of$target $source

Defining a rule is optional. The :rule command selects the source and target based on a match of the file name with a pattern. This is useful when a list of source files is defined without telling how they are to be turned into object files. This is the way the rule is defined in the D module:

      :rule {global} {default} %$OBJSUF : {buildcheck = $DMD $?DFLAGS } %.d
          :do compile {target = $target} $source

The {global} option is needed to make the rule available everywhere (otherwise it would only work in the module recipe). The {default} option allows overruling this rule without getting a warning.

The :route command is used to tell Aap how to turn a source file into an object file. This is used for the :program, :dll and :lib commands. For the D language it's simply a matter of invoking the compile action. for other languages it may consist of several steps with intermediate results.

      :route {default} d object,libobject,dllobject

Part III. Reference Manual

Chapter 32. Aap Command Line Arguments

Three Kinds Of Arguments

aap [option]... [assignment]... [target]...

The order of arguments is irrelevant. Options are explained in the next section.

Assignments take the form "VAR=value". This works just like putting this at the top of the main recipe used. But the shell used to start Aap may require escaping special characters, such as spaces. Putting the argument in double quotes often works (but not always).

Targets specify what needs to be done. If no target is given, one of the targets in the recipe is executed, see Recipe Execution Details.

Variables in the targets are expanded. This makes it possible to build a target in a directory whose name is set in the recipe. For example, to build a target in $BDIR:

       aap '$BDIR/foo.o'

Note: you must make sure that the variable is not expanded by the shell. In the example this is done by putting the argument in single quotes. This works for most Unix shells. To use a target with a $ character in the name use $($) in place of the $.


An option must appear only once, except for the ones that are noted to be allowed multiple times.


For a remote file, don't use a cached copy. Download it once for this invocation. Note that the file may be downloaded anyway, because it is not always possible to check if the cached copy is still valid. Use the {usecache} or {constant} attribute on a file to use the cached version whenever possible, see :fetch.

-c command
--command command

After reading the recipe, execute command. May appear several times, all the commands are executed.

Commands to be executed can be specified on the command line. This is useful, for example, to fetch individual files:

        aap -c ":fetch main.c"
        aap -c ":commit common.h"

Since the recipe is first read (and all child recipes), the attributes that are given to "main.c" will be used for fetching.

The commands are executed before updating targets. When no target is specified nothing is built, only the specified commands are executed. But the toplevel commands in the recipe are always executed, before executing the command arguments.

Keep in mind that the shell must not change the argument, use single quotes to avoid $VAR to be expanded by the shell:

        aap -c ':print $SOURCE'

--changed file

The file file is considered changed, no matter whether it was really changed. Targets build from file will also be considered changed, recursively.

Similar to the recipe command :changed file.


Only take action when file contents was changed, not when build commands or attributes changed.

For normal dependencies the buildcheck is ignored. This means that the build commands can be changed without causing them to be executed. The commands are executed anyway when one of the sources is out-of-date.

For publishing the "publish" attribute is ignored. The file is still published when its contents changed since the last time it was published to any destination, or if it was never published.

The signatures are updated as usual (unless --nobuild is used as well). Thus the new buildcheck and "publish" attribute are stored. This is useful if the buildcheck or "publish" argument changed in a way that you know does not require building or publishing.

-d flags
--debug flags

Switch on debugging for flags. Not implemented yet.

-f file
--recipe file

Specify the main recipe to read. When an URL is used the recipe is downloaded to the current directory before it is used. The name is the last part of the path. If it already exists the user is asked whether it should be overwritten. Example:

        cd /usr/local/share/vim/vim62/runtime
        aap -f ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/runtime/main.aap 

When the file is "NONE" no recipe is read. This is useful when only a command is to be executed. Example:

        aap -f NONE -c ':print $AAP' 


Force rebuilding everything. That a target is already up-to-date is ignored.


Print a help message and exit. Does not read a recipe.

-I directory
--include directory

Add a directory to search for included recipes. This option may appear multiple times.

--install package

Install the package package. Only works for those packages that are supported, such as "cvs" and "rcp".

Does not read a recipe in the usual way, only the specified package is installed.

-j number
--jobs number

Maximum number of parallel jobs. Not implemented yet.


Continue after encountering an error.

When an error is detected in a block of build commands, the execution of that block is aborted. Building continues for other targets, but a target that depends on a target that failed to build will not be build.

To continue execution after an error in the same block of commands use the Python ":try" statement. Example:

            :print  this is an $error
        @except UserError, e:
            :print caught error: `str(e)`

Not fully implemented, still stops at some errors. Careful: When an error has side effects strange things may happen.


Do not recurse into subdirectories. Only applies to "add" and "remove" targets on the command line. Also for "revise" for its remove action.


Only print messages about what will be done, don't execute build rules. Commands at the toplevel and commands to discover dependencies are executed, but system commands, commands that download, upload, write or delete files and version control commands are skipped.

Note: since no files are downloaded, :child commands won't work for not existing recipes.


Do not fetch recipes when using the "fetch" and "update" targets. Useful if the current recipe is to be used while files must be fetched.

--profile file

Profile the execution of A-A-P and write the results in file. This file can then be examined with the standard Python module "pstats". The PrintProfile.py script can be used for this (it is located with the other Aap modules).


Fetch the recipe and child recipes. This is impled by using a "refresh", "fetch" or "update" target, unless "--nofetch-recipe" is used.


Stop building after encountering an error. This is the default, thus this option has no effect. Also see --continue.


Print less information, see $MESSAGE.


Update signatures on targets without executing build commands. After doing this the specified targets and intermediate results are considered up-to-date.

Commands at the toplevel will be executed, except system commands, commands that write a file and version control commands.


Search the directory tree upwards for the main.aap recipe. Useful when in a sub-directory of a large project, where the main.aap recipe is an unknown number of directory levels upwards.


Print version information and exit. Does not read a recipe.


Print more information, see $MESSAGE.


End of options, only targets and assignments follow. Use this when a target starts with a "-".

Chapter 33. Recipe Syntax

This defines the recipe syntax. It is not very strict, but you should be able to understand what is allowed and what isn't.

The intention is that recipes are always encoded in UTF-8. Currently this is not fully supported yet. US-ASCII works in any case.

Table 33.1. Notation

|separates alternatives
()grouping a sequence of items or alternatives
[]optional items (also does grouping)
""contains literal text; """ is one double quote
...indicates the preceding item or group can be repeated
EOLan end-of-line, optionally preceded by a comment
INDENT  an amount of white space, at least one space
INDENT2  an amount of white space, at least one space more than INDENT

A comment starts with "#" and continues until the end-of-line. It continues in the next line if the last character in the line is a backslash. A comment may appear where white space may appear, but not inside quotes.

        # comment \
        continued comment
        # another comment

White space may be inserted in between items. It is often ignored, but does have a meaning in a few places.

Line continuation may be done with a backslash immediately before an end-of-line. It is not needed for items that use extra indent to indicate that it continues on the next line.

The backslash can be also used for line continuation in Python commands. A leading @ char and white space before it is removed. Example:

        @ python command \
        @   continued python command \
               still continued

When lines are joined because a command continues in a line with more indent, the line break and leading white space of the next line are replaced with a single space. An exception is when the line ends in "$BR": The $BR is removed, the line break is inserted in the text and leading white space of the next line is removed.

All indent is computed with a tabstop setting of eight spaces.

For items that have a build_block, the start of the build block is the line with the smallest indent that is larger than the indent of the line that started the item. The lines before this are continuation lines of the command itself. Example:

        mytarget : source1
                      source2   # continuation line of dependency
            :print $source      # first line of the build block
                 something      # continuation line of :print command
aapfile::=( [ aap_item ] EOL ) ...
aap_item::=dependency | rule | variant | toplevel_command | build_command
dependency::=targets ":" [ attribute ... ] [ sources ] [ EOL build_block ]
build_block::=INDENT build_command [ EOL [ INDENT build_command ] ] ...
rule::= :rule [ attribute ... ] pattern ... ":" [ attribute ... ] pattern ... [ EOL build_block ]
variant::= ":variant" variable_name ( EOL variant_item ) ...
variant_item::=INDENT varvalue EOL INDENT2 build_block
toplevel_command::=child_command | clearrules_command | delrule_command | dll_command | lib_command | program_command | recipe_command | route_command | rule_command | totype_command | variant_command
build_command::=assignment | block_assignment | python_item | generic_command
assignment::=variable_name [ "$" ] ( "=" | "+=" | "?=" ) item_list
block_assignment::=variable_name [ "$" ] ( "<<" | "+<<" | "?<<" ) marker ( EOL item_list ) ... EOL [ INDENT ] marker
python_item::=python_line | python_block
python_line::="@" python_command
python_block::= ":python" EOL ( INDENT python_command EOL ) ...
generic_command::=":" command_name [ command_argument ]
# An item_list can contain white-separated items and Python style expressions.
item_list::=item [ white_space item ] ...
item::=simple_item [ attribute ... ]
simple_item::=( expression | non_white_item ) ...
attribute::="{" attribute_name [ "=" item_list ] "}"
expression::=string_expr | python_expr
string_expr::=""" text """ | "'" text "'"
python_expr::="`" python-expression "`"
non_white_item::=non-white-text | variable_reference
variable_reference::="$" [ expand_type ] ... (variable_ext_name | "(" variable_ext_name ")" | "{" variable_ext_name "}" )
expand_type::="?" | "-" | "+" | "*" | "=" | "'" | '"' | "\" | "!"
variable_ext_name::=[ scope_name "." ] variable_name [ "[" index "]" ]
variable__name, attribute_name::=ascii-letter [ ascii-letter | ascii-number | "_" ] ...
scope_name::=( "_no" | "_stack" | "_tree" | "_up" | "_recipe" | "_top" | "_default" | "_start" | "_parent" | "_caller" | user_scope_name )
user_scope_name::=ascii-letter [ ascii-letter | ascii-number | "_" ] ...

Chapter 34. Variables and Scopes

Using Variables

A variable value is normally a string. The meaning of the value depends on where it is used. For example, "*" is interpreted as a wildcard when a variable is used where a file name is expected. Thus the wildcard is not expanded in the assignment. If you need it, use a Python expression to expand wildcards.

When using Python you can assign any type of value to a variable. Only a few types are supported for variables used in Aap commands:

Integer or Longconverted to a string
ExpandVar objectused for delayed expansion of variables

In Python code the ExpandVar object needs to be expanded before you can use the value it contains. Use the var2string() function for that.

Normally using $VAR gets what you want. Aap will use the kind of quoting expected and add attributes when needed. This depends on the place where the variable is used. However, when you want something else, this can be specified:

$vardepends on where it's used
$?varwhen the variable is not set or defined use an empty string instead of generating an error
$-varwithout attributes (may collapse white space)
$+varwith attributes
$*var use rc-style expansion (may collapse white space)
$/varslashes changed to backslashes (for MS-Windows commands)
$=varno quotes or backslashes
$'varaap quoted (using ' and/or " where required, no backslashes)
$"varquoted with " (doubled for a literal ")
$\varspecial characters escaped with a backslash
$!vardepends on the shell, either like $'var or $"var

In most places $var is expanded as $+'var (with attributes, using ' and " for quoting). The exceptions are:

:sys$-!varno attributes, shell quoting
$n in $(v[$n])$-=varno attributes, no quoting
:del$-'varno attributes, normal quoting

The quoted variables don't handle the backslash as a special character. This is useful for MS-Windows file names. Example:

        prog : "dir\file 1.c"
                :print $'source

Results in: "dir\file 1.c"

Be careful with using "$\var" and quotes, you may not always get what you wanted.

RC-style expansion

RC-style expansion means that each item in a variable is concatenated to the item immediately before and after the variable. Example:

        var = one two three
        :print dir/$*var

Results in:

        dir/one dir/two dir/three 

For the expansion the variable is used as a list of white-separated items. Quotes can be used to include white space in an item. Use double quotes around a single quote and single quotes around a double quote. Escaping the meaning of quotes with a backslash is not supported.

When using rc-style expansion of a variable that is empty, the result is empty. Example:

        aa = 
        :print bla$*aa

This prints an empty line. The "bla" is omitted, because the rc-style expansion has zero items.

When concatenating variables and using rc-style expansion, the attributes of the last variable overrule the identical attributes of a previous one.

        v1 = foo {check = 1}
        v2 = bar {check = 2}
        vv = $*v1$v2

Is equivalent to:

        vv = foobar{check = 1}{check = 2}

When using rc-style expansion, quotes will not be kept as they are, but removed and re-inserted where used or necessary. Example:

        foo: "file 1.c" foo.c
                :print "dir/$*source"

Results in:

         "dir/file 1.c" "dir/foo.c" 

Variable Indexing

To get one item out of a variable that is a list of items, use an index number in square brackets. Parenthesis or curly braces must be used around the variable name and the index. The first item is indexed with zero. Example:

        BAR = beer coffee cola
        :print $(BAR[0])

        BAR_ONE = $(BAR[2])
        :print $BAR_ONE

Results in:


Using an index for which no item exists gives an empty result. When $MESSAGE includes "warning" a message is printed about this.

Using Scopes

A dot is considered part of the variable name. It separates the scope name from the variable name within that scope. However, a trailing dot is not part of the variable name, so that this works:

          :print $result.     # print the result

In Python code you need to explicitly specify the scope name. When no scope name is given only the local scope is used. To get the equivalent of an Aap command that does not specify a scope, you need to use the "_no" scope in Python. The same example as above but now with a Python expression looks like this:

          :print `_no.result`.      # print the result

Predefined Scopes

Aap defines a scope for each recipe and each block of commands.

A user may also define a specific scope, see below. These scope names must start with an alphabetical name. Scope names starting with an underscore are used for predefined scopes.

Each time a block of commands is executed a new scope is created. Thus when executing the commands for a dependency a second time, its scope will not contain items from the first time.

A variable may exist in several scopes with a different value. To specify which scope is to be used, a scope name is prepended before the variable name, using a dot to separate the two.

These scope specifiers can be used to access a specific scope:

_recipeThe current recipe. Useful in build commands that are defined in the recipe.
_topThe toplevel recipe. This can be regarded as the global scope.
_defaultThe scope of default values, after the defaults settings have been done, but before reading user or system startup recipes. Cannot be used in the recipe that sets the default settings.
_startThe scope of startup values, as it was before reading the toplevel recipe. Cannot be used in the recipe that sets the default settings and in the startup recipes.
_argThe scope of variables set on the command line. Can be used to obtain the values set when Aap was executed or arguments of the :execute command. Although the scope is writable, thus you can mess it up...
_parentThe parent recipe. Only valid in a child recipe.
_callerThe scope of the command block that invoked the current command block. Can only be used in command blocks of dependencies, rules, actions and :tree.

These scope specifiers can be used to search scopes to find a variable. The first scope in which the variable exists is used.

_noNo scope, equal to leaving out the scope specifier in recipe commands, but required in Python commands. First looks in the current scope, then "_stack" and then "_tree".
_stackUses the scope of the command block that invoked the current scope, the command blocks that invoked that scope, and further up the call stack. Excludes the toplevel. Can only be used in command blocks of dependencies, rules and actions.
_treeUses the scope of the current recipe, its parent, the parent of its parent, etc., up to the toplevel. In the toplevel recipe it is equal to "_top".
_upFirst uses "_stack" and then "_tree", but excludes the current scope.

These are the scopes searched for a variable with the "_up" scope when it is used in a build command block:

  1. Invoking command blocks. That is, the scope of the command block that invoked the current command block with an :update command or because of a dependency. Then the scope of the command block that invoked that command block, and so on. This excludes the toplevel.

  2. The recipe in which the command block was defined, its parent and so on. This goes on until and including the toplevel.

This is used both for reading a variable and assigning a new value. It is an error when assigning a new value to a variable that does not exist.

For the commands of an action the sequence is slightly different:

  1. Invoking command blocks. That is, the scope of the command block that invoked the action with a :do command. Then the scope of the command block that invoked that command block, and so on. This excludes the toplevel.

  2. The recipe in which the ":do" command was invoked, its parent and so on. This goes on until and including the toplevel.

  3. The recipe in which the action was defined, its parent and so on. This goes on until the toplevel.

The "_no" scope is used for a variable in recipe commands without a specified scope. Thus these two are equivalent:

          :print $foobar
          :print $_no.foobar

But in Python commands a variable without a specified scope is always in the local scope. You must use "_no" to get the same effect:

          foo = $bar         # finds "bar" in local or "_up" scope
          @foo = bar         # finds "bar" in local scope only
          @foo = _no.bar     # finds "bar" in local or "_up" scope

When reading a variable with the "_no" scope it is first looked up in the local scope. If it does not exist, the "_stack" and "_tree" scopes are used, as explained above.

When writing a variable without a specified scope it is always put in the local scope. A specific situation where this may lead to an unexpected result is appending:

          foo += something

This is equivalent to:

          foo = $foo something

This obtains the value of "foo" from the first scope where it is defined, but it is set in the current scope. To change the variable where it is defined use the "_no" scope explicitly:

          _no.foo += something

User Scopes

The user can define a new scope by assigning a value to a variable, using the scope name:

        s_debug.foo = xxx

This creates the scope "s_debug" if it didn't exist yet. The variable "foo" within that scope is assigned the value "xxx".

The scope name must start with an alphabetic character. Following characters may be letters, digits and the underscore.

A user defined scope is only used when explicitly specified. The "_no" and "_up" scopes do not use it.

The scope can be accessed from everywhere, except recipes that create a new toplevel scope have their own set of user defined scopes. That is when using :execute or ":child {nopass}". ":execute {pass}" and :child do share the user scopes.

There cannot be a scope name and a variable with the same name. This applies to variables in ALL scopes! Thus when you have a scope "foo" in one place, you cannot use the variable "foo" anywhere else. The only exception is that you can use the variable "foo" in scopes that have been abandoned when the user scope "foo" is created, but that is tricky.

Recommendation: Let user scope names start with "s_".

A user scope can be specified for a dependency:

        s_foo.OPTIMIZE = 4
        foo : {scope = s_foo} foo.c
            :do build $source

A user scope can be specified for a rule:

        :rule %.a : {scope = s_aaa} %.b

A user scope can be specified for an action:

        :do foobar {scope = s_some} foo.bar

Variables In Build Commands

A dependency and a rule can have a list of commands. For these commands the following variables are available:

$sourceThe list of input files as a string.
$source_listThe list of input files as a Python list.
$source_dlOnly for use in Python commands: A list of dictionaries, each input item is one entry.
$dependThe list of dependencies (source files plus virtual dependencies) as a string.
$depend_listThe list of dependencies (source files plus virtual dependencies) as a Python list.
$depend_dlOnly for use in Python commands: A list of dictionaries, each dependency item is one entry.
$targetThe list of output files as a string.
$target_listThe list of output files as a Python list.
$target_dlOnly for use in Python commands: A list of dictionaries, each output item is one entry.
$buildtargetThe name of the target for which the commands are executed. It is one of the items in $target.
$matchFor a rule: the string that matched with %


        doit {virtual}:
            :print building $target
        prog : "main file.c" doit
            :print building $target from $source

Results in:

          building doit{virtual=1}
          building prog from "main file.c" 

Note that quoting of expanded $var depends on the command used.

The Python lists $source_list and $target_list can be used to loop over each item. Example:

        $OUT : foo.txt
            @for item in target_list:
                :print $source > $item

Note the difference between $source and $depend: $source only contains real files, $depend also contains virtual dependencies.

The list of dictionaries can be used to access the attributes of each item. Each dictionary has an entry "name", which is the (file) name of the item. Other entries are attributes. Example:

        prog : file.c {check = md5}
            @print source_dl[0]["name"], source_dl[0]["check"]

Results in: file.c md5

Chapter 35. Common Variables

This is a complete list of the variables that are currently used inside Aap, except the variables specifically used for porting, see Chapter 22, Porting an Application for that.

This list will be extended when more features are being added. To avoid the problem that your own variables interfere with the use of common Aap variables, do not use variable names with only upper case letters. Suggested scheme:

Table 35.1. Naming scheme for variables

$STANDARD_VARIABLEglobal variable defined by Aap
$YourVariableglobal variable used in your recipe(s)
$local_variablelocal variable used in build commands

The following table lists the predefined variables. These types are used:

Aapset by Aap and mostly not changed by the user
confset depending on the configuration of the system, may be modified by the user
userset by the user
autovalue updated when using commands (e.g., :program), may also be appended to by the user

Table 35.2. Standard Variables

nametype  description
$# Aap A single #. OBSOLETE, use $(#)
$$ Aap A single $. OBSOLETE, use $($)
$AAP Aap Command that was used to start Aap, including the Python interpreter used. Example:
    :asroot $AAP install
Note that this can be a command and an argument, e.g.: "/usr/local/bin/python1.5 /usr/local/share/aap/Main.py".
$AAPSYSDIR conf List of system directories to search for startup recipes, modules and tools. Default value is /usr/local/share/aap, although this may be different on some systems. When the directory doesn't exist the default is empty.
$AAPVERSION Aap Version number of Aap. E.g., 31 (version 0.031) or 1003 (version 1.003). Also see $VERSIONSTR.
$AR conf Name of archiver program: combines object files into a static libray.
$ARFLAGS user Arguments for $AR (default: "r" or "/nologo").
$BDIR conf Directory to write build files in. Modified by the :variant command.
$BR Aap A line break.
$BROWSER conf HTML browser to be used for the "view" action for HTML, XML and PHP files. The default value comes from the "BROWSER" environment variable or a list of known browser commands (netscape mozilla konquerer grail iexplore mosaic lynx w3m).
$BUILD_ACTION conf When not empty, specifies the action name to be executed for building. Usually for building a program from object files with a specific tool. A "buildaction" attribute on one of the object files is used before $BUILD_ACTION. See Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools.
$BUILDDLL_ACTION conf When not empty, specifies the action name to be executed for building a dynamic (shared) library. A "buildaction" attribute on one of the object files should be respected by the action specified with $BUILDDLL_ACTION. See Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools.
$BUILDLIB_ACTION conf When not empty, specifies the action name to be executed for building a static library. A "buildaction" attribute on one of the object files should be respected by the action specified with $BUILDLIB_ACTION. See Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools.
$BUNZIP2 conf Program to use for ".bz2" compressed files. Default value is "bunzip2".
$C_COMPILE_ACTION conf When not empty, specifies the action name to be executed for compiling a C file into an object, dllobject, libobject or ltobject file. See Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools.
$CXX_COMPILE_ACTION conf When not empty, specifies the action name to be executed for compiling a C++ file into an object, dllobject, libobject or ltobject file. See Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools.
$CACHEPATH conf List of directories to search for cached downloaded files. Default for Unix:


For MS-Windows, OS/2:


Directories that don't exist are skipped. When using a relative name, it is relative to the current recipe. Thus the recipe specified with :child dir/main.aap uses a different cache directory. When this variable is set, currently cached files are flushed. Otherwise this only happens when exiting. Thus this command can be used to flush the cache:
$CACHEUPDATE user Timeout after which cached files may be downloaded again. For the possible values see the explanation in the user manual.
$CC conf Command to execute the C compiler (default: "cc").
$CFLAGS user Arguments always used for $CC. NOTE: it's not $CCFLAGS! This is inconsistent, used for historic reasons.
$CHILDDIR Aap In a child recipe: The directory of the child recipe relative to the parent recipe. When using: :child subdir/main.aap $CHILDDIR will be "subdir" in the child recipe.
$CLEANDIRS auto Names of directories that the "clean" target should remove.
$CLEANFILES auto Names of files that the "clean" target should remove. The :program command adds files to this.
$CLEANMOREDIRS user Names of directories that the "cleanmore" target should remove.
$CLEANMOREFILES user Names of files that the "cleanmore" target should remove.
$CONFDIR Aap Sub-directory to install configuration files into. Default value: "etc/".
$CONFMODE Aap Mode to use for installed configuration files. Default value: "0644" (read/write for the user, readable for the group and others).
$CPPFLAGS user Arguments for $CC when compiling sources (not when linking objects). These are raw arguments, not always portable. Use $INCLUDE and $DEFINE when possible.
$CVS conf Cvs program to use. No arguments are allowed. May include spaces. When not set "cvs" is used.
$CVSCMD user Cvs command to use. This overrules $CVS and may include arguments. E.g. "cvs -z 9". Spaces in the program name must be escaped as expected for the shell. When not set $CVS is used.
$CXX conf Command for compiling C++ files
$CXXFLAGS user Arguments always used for $CXX.
$CXXSHLINK conf Name of linker used to combine object files from C++ sources into a shared (dynamic) library. Default value: "$CXX" for Unix, not used for MS-Windows.
$CXXSHLINKFLAGS user Arguments for $CXXSHLINK. Default value: "-shared" for Unix, not used for MS-Windows.
$DATADIR Aap Sub-directory to install data files into. Default value: "share/".
$DATAMODE Aap Mode to use for installed data files. Default value: "0644" (read/write for the user, readable for the group and others).
$DATESTR Aap Date as a string in the form "2002 Month 11". This does not change while Aap is running. Also see $TIMESTR and $GMTIME.
$DEBUG user The kind of debugging to be done. "yes" means debugging is enabled. The variable is not set by default. For an example see the tutorial.
$DEFAULTCHECK Aap Check to use when none is speficied. Defaults to "md5", can be set to "time" or "newer". "time" means that a file is outdated when its timestamp is different from when it was last used. "newer" means a target is outdated when one of the source files has a more recent timestamp. Also see the check attribute.
$DEFER_ACTION_NAME Aap Only available in the commands of an action: the name the action to which the work should be deferred.
$DEFINE user Preprocessor symbols. Used in the same place as $CPPFLAGS. Form: "-DNAME" or "-DNAME=value". The tools will convert this to the argument the compiler actually uses.
$DESTDIR user Directory used to install in a different root directory. Useful for a "fake" install. Also see $PREFIX.
$DISTDIRS Aap Names of directories that should be distributed as a whole. If there is one file in this directory that should not be distributed use $DISTFILES.
$DISTFILES auto Names of files that are used as a source in the recipe and should be distributed. The :program command adds files to this.
$DLLCFLAGS user Extra arguments to compile a C program into a dynamic (shared) object file. The default is currently "-fPIC", but since that only works with gcc it will soon be changed.
$DLLCXXFLAGS user Extra arguments to compile a C++ program into a dynamic (shared) object file. The default is currently "-fPIC", but since that only works with gcc it will soon be changed.
$DLLDIR Aap Sub-directory to install shared (dynamic) library files into. Default value: "lib/".
$DLLMODE Aap Mode to use for installed shared (dynamic) library files. Default value: "0755" (readable and executable for everybody, writable for the user).
$DLLOBJSUF Aap Suffix for an object file to be included in a dynamic (shared) library. Default: ".o" for Unix, ".obj" for MS-Windows.
$DLLPRE conf Prefix for a dynamic (shared) library. Default: "lib" for Unix, empty for others.
$DLLSUF conf Suffix for a dynamic (shared) library. Default: ".dll" for MS-Windows, ".so" for Unix.
$EDITOR conf Editor to be used for the "edit" action. The default value comes from the "VISUAL" or "EDITOR" environment variable. When these are not defined it falls back to "vi" On Unix and "notepad" otherwise.
$EXECDIR Aap Sub-directory to install programs files into. Default value is "bin/".
$EXECMODE Aap Mode to use for installed programs. Default value: "0755" (readable and executable for everybody, writable for the user).
$EXESUF conf Suffix for an executable file. Default value: ".exe" for MS-Windows, empty for others.
$GMTIME Aap Time in seconds since 1970 Jan 1. This always uses GMT, it ignores time zones and daylight saving. But it depends on the system time to be set correctly! The value does not change while Aap is running, it is the time when Aap was started. Also see $TIMESTR and $DATESTR.
$GROUPCOUNT Aap Number of files handled at a time for uploading, downloading and version control commands. The default value is 20. Set it to a smaller number when using big files. Set it to a large number when you need to enter a password every time.
$HASGCC conf Indicates whether gcc can be used to scan C sources for dependencies. It is initialized empty. When dependency scanning is to be done a configure check is run to see if $CC can be used for dependency checking. $HASGCC is then set to "yes" or "no". You can set $HASGCC to empty to force running the check again, set it to "no" to avoid using $CC for dependency checking or set it to "yes" to skip the configure check and use $CC for dependency checking.
$HASGCCXX conf Indicates whether gcc can be used to scan C++ sources for dependencies. Just like $HASGCC does this for C.
$INCLUDE user Directories to find include files. Used in the same place as $CPPFLAGS. Form: "-Ipath". The tools will convert this to the argument the compiler actually uses.
$INCLUDEDIR Aap Sub-directory to install include files into. Default value: "include/".
$INCLUDEMODE Aap Mode to use for installed include files. Default value: "0644" (read/write for the user, readable for the group and others).
$INFODIR Aap Sub-directory to install info files into. Default value: "info/".
$INFOMODE Aap Mode to use for installed info files. Default value: "0644" (read/write for the user, readable for the group and others).
$LD conf Command to execute the linker. The default is empty, in which case $CC is used. But for C++ object files (cxx_build action) the default is $CXX.
$LDFLAGS user Arguments for linking, before the object files. The default is empty.
$LEX Aap Program to turn a lex file into C. The default is empty. When the "lex" action is invoked Aap will search for "flex" and "lex" and set $LEX to the found program.
$LEXFLAGS user Flags for $LEX. There is no default value.
$LEXPP Aap Program to turn a lex++ file into C++. The default is empty. When the "lexpp" action is invoked Aap will search for "flex++", "lex++", "flex" and "lex" and set $LEX to the found program.
$LEXPPFLAGS user Flags for $LEXPP. There is no default value.
$LIBDIR Aap Sub-directory to install static library files into. Default value: "lib/".
$LIBMODE Aap Mode to use for installed static library files. Default value: "0644" (read/write for the user, readable for the group and others).
$LIBOBJSUF conf Suffix for an object file to be included in a static library. Default value: ".o" for Unix, ".obj" for MS-Windows.
$LIBPRE conf Prefix for static library. The default is empty on MS-Windows, "lib" on Unix.
$LIBS user Arguments for linking, after the object files. Convention: Always use "-lname", the tools will translate it into the flags that the linker actually uses. Also see $LTLIBS
$LIBSUF conf Suffix for a static library. Default value: ".lib" for MS-Windows, ".a" for Unix.
$LIBTOOL conf Actual name of the "libtool" program, used to build libtool libraries and for building programs that use libtool libraries. Default value: "libtool --silent".
$LNKSUF conf Suffix for a (symbolic) link. Default is empty.
$LOGENTRY user Default message for the version control change log. Used when a file is committed (also when it was deleted and the delete is committed).
$LTOBJSUF conf Suffix for an object file to be included in a libtool library. Default value: ".lo".
$LTLIBPRE conf Prefix for libtool library. The default is "lib".
$LTLIBS user Arguments for linking, after the object files but before $LIBS. When $LTLIBS is set "libtool" will be used for building, see $LIBTOOL (when the platform supports it). Convention: Always use "-lname", the tools will translate it into the flags that the linker actually uses.
$LTLIBSUF conf Suffix for a libtool library. Default value: ".la".
$MANDIR Aap Sub-directory to install man pages into. Default value: "man/". Note that Aap will append "man1", "man2", etc. when installing manual pages.
$MANMODE Aap Mode to use for installed man pages. Default value: "0644" (read/write for the user, readable for the group and others).

Comma separated list of message types which are printed. Possible values:

    note             note message
    warning       warning message
    error            error message
    system         executed system command
    result           result of :sys command
    info              informational message
    extra            extra informational message
    changedir    changing directories
    depend        message about dependencies
    all                all messages

Default value: "error,warning,system,info". When the -s or --silent option is used: "error". When the -v or --verbose option is used: all possible values.

Instead of removing "print" from $MESSAGE it is possible to use the :log command to write text to the log file.

$OBJSUF Aap Suffix for an object file. Default value: ".o" for Unix, ".obj" for MS-Windows.
$OPTIMIZE user A number from zero to nine. Zero means no optimization, nine means maximum optimization. The default is two. For an example see the tutorial.
$OSNAME Aap The name of the operating system and its version (on systems that support it). For instance, FreeBSD 4.9 gives $OSNAME the value FreeBSD4_9_STABLE. Systems that do not support name and version yield what Python's os.name yields - usually the same as $OSTYPE except for MS-Windows and MS-DOS. This name is usually incorporated in $BDIR as well, as build-OSNAME.
$OSTYPE Aap Type of operating system used:

    posix             Unix-like (Linux, BSD)
    mswin           MS-Windows (98, XP)
    msdos           MS-DOS (not MS-Windows)
    os2                OS/2
    mac               Macintosh (OS X gives "posix")
    java               Java OS
    riscos            Risc OS
    ce                  MS-Windows CE

$PAINTER conf Graphical editor to be used for the "edit" action. The default value comes from the "PAINTER" environment variable.
$PREFIX user Directory normally used for the top directory to install to. When empty it defaults to "/usr/local". Use a single slash to install in the root directory. Also see $DESTDIR.
$RANLIB conf Program to run on created static library. Default is not set. When the "ranlib" action is invoked it will search for the "ranlib" program and set the $RANLIB variable.
$RANLIBFLAGS user Arguments for $RANLIB. The default is not set.
$RCP conf Remote copy program to use for rcp://. The default is not set, which means "rcp -p" is used. May also include arguments.
$RECIPEVERSION user Version of A-A-P the recipe was written for, set by the user. Uses the format "1.0", "1.3". Currently not used, but in a later version of Aap it can be use for backward compatible behavior.
$RSYNC user Remote sync program to use for rsync://. The default is not set, which means "rsync -p --rsh=ssh --copy-links" is used (preserve file attributes, use secure shell connection, copy what symbolic link points to).
$SBINDIR Aap Sub-directory to install "sbin" files into. Default value: "sbin/".
$SCP user Secure copy program to use for scp://. The default is not set, which means "scp -C -p" is used. May also include arguments, e.g.: "scp -i c:/private/keyfile".
$SHLINK conf Name of linker used to combine object files into a shared (dynamic) library. Default value: "ld" for Unix, "link" for MS-Windows.
$SHLINKFLAGS user Arguments for $SHLINK. Default value: "-shared" for Unix, "/nologo /dll" for MS-Windows.
$SOURCE user List of source files. OBSOLETE
$STRIP conf Program to run on installed program. Default is empty. When the "strip" action is involved Aap will search for the "strip" command and set $STRIP to the found program.
$STRIPFLAGS user Arguments for $STRIP. The default is not set.
$TAR conf Tar program to use. Default value is "tar".
$TARGET user List of target files, usually the name of the resulting program. OBSOLETE
$TARGETARG Aap Target(s) specified on the command line.
$TIMESTR Aap Time as a string in the form "23:11:09". This always uses GMT, it ignores time zones and daylight saving. But it depends on the system time to be set correctly! The value does not change while Aap is running, it is the time when Aap was started. Also see $GMTIME and $DATESTR.
$TOPDIR Aap In a child recipe: The directory of the child recipe relative to the toplevel recipe. When using: ":child subdir/main.aap" in the toplevel recipe, $TOPDIR will be "subdir" in the child recipe. In the toplevel recipe $TOPDIR is empty.
$UNZIP conf Unzip program to use for ".zip" archives. Default value is "unzip".
$VERSIONSTR Aap Version of A-A-P being used as a string, e.g., "0.100". Also see $AAPVERSION.
$YACC conf Program to turn a yacc file into C. The default value is empty. When the "yacc" action is invoked Aap will search for "yacc" and "bison" and set $YACC to the found program.
$YACCFLAGS user Flags for $YACC. The default value is not set.
$YACCPP Aap Program to turn a yacc++ file into C++. The default value is empty. When the "yaccpp" action is invoked Aap will search for "bison" and "yacc" and set $YACC to the found program.
$YACCPPFLAGS user Flags for $YACCPP. The default value is not set.
$bar Aap A single |. OBSOLETE, use $(|).
$br Aap A line break. OBSOLETE, use $BR
$empty Aap Empty. Can be used to get leading white space with :print. OBSOLETE, use $( )
$gt Aap A single >. OBSOLETE, use $(>).
$lt Aap A single <. OBSOLETE, use $(<).
$pipe Aap A single |. OBSOLETE, use $(|).

Chapter 36. Assignments



var = valueassign
var += valueappend (assign if not set yet)
var ?= valueassign only when not set yet
var $= valueassign, evaluate when used
var $+= valueappend, evaluate when used
var $?= valueassign only when not set, evaluate when used

Assignment with "+=" or "$+=" appends the argument as a separate item. This is actually done by inserting a space. But when the variable wasn't set yet and when it is empty it works like a normal assignment:

        VAR += something

is equal to:

        @if globals().get("_no.VAR"):
        @   VAR = _no.VAR + " " + "something"
        @   VAR = "something"

Assignment with "?=" only does the assignment when the variable wasn't set yet. A variable that was set to an empty string also counts as being set. Thus when using "aap VAR=" the empty value overrules the value set with "?=".

        VAR ?= something

is equal to:

        @if not globals().has_key("_no.VAR"):
            VAR = something

When using "$=", "$+=" or "$?=" variables in the argument are not evaluated at the time of assignment, but this is done when the variable is used. The expansion is done in the scope where it is used, thus the result may depend on when and where the variable is used..

        VAR = 1
        TT $= $VAR
        VAR = 2
        :print $TT

prints "2".

A variable with delayed evaluation cannot be used directly in Python code, because it is set the the class ExpandVar. See the var2string() function for expanding the variable in Python code.

When first setting a variable with "$=" and later appending with "+=" the evaluation is done before the new value is appended:

        VAR = 1
        TT $= $VAR
        TT += 2
        VAR = 3
        :print $TT

prints "1 2"

Note that evaluating a python expressions in `` is not postponed.

Block Assignment

The normal assignment command uses a single line of text. When broken into several lines they are joined together, just like with other commands. $BR can be used to insert a line break. Example:

        foo = first line$BR
                second line$BR
                third line $BR

The block assignment keeps the line breaks as they are. The same example but using a block assignment:

        foo << EOF
          first line
          second line
          third line 

The generic format is:

        {var} << {term}

{term} can be any string without white space. The block ends when {term} is found in a line by itself, optionally preceded by white space and followed by white space and a comment.

The amount of indent to be removed from all the lines is set by the first line. When the first line should start with white space use $( ).

All the variations of the assignment command can be used:

var << termassign
var +<< termappend (assign if not set yet)
var ?<< termonly assign when not set yet
var $<< termevaluate when used
var $+<< termappend, evaluate when used
var $?<< termonly when not set, evaluate when used

Chapter 37. Attributes

Attributes can be added to an item with the :attr command and by using them in a dependency or rule. Note that an assignment does not directly associate the attribute with a node. This only happens when the variable is used in an :attr command or a dependency.

The form for an attribute is:

        {name = value} 

"value" is expanded like other items, with the addition that "}" cannot appear outside of quotes.

This form is also possible and uses the default value of 1:



        bar : thatfile {check = $MYCHECK}
        foo {virtual} : somefile

The "virtual" attribute is used for targets that don't exist (as file or directory) but are used for selecting the dependency to be built. These targets have the "virtual" attribute set by default:

Table 37.1. Virtual Targets

TargetCommonly used for
allbuild the default targets
cleanremove generated files that are not distributed (added automatically)
cleanmoreremove all generated files (added automatically)
cleanALLremove all generated files, AAPDIR and build-* directories below the toplevel recipe
testrun tests
checksame as "test"
installbuild and install for use (added automatically)
uninstalluninstall for use (added automatically)
tryoutbuild and install for trying out
reference generate or update the cross-reference database
fetchobtain the latest version of each file
updatefetch and build the default targets
checkoutcheckout (and lock) from version control system
commitcommit changes to VCS without unlocking
checkincheckin and unlock to VCS
unlockunlock files from a VCS
addadd new files to VCS
removeremove deleted files from VCS
reviselike checkin + remove
tagadd a tag to the current version
prepareprepare for publishing (generated docs but no exe)
publishdistribute all files for the current version
finallyalways executed last (using "aap finally" is uncommon)

The targets marked with "(added automatically)" will be added by Aap if they are not present. This is done for the toplevel and each child recipe.

These specific targets may have multiple build commands. They are all executed to update the virtual target. Normally there is up to one target in each (child) recipe.

Note that virtual targets are not related to a specific directory. Make sure no other item in this recipe or any child recipe has the same name as the virtual target to avoid confusion. Specifically using a directory "test" while there also is a virtual target "test". Name the directory "testdir" to avoid confusion.

The "comment" attribute can be used for targets that are to be specified at the command line. "aap comment" will show them.

        % aap comment
        target "all": build everything
        target "foo": link the program 

Sticky Attributes

When attributes are used in a rule or dependency, most of them are only used for that dependency. But some attributes are "sticky": Once used for an item they are used everywhere for that item. Sticky attributes are:

Table 37.2. Sticky attributes

virtualvirtual target, not a file
remembervirtual target that is remembered
directoryitem is a directory
filetypetype of file
constantfile contents never changes
fetchlist of locations where to fetch from (first one that works is used)
commitlist of locations for VCS
publishlist of locations to publish to (they are all used)
forcerebuild a target always
depdirdirectory to put an automatically generated dependency file in; when omitted $BDIR is used
var_BDIRdirectory to put the related object or generated file in; when omitted $BDIR is used
signfilefile used to store signatures for this target

The check attribute

The check attribute is used to specify what kind of signature is used for an item.

The default check for a file that was changed is an md5 checksum. Each time a recipe is executed the checksums for the relevant items are computed and stored in the file "AAPDIR/sign". The next time the recipe is executed the current and the old checksums are compared. When they are different, the build commands are executed. This means that when you put back an old version of a file, rebuilding will take place even though the timestamp of the source might be older than the target.

Another check can be specified with {check = name}, where "name" is the kind of check. Example:

        foo.txt : foo.db {check = time}
                :sys db_extract $source >$target

The default check is "md5". This is specified with the $DEFAULTCHECK variable. You can set this variable to "time" or "newer" to use timestamps instead of md5 signatures. The value of $DEFAULTCHECK is used when a node does not have a "check" attribute.

Table 37.3. supported check attribute values

timeBuild the target when the timestamp of the source differs from the last time the target was built.
newerBuild the target if its timestamp is older than the timestamp of the source. This is what the good old "make" program uses.
md5Build the target if the md5 checksum of the source differs from the last time the target was built. This is the default.
c_md5Like "md5", but ignore changes in comments and amount of white space. Appropriate for C programs. Slows down computations considerably.
noneDon't check time or contents, only existence. Used for directories.

When mixing "newer" with other methods, the build rules are executed if the target is older than the source with the "newer" check, or when one of the signatures for the other items differs.

The "AAPDIR/sign" file is normally stored in the directory of the target. This means it will be found even when using several recipes that produce the same target. But for targets that get installed in system directories (use an absolute path), virtual targets and remote targets this is avoided. For these targets the "AAPDIR/sign" file is stored in the directory of the recipe that specifies how to build the target.

To overrule the directory where the "sign" file is written, use the attribute {signdirectory = name} for the target. To overrule the file where the signatures are written, use the attribute {signfile = name} for the target. "name" cannot end in "sign".

Handling Circular Dependencies

Two attributes can be used to handle circular dependencies:

updateCan be set to "no" to avoid updating a source that a target depends on.
recursiveCan be set to a number, which indicates the maximum recursive depth allowed.

The use can best be illustrated with an example:

      :attr {recursive = 3} index file.out

      index: file.out {update = no}
              # Get the current checksum for the index file.
              @sum = get_md5("index")

              # Generate the new index file from the output file.
              :system wc file.out >$target

              # Update the output file if the index file changed.
              @if sum != get_md5("index"):
                :update file.out

      file.out: file.in index {update = no}
              # Make sure index exists.
              @if not os.path.exists("index"):
                :print empty > index

              # Generate the output file.
              :cat $source >! $target

              # Need to generate the index file again.
              :update index

      all: file.out

The goal is to produce the file "file.out". It is created from "test.in" and "index". The "index" is created from "file.out", which includes the "index" file, thus a circular dependency exists. The idea is to repeat generating "file.out" until it no longer changes.

The "recursive" attribute is set to 3 for "index" and "file.out". This allows rebuilding "file.out" three times before giving up.

In the first dependency the "{update = no}" attribute is used to avoid updating "file.out". The build commands first update the "index" file before using :update to update "file.out". But this is only done when the index file has changed. That is where the circular dependency stops: When the generated index file no longer changes.

In the second dependency a similar thing is done: The "index" file is not updated before executing the build commands but as part of the build commands.

Chapter 38. Filetype Detection

The filetype detection module basically takes a file name and returns the type of the file.

The A-A-P filetype detection is a separate module. You can use the filetype detection in recipes, as a standalone program and from any Python program.

A filetype name is made of lowercase ASCII letters and digits: a-z and 0-9.

The Program


    Filetype.py [-I ruledir] ...  [-f rulefile] ... filename  

This will print the filetype of "filename" on stdout. When the type could not be detected the result is the string "None".

The "-I ruledir" argument can be used to specify a directory to load *.afd (Aap Filetype Detection) files from. These add rules for filetype detection. These are the default directories which are always scanned:


The "-f rulefile" argument can be used to specify a file to load rules from.


Detection is done in this order:

  1. early Python items

  2. check the file name extensions

  3. match the regular expressions with the file name

  4. check the first line in the file for a matching script name

  5. later Python items

When on a non-Posix system, the file name is forced to be lower case, so that case differences are ignored. The rules must use lower case names for this to work properly. Rules with an upper case letter will only match on a Posix system (this can be used for *.H to be recognized as cpp only on systems that make a difference between *.h and *.H).

The Python Module

The "ft_detect" function can be called to detect the type of file "fname":

        from Filetype import ft_detect
	type = ft_detect(fname)

A string with the detected filetype is returned. If the type is not recognized, ft_detect() returns the None value.

To ignore extra suffixes like ".in", ".gz", add an extra non-zero argument:

	type = ft_detect(fname, 1)

To influence the messages given, add an extra "dict" argument. The "MESSAGE" item will be used, see its explanation in the main documenation.

For more info about the Filetype module, see the comments at the start of Filetype.py.

Format Of Filetype Detection Rules

Blank lines and lines starting with "#" (preceded by any amount of white space) are ignored.

These filetype detection lines are supported:

suffix suffix type

Add detection of a filetype with a file name suffix. When a file name ends in .{suffix} it gets filetype {type}. {suffix} is taken literally, it is not a regular expression.

When {type} is "ignore" filetype detection is done on the file name with this suffix is removed. For example, "suffix gz ignore" causes "foo.c.gz" to be handled like "foo.c".

When {type} is "remove" a previously defined filetype detection for {suffix} is removed. This can be used to remove a suffix rule and add another kind of detection instead.

regexp regexp type [append] [tail]

Add detection of a filetype with a Python regular expression. When {regexp} matches with the name of a file it gets filetype {type}.

When "tail" is given, matching is done with the tail of the filename (without the path).

When {type} is "remove" a previously defined filetype detection for {regexp} is removed.

When "append" isn't given, the new detection is put before existing regexp detections, thus overruling them. When "append" is used it is put after the existing regexp detections.

script script type [append]

Add detection of a filetype by examining the first line of the file. When it starts with "#!" and {script} matches with the script program name it gets filetype {type}.

{script} is used as a Python regular expression. It must match at the start of the program name. Use ".*" to ignore a path. End with "$" to match at the end of the program name

When {type} is "remove" a previously defined filetype detection for {script} is removed.

When "append" isn't given, the new detection is put before existing script detections. When "append" is used the new detection is put after the existing script detections.

python [after] [append] [suffixlist]

Add detection of a filetype by executing Python code. When the optional "suffixlist" is specified the Python code is only executed when the file name matches a suffix in this comma separated list of suffixes. This speeds up detection by only executing the Python code on relevant files. For example, to only check *.bas and *.frm files:

        python bas,frm

The code is executed with these variables set:

fnamethe name of the file
fname_basethe last part of the path
ignore1 if extra suffixes are to be ignored, 0 otherwise

When the code detects the filetype it must assing it to the variable "type".

An IOError in the code is ignored. Other errors are reported. Thus an open() call can be used without handling exceptions (when the file doesn't exist).

When "after" isn't given, the detection is done before the suffix, regexp and script detection. When "after" is given it's done last.

When "append" isn't given, the new detection is put before existing python detections. When "append" is used it is put after the existing python detections. The Python-code can use the ft_detect() function on a modified fname when needed. Example:

        python after
            if ignore and fname[-1] == '~':
                type = ft_detect(fname[:-1], ignore)

This is actually one of the default rules. When the file name ends in "~" detection is done on the name with this character removed. This finds the type of backup files.

declare type

Declare {type} to be a recognized filetype. This is needed for filetypes that are recognized through Python code only. All other filetypes (those that appear in suffix, regexp, and script rules) need not be separately declared.

When you use an unknown filetype in a recipe, Aap prints a warning to alert you to the possibility of a misspelling. The declare rule is needed because Aap cannot tell what filetype the Python code is capable of detecting, so the declare rule is used to tell Aap specifically that the filetype {type} is a known and recognized type.

In the above the first argument can be put in quotes to include white space. {type} can only consist of ASCII lowercase letters and digits.

Chapter 39. Standard Modules

There is no standard module for the "C" language. This language is supported without the need to import a module.

The following modules are distributed with Aap:


Support for the "D" programming language. With this module imported, :program, :dll and :lib commands can be used as easily as with C or C++.


Adds support for GNU libtool, so that you can use it to build shared libraries in a portable manner. Automatically imported if you use a :ltlib command. This is a prerequisite for the KDE module.


Adds support for the Qt™ library from Trolltech™. This automatically searches for the Qt library in several likely places; see also the $QTDIR variable. Support is added for .ui (Qt Designer) files as sources, and for .moc (Qt Meta-Object system) as dependencies generated from header files.

The "D" Programming Language

Support for the "D" programming language. With this module imported, :program, :dll and :lib commands can be used as easily as with C or C++. To customize compilation and linking, the variables below can be filled. See also Chapter 40, Standard Tools for supported D tools.

Table 39.1. Variables of the D module

nametype  description
$D_COMPILE_ACTION Aap When not empty, specifies the action name to be executed for compiling a D file into an object, dllobject or libobject file. See Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools.
$D_BUILD_ACTION Aap When not empty, specifies the action name to be executed for building a program or library from object files compiled by a D compiler. A "buildaction" attribute on one of the object files is used before $D_BUILD_ACTION. See Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools.
$D_BUILDDLL_ACTION Aap When not empty, specifies the action name to be executed for building a dynamic link library from object files compiled by a D compiler. A "buildaction" attribute on one of the object files is used before $D_BUILDDLL_ACTION. See Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools.
$D_BUILDLIB_ACTION Aap When not empty, specifies the action name to be executed for building a static library from object files compiled by a D compiler. A "buildaction" attribute on one of the object files is used before $D_BUILDLIB_ACTION. See Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools.
$D_BUILDONESTEP_ACTION Aap When not empty, specifies the action name to be executed for building a program directly from D source. See Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools.
$D_BUILDDLLONESTEP_ACTION Aap When not empty, specifies the action name to be executed for building a dynamic link library directly from D source. See Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools.
$D_BUILDLIBONESTEP_ACTION Aap When not empty, specifies the action name to be executed for building a static library directly from D source. See Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools.
$DFLAGS user Compiler arguments passed to the D compiler.
$DLINKFLAGS user Arguments passed to the linker; in most cases libraries to link with.
$DIMPORT user Import directories used for the D compiler. Always use the "-Ipath" form and don't use it for other switches. A-A-P will convert it to what the compiler actually uses. This variable is also used when checking for dependencies.
$DVERSION user Version arguments passed to the D compiler. Always use the "-version=..." form, the tool will convert it to what the compiler actually uses.
$DDEBUG user Debug arguments passed to the D compiler. Always use the "-debug"/"-debug=..." form, the tool will convert it to what the compiler actually uses. To enable symbolic debug information, set the the $DEBUG to "yes". For other language independent debugging switches, like enabling profiling hooks, use $DFLAGS.
$DIMPLIB user If this variable is set to 'yes', an import library will be created when building a dll on the Windows platform.

GNU Libtool

Adds support for GNU libtool, so that you can use it to build shared libraries in a portable manner. Automatically imported if you use a :ltlib command.

The Qt Library

Adds support for the Qt™ library, distributed by Trolltech. Qt is a toolkit for graphical user interfaces, and forms the basis for the KDE Desktop environment. Qt adds a form of introspection to C++ as well as a way to loosely couple components through the signals and slots mechanism.

The Qt module attempts to automatically locate the Qt libraries and headers on your system. If this fails, an error will be printed. You can set the environment variable QTDIR to tell Aap where Qt is installed if the automatic detection does not find it.

When the Qt module is loaded, an additional source file type ui is added; these are files created by Qt's Designer application which describe a GUI. You can list a .ui file as a source file in any program, library or other Aap target. The .ui files are processed by uic to produce C++ code which is later compiled.

As part of the Qt object system, header files (and sometimes C++ sources) are progessed to create moc (Meta Object Compiler) files; these .moc files are typically included from the C++ code. The Qt module for Aap automatically detects this additional dependency and processes headers and C++ sources appropriately.

You must use headername.moc and not headername.moc.cpp for the .moc files -- the former is the usual style of the KDE project, the latter appears only infrequently.

Chapter 40. Standard Tools

A tool has been made for several compilers on different platforms. Tools can be selected for use by the :usetool and :toolsearch commands.

The following tools are distributed with Aap:


Adds support for the Borland C++ compiler tools.


Support for the Digital Mars D compiler.

The "{onestep}" option is supported for this compiler. Also, if the :dll target is used, it will check for existence of DllMain. If it isn't found, it will be added. Export definitions are delegated to the programmer through using either '.def'-files or the 'export' attribute (recommended). Note that DMD currently supports dll's only for the Win32 platform.

In addition to using the variables in the D module,the tool uses the $DEBUG and the $OPTIMIZE variables if set. If $OPTIMIZE is set to a value larger than 0, the "-O" switch is passed to the compiler. Optimization is on by default. If $DEBUG is set to "yes", the "-g" switch will be passed to the compiler. For other language independent switches like "-gt", use the $DFLAGS variable. The language dependent debug switches should be put in the $DDEBUG variable.


Adds support for the GNU C compiler tools.


Support for the IBM C compiler tools.


Adds support for the GNU C compiler tools under the MinGW environment.


Support for the MicroSoft Visual compiler tools.

Chapter 41. A-A-P Python functions

This chapter documents the Aap specific functions that can be used in Python code.

Python functions grouped by functionality

Variable Values 
expand2dictlist() Expands wildcards and turns it into a list of dictionaries.  
expand2list() Expands wildcards and turns it into a list of items.  
expand2string() Expand wildcards, "~user" and "~/user". 
wildescape() Avoid expansion of wildcard characters.  
var2dictlist() Turns a string into a list of dictionaries.  
var2list() Turns a string into a list of items.  
var2string() Does delayed evaluation of "var" when necessary.  
get_attr() Returns a dictionary with the attributes of a node.  
get_var_attr() Returns the value of a specific attribute used in a list of items.  
has_target() Checks the kind of dependencies a target has.  
has_targetarg() Checks if one of the arguments was used as an Aap argument.  
has_build_target() Checks if Aap was started that builds something.  
src2obj() Transform source file names into object file names.  
skipbuild() Returns non-zero when build commands are to be skipped.  
ask_prefix() Ask the user for an installation prefix.  
do_BSD_port() Attempt to install a BSD port.  
do_Debian_pkg() Attempt to install a Debian package.  
install_files() Install files to a specified directory.  
uninstall_files() Uninstall files from a specified directory.  
file2string() Return the contents of a file as a string.  
program_path() Search for a program and return the full path.  
tempfname() Returns the name of a temporary file.  
var_abspath() Turn filenames into absolute paths.  
childdir() Prepend $CHILDDIR to every item in the argument.  
parentdir() Prepend $PARENTDIR to every item in the argument.  
topdir() Prepend $TOPDIR to every item in the argument.  
basedir() Prepend $BASEDIR to every item in the argument.  
bdir() Prepend $BDIR as needed to an argument, optionally stripping attributes.  
aap_has() Check if Aap supports a feature.  
redir_system() Execute a system command are return its stdout.  
sort_list() Sort a list and return the resulting list.  
get_html_images() Extract list of images used in a HTML file.  
suffix() Return the filename suffix.  
sufreplace() Replace filename suffix in a list of filenames.  
sufadd() Add filename suffix in a list of filenames.  
define_action() Define an action.  

Alphabetical list of Python functions


Returns non-zero if Aap supports feature "name". These features can be checked:

: command-nameWhether the command "command-name" is supported.


        @if aap_has(":tree"):
           :tree . {filename = .*\.aap}
              :print recipe found: $name


Ask the user where to install the package "name". Returns a tuple (asroot, prefix). "asroot" is a boolean indicating whether the package is to be installed as root (using :asroot). "prefix" is the root for the install.

If the user is root it will return (1, "/usr/local/") without asking. When aborted it returns an empty prefix.


Prepend $BASEDIR to every item in "arg". This makes items with a path relative to the toplevel recipe relative to the current recipe. Example:

         LibFiles = `basedir(LibNames)`

Also see topdir() and var_abspath().

bdir(file, with_attributes=1)

Prepend $BDIR to the single filename "file", but only if this is needed -- that is, if $BDIR isn't already there. This makes the filename point into $BDIR, which is useful for creating temporary files (say, generating C from Yacc input). Unlike just prepending $BDIR, though, bdir() only prepends $BDIR if needed (so if the Yacc input was already in $BDIR because it was generated from another source, bdir() will do the right thing and prepending $BDIR/ won't).

         :sys uic -tr i18n $source > `bdir(target,0)`

In this example, the output is written to the target file, and the target is forced into the build directory. In general, bdir() is used most when there are multi-stage compilations going on, and should probably be well-hidden in Aap modules.

The function bdir() returns a string. If "with_attributes" has a non-zero value, the attributes for the file are preserved in the string. This is useful for further processing by Aap. For the case where you want just the filename in the build directory, set "with_attributes" to 0, as in the example above (if you don't, you get very strange filenames depending on the attributes attached to the file).


Prepend $CHILDDIR to every item in "arg". This makes items with a path relative to the child recipe relative to the parent recipe. Example:

         _parent.DISTFILES += `childdir(DISTFILES)`

Can only be used in a child recipe. Also see parentdir(), topdir() and var_abspath().

define_action(action, primary, commands, attr = {}, intypes = [], outtypes = [], defer_var_names = [], outfilename = '')

Define an action with the name "action". Also see the section called “Specifying Actions”.

The "primary" argument must be zero for a normal action, one for a primary action. A primary action is the preferred way to turn the specified input filetypes into the output filetypes.

The "commands" argument is a string with the Aap commands that are executed for the action. Normally a multi-line string is used. Make sure the indent of each command is correct!

The optional "attr" argument specifies extra attributes for the action.

The optional "intypes" argument specifies the list of input filetypes. When omitted the get_in_types() function must be specified, see below.

The optional "outtypes" argument specifies the list of output filetypes. When omitted the get_out_types() function must be specified, see below.

The optional "defer_var_names" argument specifies a list of variable names that are used to make the action invoke another action. The special name "{buildaction}" can be used to check the "buildaction" attribute of the source files for a specific build action to be used.

For example, if "defer_var_names" is ["BUILD_ACTION", "{buildaction}"] then first $BUILD_ACTION is looked at. If it is defined its value is used as the name of the action to be invoked. If it is not set then the "buildaction" attribute of the source files is obtained.

In the "commands" argument the $DEFER_ACTION_NAME variable can be used, it is set to the found action name. Otherwise it is empty.

The optional "outfilename" argument specifies a string that forms the target file name. It normally includes "$source". When this argument is defined the action can be used in a route with a following action. Example: "$(source).c". The target file name is the source file name with ".c" appended.

Return Value: The define_action() function returns an Action object. This can be used to overrule the get_out_types() and get_in_types() functions. These should return a list of the currently supported output and input filetypes for the action. See the "default.aap" recipe for more examples. The defer_action_name() function can also be overruled. It must return the name of an action to defer the work to or None. Example:

              act = define_action("buildme", 1, """
                        @if DEFER_ACTION_NAME:
                            :do $DEFER_ACTION_NAME {target = $target} $source
                            :sys me < $source > $target
                        outtypes = ["me"],
                        intypes = ["moo"])
              def buildme_name(source = ""):
                  name = get_var_attr(source, "buildaction")
                  if name:
                      return name
                  return None
              act.defer_action_name = buildme_name
              def buildme_outtypes(source = "", intype = None):
                  if intype and intype not in self.intypes:
                      return []
                  return ["me"]

Note that the defer_action_name() function must support an optional argument "source", which is a string containing the source files used. In the example the "buildaction" attributes of the source files are used to find a specific action to be used for building.

do_BSD_port(name, target)

Attempt to install the BSD port "name". This includes the directory in which the port lives, e.g.: "devel/templ".

The BSD port system will take care of dependencies. This may result in many more ports to be installed than the one you asked for.

"target" is passed to the "make" command for the port. When "target" is "all" the port is build but not installed. When "target" is "install" it will be build and installed.

When needed the user will be asked to enter the root password. The "make" command is run in a separate root shell (every command must be confirmed for security reasons).

Returns non-zero for success.

do_Debian_pkg(name, target)

Attempt to install the Debian package "name". This is the name that "apt-get" uses.

When not on a Debian system or when "apt-get" cannot be found the function returns with a zero value.

The Debian "apt-get" will take care of dependencies. This may result in many more packages to be installed than the one you asked for.

"target" specifies what to do. When "target" is "install" the package will be installed.

When needed the user will be asked to enter the root password. The "make" command is run in a separate root shell (every command must be confirmed for security reasons).

Returns a non-zero number for success.


Turns a variable with a string value into a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary has a "name" entry for the item itself and other entries are attributes. Wildcards in "expr" are expanded. See var2dictlist() for not expanding wildcards. Example:

        source = file1 {force} file2 file3
        @for item in expand2dictlist(source):
        @    if item.get("force"):
                 :print forced item: `item["name"]`


Turns a variable with a string value into a list of items. Attributes are discarded. Delayed evaluation is taken care of.

Wildcards in "expr" are expanded. See var2list() for not expanding wildcards. Example:

         source = file1 file2 file3
         @for fname in expand2list(source):
             :sys prog $fname


Expand wildcards, "~user" and "~/user" in "expr". Returns the expanded string. "expr" is handled as a list of items, white space is collapsed into a single space.

file2string(fname, dict = None)

Reads the file "fname" and concatenates the lines into one string. Lines starting with a '#' are ignored. One space is inserted in between joined lines, other white space (including CR and VT) at the start and end of a line is removed.

When "fname" doesn't exist or can't be read an error message is given and an empty string is returned. Aap does continue with the following commands.

"dict" is used to obtain the value for $MESSAGE. The default is None. To avoid the error message for a not existing file use something like this:

        @foofile = file2string("foo", {"MESSAGE" : ""})


Returns a dictionary with the attributes of "name". If "name" is unknown or has no attributes, an empty dictionary is returned. Example:

        :attr {logical = yes} foobar
        @print "foobar attributes: ", get_attr("foobar")

get_html_images(files, add_dir = 1)

Returns a list of the images used in HTML files. The argument "files" can be a Python list of file names (e.g., what glob() returns) or an Aap list of files (white separated). Only images with a relative path and no URL are included and each name is included only once.

Since the image file names are relative to the HTML file name, the directory of the HTML file is prepended to the image file name. If this is not wanted set the "add_dir" argument to zero. The returned file names are then as they appear in the HTML files.

This function is useful to make a list of image files that needs to be uploaded to a web server. Example:

        Files = index.html burp.html contact.html
        Files += `get_html_images(Files)`

Note that this function is not perfect, it only works for relative file names, ignores Javascript and PHP, etc.

get_var_attr(expr, attr_name)

"expr" is handled as a list of items with attributes. For each item the attribute "attr_name" is obtained. If the item in "expr" does not specify an attribute it is obtained from the node (attributes previously added with :attr). If none of the items has an attribute "attr_name" the function returns None. if two items have a different value for attribute "attr_name" a UserError exception is raised. Otherwise the value of attribute "attr_name" is returned. Example:

          action = `get_var_attr(source, "buildaction")`
          @if action:
              :do $action $source


Returns a number, depending on whether a dependency exists in which "target" is a target item:

0there is no dependency for "target"
1a dependency for "target" exists, there is no dependency with build commands
2a dependency for "target" with build commands exists


        @if not has_target("fetch"):


Returns non-zero if one of the items in "targets" was used as a build target in the aap command. Example:

        @if has_targetarg("commit tar"):
            :include maintainer.aap


Returns non-zero if Aap was started with a target that will build something or no target at all (the default target is expected to build something). Returns zero if the only targets are "clean", "cleanmore", "cleanALL" or "fetch".

Useful to skip configuration when it's pointless.

install_files(dir, sources, mode)

Install the files specified in "sources" in the directory "$DESTDIR/$PREFIX/dir". Set the file protection to "mode". Attributes on the items in "sources" can change the destination directory and mode, see the section called “Destination Directories”.

"dir" can be any directory. When "dir" is an absolute path (starts with a slash) then $PREFIX is not prepended. $DESTDIR is always prepended.

Note that only the tails of the filenames in "sources" are used, thus installing "foo/bar.txt" into the "/tmp" directory results in "/tmp/bar.txt".

"mode" is normally a string with octal digits, e.g., "0644".


          Files = test/foo.txt test/bar.txt
          Dir = /usr/local/share
             @install_files(_no.Dir, _no.Files, '0644')

For uninstalling see uninstall_files()


Prepend $PARENTDIR to every item in "arg". This makes items with a path relative to the parent recipe relative to the current recipe. Example:

         ImgFiles = `parentdir(ImgNames)`

Can only be used in a child recipe. Also see childdir() and var_abspath().

program_path(name, path = None, pathext = None, skip = None)

Returns the path for program "name". This uses the $PATH environment variable or os.defpath if it isn't set.

Additionally, the directory where Aap is installed and the "bin" subdirectory are searched. This finds tools supplied with Aap and installed packages. This is not done when the optional "path" argument is supplied.

On MS-Windows and OS/2 also checks with extensions added. This uses the $PATHEXT environment variable if set (The separator used is ';' if there is one, the system-dependent separator otherwise). Otherwise the extnsions ".exe", ".com", ".bat", ".cmd" are used. When "name" includes a suffix (a dot in the last component) adding extensions is not done.

Returns the first program found. Returns None when "name" could not be found.

Only finds executable files, not ordinary files.

Optional arguments:

pathsearch path to use instead of $PATH; when a string items are separated with os.pathsep
pathextextensions to try. Can be a list or a string. When a string is used items must be separated with os.pathsep
skipname of directory to skip, "name" is not found in this directory

Example, search for program "foo.py" and "foo.sh":

        p = `program_path("foo", pathext = [ '.py', '.sh' ])`

redir_system(cmd, use_tee = 1)

Execute shell commands "cmd" and return two items: a number indicating success and the stdout.

By default "tee" is used to display the output as well as redirecting it. When no output is desired set "use_tee" to zero. Example:

        ok, text = redir_system("ls", 0)
        if ok:
             print "ls output: %s" % text
             print "ls failed"


Returns non-zero when build commands are to be skipped. This is when Aap was started with the --nobuild or --touch argument.


sorts a list and returns the list. Example:

        INP = `sort_list(glob("*.inp"))`

The Python list.sort() method doesn't return the sorted list.

src2obj(source, sufname = "OBJSUF", auto = 1)

Transform a string, which is a list of source files, into the corresponding list of object files. Each item in "source" is changed by prepending $BDIR and changing or appending the suffix specified with "sufname" (defaults to $OBJSUF).

The attribute "var_BDIR" is used instead of $BDIR when the attribute exists. The attribute "suffix" is used for the suffix instead of using the "suffix" argument when the attribute exists.

When the "auto" argument is non-zero (the default) then the filetype of the source file will be prepended to the "sufname" (in upper case and adding an underscore). Thus for a Java source file, $JAVA_OBJSUF will be used. When it does not exists "sufname" is used. When this is not wanted the "auto" argument must be set to zero.


Return the filename suffix. If there isn't one an empty string is returned. Example: suffix("foo.c") returns "c".

Note that the dot isn't included, while variables like $OBJSUF do include the dot.

sufadd(suf, expr, always = 0)

Returns "expr" with suffix "suf" appended. When "always" is non-zero the suffix is also added to items that already have a suffix. If "always" is omitted or zero the suffix is only added to items without a suffix. "expr" can be a list of filenames. Example:

        libs = `sufadd(".lib", libs)`

sufreplace(from, to, expr)

Returns "expr" with all occurences of the suffix "from" changed to "to". When "from" is empty any suffix is changed to "to". When "from" is None the suffix "to" is also appended to items that do not have a suffix yet. "expr" can be a list of filenames. Example:

        OBJECT = `sufreplace("", OBJSUF, SOURCE)`


Returns the name of a file which does not exist and can be used temporarily.

The recipe should take of deleting the file, but Aap may delete the directory in which the file resides when it exits. Thus don't depend on the file to continue to exist after Aap exits.


Prepend $TOPDIR to every item in "arg". This makes items with a path relative to the current recipe relative to the toplevel recipe. Example:

        _top.DISTFILES += `topdir(DISTFILES)`

Also see childdir() and var_abspath().

uninstall_files(dir, sources)

Uninstall the files specified in "sources" from the directory "$DESTDIR/$PREFIX/dir". When given the same arguments as install_files() it will delete the installed files.


          Files = test/foo.txt test/bar.txt
          Dir = /usr/local/share
             @uninstall_files(_no.Dir, _no.Files)


Returns "var" with all filenames turned into absolute paths. Prepends the current directory to each item in "var" which isn't an absolute path name. Example:

        :print `var_abspath("foo bar")`

Running this in "/home/mool/test" results in:

        /home/mool/test/foo /home/mool/test/bar 


Turns "var" into a list of dictionaries. "var" must be a string or a variable. Each dictionary has a "name" entry for the item itself and other entries are attributes. Example:

        source = file1 {force} file2 file3
        @for item in var2dictlist(source):
        @    if item.get("force"):
            :print forced item: `item["name"]`

See expand2dictlist() for expanding wildcards.


Turns "var" into a list of items. "var" must be a string or a variable. Attributes are discarded. Delayed evaluation is taken care of. Example:

        source = file1 file2 file3
        @for fname in var2list(source):
            :sys prog $fname

See expand2list() for expanding wildcards.


Does delayed evaluation of "var" when necessary. Variables that should be expanded when used use the ExpandVar class and cannot be used directly. The unexpanded value is accessible with "var.val". Illustration:

        bar = aaa
        foo $= $bar
        bar = bbb
        :print $$foo: $foo
        :print Unexpanded: `foo.val`
        :print Expanded: `var2string(foo)`


        $foo: bbb
        Unexpanded: $bar
        Expanded: bbb 

This also takes care of changing a Python list and other variable types to a string. A None value is turned into an empty string.


Return the string "expr" with wildcard characters escaped, so that expanding wildcards will result in "expr". This puts the characters '*', '?' and '[' inside []. Example:

                  files = `glob("images/*")`
                  :attr {asdf} `wildescape(files)`

Equivalent to:

                  :attr {asdf} images/*

While developing Aap some functions have been renamed. The old names are still available to keep old recipes from working. But some day these will be removed.

obsolete name new name
aap_sufreplace() sufreplace()
aap_abspath() var_abspath()
aap_expand() var2string()
expandvar() expand2string()

Chapter 42. A-A-P Commands

Commands grouped by functionality

:program Define the sources for an executable program. 
:lib Define the sources for a static library. 
:ltlib Define the sources for a library to be made with libtool. 
:dll Define the sources for a shared (dynamically loaded) library. 
:produce Generic way to build something from sources. 
:totype Use routes to turn one filetype into another. 
:rule Define build commands for files matching a pattern. 
:delrule Delete a specific rule. 
:clearrules Delete all rules. 
:update Update a target, build it when it is outdated. 
:changed Mark a file as changed. 
:child Read a child recipe. 
:include Include another recipe. 
:import Include a module from the Aap distribution. 
:execute Execute a recipe. 
:recipe Define the URL where the recipe can be obtaind from. 
:action Define commands for an action. 
:do Invoke an action. 
:route Define a route of actions to turn one filetype into another. 
:filetype Define filetype detection. 
Up- and Downloading 
:fetch Download files. 
:fetchall Download all files with a "fetch" attribute. 
:publish Upload the specified files. 
:publishall Upload all files with a "publish" attribute. 
:mkdownload Create a recipe to download files. 
:proxy Define a proxy server. 
Version control 
:add Add a file to the version control repository. 
:addall Add all files with a "commit" attribute to the version control repository. 
:checkin Checkin a file into the version control repository. 
:checkinall Checkin all files with a "commit" attribute into the version control repository. 
:checkout Checkout a file from the version control repository. 
:checkoutall Checkout all files with a "commit" attribute from the version control repository. 
:commit Commit files to the version control repository. 
:commitall Commit all files with a "commit" attribute to the version control repository. 
:remove Remove a file from the version control repository. 
:removeall Remove all file without the "commit" attribute from the version control repository. 
:reviseall combination of :checkinall and :removeall. 
:tag Add a tag in the version control repository for a file. 
:tagall Add a tag in the version control repository for all files with the "commit" attribute . 
:unlock Unlock a checked out file. 
:unlockall Unlock all checked out files with the "commit" attribute. 
:verscont Generic version control command. 
System commands 
:asroot Execute a command as the system administrator. 
:sys Execute a system command. 
:system Execute a system command. 
:start Run a system command asynchronously. 
:syseval Execute a system command and catch the output. 
:sysdepend Execute a system command to figure out dependencies. 
:syspath Execute one of a number of commands. 
Pipe commands 
:assign Assign stdin to a variable. 
:cat List or concatenate files. 
:print Print a message 
:log Write a message to the log file 
:tee Echo stdin to stdout and also write it in a file.  
:eval Evaluate a Python expression 
:syseval Execute a system command and catch the output. 
File system commands 
:copy Copy files. 
:move Rename or move a file. 
:symlink Create a symbolic link. 
:chmod Change the protection bits of a file. 
:del Delete files. 
:delete Delete files. 
:deldir Delete directories. 
:mkdir Create a directory. 
:touch Create a file and/or update its timestamp. 
:tree Execute commands for a directory tree. 
:cd Change directory. 
:chdir Change directory. 
:pushdir Change directory and remember the previous one. 
:popdir Change to an older directory. 
:attr Attach attributes to items. 
:attribute Attach attributes to items. 
:buildcheck Add a string to the build command signature. 
:exit Stop execution. 
:quit Stop execution. 
:pass Do nothing. 
:variant Define build variants. 
:python Execute Python commands. 
:conf Do a configuration check. 
:progsearch Search for an executable program. 
:assertpkg Check if a package is present, install it when not. 
:installpkg Install a package unconditionally. 
:usetool Specify what tool to use. 
:toolsearch Search for tools that can be used. 

Alphabetical list of Commands

This is the alphabetical list of all A-A-P commands. Common arguments are explained at the end.

Some commands can be used in a pipe. A pipe is a sequence of commands separated by '|', where the output of one command is the input for the next command. Example:

        :cat foo | :eval re.sub('this', 'that', stdin) | :assign bar

Unix tradition calls the output that can be redirected or piped "stdout". Reading input from a pipe is called "stdin".

In the commands below [redir] indicates the possibility to redirect stdout.

:action action filetype-out [filetype-in]

Define the commands for an action. See Chapter 28, Customizing Filetype Detection and Actions.

        :action makeme {primary} me moo
            :sys me < $source > $target

The optional {primary} attribute, just after the action name, indicates that this is the preferred action to be used for turning the specified input filetypes into the specified output filetypes.

See :do for executing actions.

:add [{attr = val}...] fname...

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Add the files to the repository. The files must exist locally. Implies a "commit" of the files.

:addall [option...] [{attr = val}...] [directory...]

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Apply the :add command to all files in the directory that have been given the "commit" attribute in the recipe (and child recipes) but do not exist in the repository.

{l} {local}don't do current directory recursively
{r} {recursive}do handle arguments recursively

When no directory argument is given, the current directory is used. It is inspected recursively, unless the "{local}" option was given.

When directory arguments are given, each directory is inspected. Recursively when the "{recursive}" option was given.

When no "commit" attribute is specified here, it will be obtained from any node.

:asroot command

Execute shell command "command" in a separate shell with super-user privileges. Only the first time the root password will have to be entered. Each executed command must be confirmed by the user (for safety).

The command will be executed in the current directory of the recipe. Variables in "command" will be expanded (no attributes, shell quoting). stdin and stdout are redirected, this cannot be used for interactive commands.

On non-Unix systems and when running Aap as root this command is equivalent to :system .

When the user types "n" to refuse executing the command, $sysresult will be set to a non-zero value. If the command is executed successfully $sysresult is set to zero. When the command fails an error message is generated.

To execute recipe commands you need to start Aap, for example:

        :asroot $AAP -c 'copy {r} foodir /usr/local/share'

$AAP includes the Python interpreter, so that it works the same way as how the current Aap was started.

:assertpkg package...

For each argument check if the command by that name can be found. If not, ask the user and attempt installing the package for it.

Option: {optional} after the package name indicates the user may chose not to install the package. Without this option the user cannot chose to continue without the package being installed.

See Chapter 25, Automatic Package Install about using packages. See :installpkg for installing a package unconditionally.

:assign varname

Assign stdin to a variable. Can only be used after a "|".

See here about using stdin.

:attr [{attrname}...] itemname [{attrname}...]
:attribute [{attrname}...] itemname [{attrname}...]

Any "{attrname"} given before the items is added to each item in the list of items "itemname ...". The "{attrname"} give later are only added to the item just before it.

A node is created for each "itemname". This also means wildcards in item names will be expanded.


        :attr {fetch = cvs://} foo.c patch12 {constant}

This adds the "fetch" attribute to both foo.c and patch12, and the "constant" attribute only to patch12. This does the same in two commands:

        :attr {fetch = cvs://} foo.c patch12
        :attr {constant} patch12

Note: the attributes are added internally. When using ":print $var" this only shows the attributes given by an assignment, not the ones added with :attr.

:buildcheck argument...

Doesn't do anything. Placeholder for variables that are used but don't show up in build commands, so that they will be included in the buildcheck.

:cat [redir] fname...

Concatenate the arguments and write the result to stdout. Files are read like text files. The "-" argument can be used to get the output of a previous pipe command. When redirecting to a file this output file is created before the arguments are read, thus you cannot use the same file for input.

See here for [redir].

:cd dir...

Change directory to "dir". When "dir" is "-" it goes back to the previous directory (it is an error if there was no previous :cd command in the current command block).

When multiple arguments are given, they are concatenated with path separators inserted where needed. This is similar to doing a :cd for each argument, except that each argument but the first one is as handled as a relative path:

        :cd  /tmp  /usr/local  bin

Is equivalent to:

        :cd  /tmp
        :cd  ./usr/local
        :cd  bin

If the target directory does not exist this command fails. Use :mkdir first if needed (note: :mkdir does not contatenate its arguments!).

Note that at the start of each command block Aap changes directory to the directory of the recipe.

WARNING: variables with a relative path become invalid! This includes $source and $target. Use var_abspath(). when needed.

:changed [option...] name...

Consider file "name" changed, no matter whether it was really changed.

Similar to the command line argument "--changed FILE".

{r} {recursive}Targets build from file "name" will also be considered changed, recursively.

:chdir dir

Same as :cd .

:checkin [{attr = val}...] fname...

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Commit the files to the repository and unlock them. Just like :commit and :unlock.

:checkinall [{attr = val}...]

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Apply the :checkin command to all files in the recipe (and child recipes) that have the "commit" attribute.

:checkout [{attr = val}...] fname...

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Obtain the latest version of the files from the repository. Lock the files for editing if possible.

:checkoutall [{attr = val}...]

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Apply the :checkout command to all files in the recipe (and child recipes) that have the "commit" attribute.

:checksum file...

For each file argument compute the MD5 checksum and compare it to the "md5" attribute of the file. An error is generated when a file doesn't exist or when the checksums differ.

This command is useful to check if a downloaded file was not damaged when downloading it.

:child [{nopass}] name

Read recipe "name" as a child. Works like the commands were in the parent recipe, with a number of exceptions:

  1. When "name" is in another directory, change to that directory and accept all items in it relative to that directory.

  2. Build commands defined in the child are executed in the directory of the child. Thus it works as if executing the child recipe in the directory where it is located.

  3. The child recipe defines a new scope. Variables set there without a scope specification will be local to the child recipe.

  4. When the {nopass} option is used, the child recipe is used as if it is a toplevel recipe. Variables from the parent recipe are not available to the child.

  5. Build commands defined in the child recipe will be executed in the scope of that recipe.

The "fetch" attribute is supported like with :include.

The :child command can only appear at the recipe level.

:chmod [option...] mode name...

Change the protection flags of a file or directory. Currently "mode" must be an octal number, like used by the Unix "chmod" command. Useful values:

755executable for everyone, writable by user
600read-write for the user only
660read-write for user and group

{c} {continue}when an item with a wildcard does not have matches continue with the next item
{f} {force} don't give an error when the file doesn't exist


Delete all rules. Also see :delrule.

:commit [{attr = val}...] fname...

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Update the repository for each file that was changed. This is also done for a file that didn't change, it's up to the version control software to check for an unchanged file (it might have been changed in the repository).

Do checkout/checkin when checkout is required.

Don't change locking of the file.

Uses a "logentry" attribute when a log entry is to be done. When there is no "logentry" attribute the $LOGENTRY variable is used. If neither is given you are prompted to enter a message.

Adds new files when needed.

Creates directories when needed (CVS: only one level).

:commitall [{attr = val}...]

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Apply the :commit command to all files in the recipe (and child recipes) that have the "commit" attribute.

:conf checkname [arg...]

Configuration command. See Chapter 23, Automatic Configuration.

:copy [option...] from... to

Copy files or directory trees. "from" and "to" may be URLs. This means :copy can be used to upload and download a file, or even copy a file from one remote location to another. Examples:

        :copy file_org.c  file_dup.c
        :copy {r}  onedir  twodir
        :copy *.c backups
        :copy http://vim.sf.net/download.php download.php
        :copy $ZIP ftp://upload.sf.net//incoming/$ZIP
        :copy ftp://foo.org/README ftp://bar.org//mirrors/foo/README

Note that "ftp://machine/path" uses "path" relative to the login directory, while "ftp://machine//path" uses "/path" absolutely.

When "from" and "to" are directories, "from" is created in "to". Unlike the Unix "cp" command, where this depends on whether "to" exists or not. Thus:

        :copy {recursive} foo bar

will create the directory "bar/foo" if it doesn't exist yet. If the contents of "foo" is to be copied without creating "bar/foo", use this:

        :copy {recursive} foo/* bar

{c} {continue}when an item with a wildcard does not have matches continue with the next item
{e} {exist} {exists}don't overwrite an existing file or directory
{f} {force}forcefully overwrite an existing file or dir (default)
{i} {interactive}before overwriting a local file, prompt for confirmation (currently doesn't work for remote files)
{k} {keepdir}keep the directory of the source file if the target is a directory; the targetfile name is the target directory with the source file name appended
{m} {mkdir}create destination directory when needed
{p} {preserve}preserve file permissions and timestamps as much as possible
{q} {quiet}don't report copied files
{r} {recursive}recursive, copy a directory tree. "to" is created and should not exist yet.
{u} {unlink}when used with {recursive}, don't copy a symlink, make a copy of the file or dir it links to

Wildcards in local files are expanded. This uses Unix style wildcards. When there is no matching file the command fails (also when there are enough other arguments).

When (after expanding wildcards) there is more than one "from" item, the "to" item must be a directory.

For "to" only local files, ftp://, rcp://, rsync:// and scp:// can be used. See "URLs" for info on forming URLs.

Attributes for "from" and "to" are currently ignored.

:del [option...] file...
:delete [option...] file...

Delete files and/or directories.

{f} {force}don't fail when a file doesn't exist
{r} {recursive}delete directories and their contents recursively.
{q} {quiet}don't report deleted files

Wildcards in local files are expanded. This uses Unix style wildcards. When there is no matching file the command fails (also when there are enough other arguments).

When deleting a symbolic link, the link itself is deleted, not the file or directory it refers to.

CAREFUL: if you make a mistake in the argument, anything might be deleted. For example, accidentally inserting a space before a wildcard:

        :del {r} dir/temp *

To give you some protection, the command aborts on the first error. Thus if "dir/temp" didn't exist in the example, "*" would not be deleted.

:deldir [option...] dir...

Delete a directory. Fails when the directory is not empty.

{c} {continue}when an item with a wildcard does not have matches continue with the next item
{f} {force}don't fail when a directory doesn't exist; still fails when it exists but is not a directory or could not be deleted
{q} {quiet}don't report deleted directories

:delrule [option...] tpat... spat...

Delete an existing rule. Can be used when one of the default rules would be used when this is not wanted.

{q} {quiet}don't complain when there is no matching rule

Also see :clearrules.

:dll [option...] target : [{attr = val}...] source...

Specify that "target" is a shared (dynamic) library, build from "source". Dependencies will be added to compile "source" into an object file and combine the object files together into "target".

When the basename of "target" does not contain a dot, $DLLPRE will be prepended and $DLLSUF will be appended. The original name becomes an alias name for the target, so that this works:

        all: foo bar
        :dll foo : foo.c
        :dll bar : bar.c

On Unix this builds libfoo.so and libbar.so.

See :produce for the most important options. The default values used for ":dll" are: $DLLSUF for "targetsuffix", $DLLPRE for "targetprefix" $DLLOBJSUF for "objectsuffix", "dllobject" for "objecttype", "INSTALL_DLL" for "installvar" and "builddll" for "buildaction".

In addition, the "{onestep}" option explained for :command can be used.

"{attr = val}" is an optional attribute that apply to the generated dependencies. Use the "scope" attribute to specify a user scope to be used before other scopes (except the local scope) in the generated dependencies.

The target will be added to $INSTALL_DLL. Use the "installvar" option to select another variable name. Use {installvar=} when installing the target is not wanted. The target and intermediate files will be added to $CLEANFILES. The source files will be added to $DISTFILES, except the ones with a {nodist} attribute.

Can only be used at the recipe level.

:do action [fname...]

Execute an action. The commands executed may depend on the types of the first input file and/or the output file. See Chapter 28, Customizing Filetype Detection and Actions.

Attributes just after the "action", except the options mentioned below, are passed as variables to the build commands. The name of the attribute is used as the name of the variable. Prepending "var_" is optional.

        :do build {target = prog} foo.c


The "filetype" attribute can be used to override the output filetype used to select the action to be executed. Example:

        :do build {filetype = libtoolexe} $Objects

When this option is not used the filetype of the target is used. The filetype of source files must be given with the source file.


The "scope" attribute has a special meaning: define the user scope from which variables are obtained first. Variables in this scope overrule variables in the recipe or other scopes. Only variables in the local scope come first.

        s_opti.DEFINE = -DFOOBAR
        :do build {scope = s_opti} foo.c


The "remove" attribute can be used to delete all the arguments after the action was executed. This also happens when the action failed. This can be used when the argument is a temporary file. Example:

        tmp = `tempfname()`
        :print >tmp  Buy more Spam!
        :do email {remove} {to = everybody@world.org} {subject = Spam} tmp

See :action for defining actions.

:eval [redir] python-expression

Filter stdin using a Python expression. See here for [redir]. When not used after "|" evaluate the Python expression.

The Python expression is evaluated as specified in the argument. The "stdin" variable holds the value of the input as a string, it must be present when :eval is used after "|".

See var2string() for information about using Aap variables in the Python expression.

The expression must result in the filtered string or something that can be converted to a string with str(). This becomes stdout. The result may be empty. Examples:

        :print $foo | :eval re.sub('<.*?>', '', stdin) > tt
        :eval os.name | :assign OSNAME

Note that the expression must not contain a "|" preceded by white space, it will be recognized as a pipe. Also there must be no ">" preceded by white space, it will be recognized as redirection.

:execute [{pass}] name [argument...]

Execute recipe "name" right away. This works like executing aap on "name".

The recipe is executed in a new scope. This is used as the toplevel scope, unless the "{pass}" option is used.

The "fetch" attribute is supported like with :include.

Optional arguments may be given, like on the command line. This is useful for specifying targets and variable values. "-f recipe" is ignored. Example:

        TESTPROG = ./myprog
        :execute test.aap test1 test2

The following command line options are also used for the executed recipe. Thus when Aap was started with the --nobuild argument, this will also be applied to recipes executed with :execute. All other command line arguments are not passed on.

-C --contents
-k --continue
-F --force
-n --nobuild
-a --nocache
-N --nofetch-recipe
-s --silent
-S --stop
-t --touch
-v --verbose

This command is useful when a recipe does not contain dependencies that interfere with sources and targets in the current recipe. For example, to build a command the current recipe depends on. For example, when the program "mytool" is required and it doesn't exist yet, execute a recipe to build and install it:

         @if not program_path("mytool"):
             :execute mytool.aap install
         :sys mytool

See the program_path() function.

Another example: build two variants:

        :execute build.aap GUI=motif
        :execute build.aap GUI=gtk

:exit [exitval]

Quit executing recipes. When used in build commands, the "finally" targets will still be executed. But a :quit or :exit in the commands of a "finally" target will quit further execution.

When "exitval" is given Aap will use it as the exit value of the program.

:fetch [{attr = val}...] file...

Fetch the files mentioned according to their "fetch" or "commit" attribute. When a file does not have these attributes or fetching fails you will get an error message.

An attribute that appears before the files it is applied to all files.

Files that exist and have a "fetch" attribute with value "no" are skipped.

The name "." can be used to update the current directory:

        :fetch . {fetch = cvs://$CVSROOT}

The "{usecache}" attribute can be used to use a cached version of the file. This skips downloading when the file was downloaded before, but may use an older version of the file.

"{nocache}" does the opposite: never use a cached file.

The "{constant}" attribute can be used to skip fetching a file that already exists. This is useful for a file that will never change (when it includes a version number). Implies "{usecache}".

:fetchall [{attr = val}...]

Fetch all the files in the recipe (and child recipes) that have the "fetch" attribute.

Extra attributes for fetching can be specified here, they overrule the attributes of the file itself.

:filetype [argument...]

Specify filetype detection. See Chapter 28, Customizing Filetype Detection and Actions.

:import name

Read a module stored in the main Aap directory or elsewhere. This happens in a special scope, does not change directory, and has no effect on the recipe containing the :import command except that the actions, filetypes and routes defined in the module become available globally. This is the easiest way to add additional language support to Aap. See Chapter 31, Adding A Language Module.

The recipe(s) read have the name of the module with ".aap" appended. Thus for ":import java" the "java.aap" recipe is used.

The directories searched for module recipes depend on the platform. The first module that is found is used, further directories are not searched. For Unix systems three directories are used:

- ~/.aap/modules/
- /usr/local/share/aap/modules/
- The modules directory of the Aap installation

For other systems these directories are used:

- $HOME/aap/modules/
- $HOMEDRIVE/$HOMEPATH/aap/modules/
- c:/aap/modules/
- The modules directory of the Aap installation

$HOME, $HOMEDRIVE and $HOMEPATH are environment variables, not Aap variables.

Additionally, recipes in the "modules2" subdirectory are loaded. This can be used to do additional settings without modifying a distributed module. All found recipes are loaded, ignoring wether a recipe was already found. The same list of directories is used as mentioned above, with "modules" replaced with "modules2". Although there is no "modules2" directory in the distribution, thus the last item in the directory lists above is not used.

The scope that is used for the module recipe can be accessed from elsewhere under the name of the module with "m_" prepended. Thus when doing ":import java" the "m_java" scope is available. The recipes from the "modules2" directory use this same scope.

:include [option...] name

Read recipe "name" as if it was included in the current recipe. Does not change directory and file names in the included recipe are considered to be relative to the current recipe, not the included recipe.

The -I or --include command line argument can be used to specify directories to look for the recipe. The current directory is always searched first. When the recipe name is an absolute path or starts with a dot (e.g., "./foo.aap") only the current directory is used.

The "fetch" attribute can be used to specify a list of locations where the recipe can be fetched from. If the recipe is fetched, it is stored under the specified "name" in the current directory.

{q} {quiet}Don't give a warning for a file that can't be read. Used to optionally include a recipe.
{o} {once}Don't include the recipe if it was already read. Useful for project settings that are only to be included once, while you have sub-projects that can be build independendly.

:installpkg package...

Install packages. Each argument is the name of a package. This works like :assertpkg but without checking if the package is already present or asking the user whether it should be installed.

See Chapter 25, Automatic Package Install about using packages.

:lib [option...] target : [{attr = val}...] source...

Specify that "target" is a static library, build from "source". Dependencies will be added to compile "source" into an object file and combine the object files together into "target".

When the basename of "target" does not contain a dot, $LIBPRE will be prepended and $LIBSUF will be appended. The original name becomes an alias name for the target, so that this works:

        all: foo bar
        :lib foo : foo.c
        :lib bar : bar.c

On Unix this builds libfoo.a and libbar.a.

See :produce for the most important options. The default values used for ":lib" are: $LIBSUF for "targetsuffix", $LIBPRE for "targetprefix" $LIBOBJSUF for "objectsuffix", "libobject" for "objecttype", "INSTALL_LIB" for "installvar" and "buildlib" for "buildaction".

In addition, the "{onestep}" option explained for :command can be used.

"{attr = val}" is an optional attribute that apply to the generated dependencies. Use the "scope" attribute to specify a user scope to be used before other scopes (except the local scope) in the generated dependencies.

The target will be added to $INSTALL_LIB. Use the "installvar" option to select another variable name. Use {installvar=} when installing the target is not wanted. The target and intermediate files will be added to $CLEANFILES. The source files will be added to $DISTFILES.

Can only be used at the recipe level.

:log [text...]

Write the arguments to the log file AAPDIR/log. This is like :print, but the text is not echoed. The output cannot be redirected or piped, since there isn't any.

:ltlib [option...] target : [{attr = val}...] source...

Specify that "target" is a library, build from "source" with the libtool program. Dependencies will be added to compile each "source" into an object file and combine the object files together into "target".

Very similar to :lib.

Using libtool requires importing the libtool module. Since :ltlib will not work without it, the libtool module is automatically imported.

See :produce for the options. The default values used for ":ltlib" are: $LTLIBSUF for "targetsuffix", $LTLIBPRE for "targetprefix" $LTOBJSUF for "objectsuffix", "ltobject" for "objecttype", "INSTALL_LTLIB" for "installvar" and "buildltlib" for "buildaction".

The target will be added to $INSTALL_LTLIB. Use the "installvar" option to select another variable name. Use {installvar=} when installing the target is not wanted. The target and intermediate files will be added to $CLEANFILES. The source files will be added to $DISTFILES.

Can only be used at the recipe level.

:mkdir [option...] dir...

Create directory. This fails when "dir" already exists and is not a directory.

Each argument is handled separately (they are not concatenated like with :cd!). A "mode" attribute on a directory can be used to specify the protection flags for the new directory.


        :mkdir {r} ~/secret/dir {mode = 0700}

The default mode is 0644. The effective umask may reset some of the bits though.

{f} {force}Don't fail when a directory already exist; still fails when it is not a directory or could not be created.
{q} {quiet}don't report created directories.
{r} {recursive}Also create intermediate directories, not just the deepest one.

Note: automatic creation of directories can be done by adding the {directory} attribute to a source item.

:mkdownload name file...

Generate a recipe "name" that downloads the specified files. Each file must have a "fetch" attribute, which is used in the generated recipe.

When the file "name" already exists it is overwritten without warning.

Wildcards in "file ..." are expanded. Not in "name".

MD5 checksums are generated and used in the recipe to fetch a file only when the checksum differs. Example of one item:

        file = foobar.txt
        @if get_md5(file) != "a5dba5bce69918c040703e9b8eb35f1d":
            :fetch {fetch = ftp://foo.org/files/%file%} $file

When there is a "fetch" attribute on "name", this will be used to add a :recipe command at the start of the generated recipe.

:move [option...] from... to

Move files or directories. Mostly like :copy, except that the "from" files/directories are renamed or, when renaming isn't possible, copied and deleted.

{c} {continue}when an item with a wildcard does not have matches continue with the next item
{e} {exist} {exists}don't overwrite an existing file or directory
{i} {interactive}before overwriting a local file, prompt for confirmation (currently doesn't work for remote files)
{m} {mkdir}create destination directory when needed
{q} {quiet}don't report moved files


Do nothing. Useful to define a target with build commands to avoid a dependency is added automatically.



Change back to directory on top of the directory stack, undoing a previous :pushdir. It is an error if the directory stack is empty (more :popdir than :pushdir used).

:print [redir] [text...]

Print the arguments on stdout. Without arguments a line feed is produced. $var items are expanded, otherwise the arguments are produced literally, including quotes:

        :print "hello"

results in:


Leading white space is skipped, but white space in between arguments is kept. To produce leading white space write the first space as an escaped character:

        :print $( )   indented text

results in:

        indented text 

When used in a pipe the stdin variable holds the input.

See here for [redir]. See :log for writing a message to the log file without echoing.

:produce what [option...] target : [{attr = val}...] source...

Specify that "target" has filetype "what" and is build from "source ...". Aap will add dependencies to invoke the actions that will accomplish the task of building "target".

For specific types of targets separate commands are available. You don't need to specify the mandatory options then. For building a normal program use :program, for building a shared library use :dll, for building a static library use :lib, for building a libtool library use :ltlib.

The building is split up in two parts:

  1. Dependencies are added to compile the source files into files specified with the "objecttype" option. The routes specified with :route are used to decide which actions to invoke. These :route commands must precede the :produce command! Each step in the route becomes a separate dependency, so that intermediate results are produced. This is similar to what the :totype command does.

  2. The second step is to build the "target" from the "objecttype" files. This invokes the action defined with "buildaction", using "what" as the target filetype. The "what" filetype is declared when necessary, to avoid a warning for defining an action for an unknown filetype.

When the basename of "target" does not contain a dot, the "targetsuffix" option will be appended and "targetprefix" prepended. The original name becomes an alias name for the target, so that this works:

        all: foo bar
        :produce drink $drinkoptions foo : foo.c
        :produce snack $snackoptions bar : bar.c

targetsuffix(optional) appended to the target if it doesn't contain a dot
targetprefix(optional) prepended to the target if it doesn't contain a dot
comment(optional) description of type of building displayed for "aap --comment target". A "comment" attribute on the target overrules this.
objectprefix(optional) prefix for the intermediate results.
objectsuffix(optional) suffix for the intermediate results.
objecttype(mandatory) filetype for the intermediate results.
installvar(optional) name of the install variable to add the target to (default: INSTALL_EXEC) Set to an empty value to omit installing
buildaction(mandatory) name of the action used to turn the intermediate results into the target

Can only be used at the recipe level.

:program [option...] target : [{attr = val}...] source...

Specify that "target" is a program, build from "source ...". Dependencies will be added to compile "source ..." into an object file and link the object files together into "target".

When the basename of "target" does not contain a dot, $EXESUF will be appended. The original name becomes an alias name for the target, so that this works:

        all: foo bar
        :program foo : foo.c
        :program bar : bar.c

On MS-Windows this builds foo.exe and bar.exe.

See :produce for the most important options. The default values used for ":program" are: $EXESUF for "targetsuffix", nothing for "targetprefix" $OBJSUF for "objectsuffix", "object" for "objecttype", "INSTALL_EXEC" for "installvar" and "build" for "buildaction".

In addition, "{onestep}" can be used to make A-A-P build the program without creating intermediate object files if it is supported by the tools (see Chapter 40, Standard Tools). This solution might be faster for very fast compilers.

"{attr = val}" is an optional attribute that apply to the generated dependencies. Use the "scope" attribute to specify a user scope to be used before other scopes, but after the local scope, in the generated dependencies.

The target will be added to $INSTALL_EXEC. Use the "installvar" option to select another variable name. Use {installvar=} when installing the target is not wanted. The target and intermediate files will be added to $_recipe.CLEANFILES. The source files will be added to $_recipe.DISTFILES, except the ones with a {nodist} attribute.

Can only be used at the recipe level.

:progsearch varname progname...

Check if an executable progname exists in $PATH. If not, check further arguments. The first one found is assigned to variable varname. If none of the progname could be found varname will be set to an empty string.


        :progsearch BROWSER netscape opera
        @if BROWSER:
            :sys $BROWSER readme.html

:proxy [protocol] address

Specify a proxy server. Examples:

        :proxy ftp ftp://ftp.proxy.net:1234
        :proxy http://www.someproxy.com:1080

The "protocol" can be "ftp", "http" or "gopher". When omitted "http" is used. Case doesn't matter.

The {address} is a URL with the port number included. The result of this command is that an environment variable is set, as the Python library "urllib" requires. Therefore it must be done early in the startup phase, before accessing the internet.

:publish [{attr = val}...] file...

Publish the files mentioned according to their "publish" or "commit" attribute.

Creates directories when needed (for CVS only one level).

:publishall [{attr = val}...]

Publish all the files in the recipe (and child recipes) that have the "publish" attribute and changed since the last time they were published.

Note that this doesn't fall back to the "commit" attribute like :publish does.

:pushdir dir

Change directory to "dir". The current directory is pushed onto the directory stack, so that :popdir goes back to the old current directory.

Note that at the start of each command block Aap changes directory to the directory of the recipe.

WARNING: variables with a relative path become invalid! This includes $source and $target. Use var_abspath(). when needed.


A block of Python code. The block ends when the indent drops to the level of :python or below.

:python terminator

A block of Python code. The block ends when "terminator" is found on a line by itself. The Python commands may have any indent.

White space before and after "terminator" is allowod and a comment after "terminator" is also allowed. "terminator" can contain any characters except white space.

:quit [exitval]

See :exit.

:recipe {fetch = URL... }

Location of this recipe. The "fetch" attribute is used like with :child: a list of locations. The first URL that works is used.

When aap was started with the "fetch" argument, fetch the recipe and restart reading it. Using the "fetch" or "update" target causes this as well. The commands before :recipe have already been executed, thus this may cause a difference from executing the new recipe directly. The values of variables are restored to the values before executing the recipe.

Fetching a specific recipe is done only once per session.

:remove [{attr = val}...] fname...

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Remove the files from the repository. The file may still exist locally. Implies a "commit" of the file.

:removeall [option...] [{attr = val}...] [directory...]

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Apply the :remove command to all files in the directory that exist in the repository but do hot have been given a "commit" attribute in the recipe (and child recipes).

Careful: Only use this command when it is certain that all files that should be in the VCS are explicitly mentioned and do have a "commit" attribute!

{l} {local}don't do current directory recursively
{r} {recursive}do handle arguments recursively

When no directory argument is given, the current directory is used. It is inspected recursively, unless the "{local}" option was given.

When directory arguments are given, each directory is inspected. Recursively when the "{recursive}" option was given.

When no "commit" attribute is specified here, it will be obtained from any node.

:reviseall [{attr = val}...]

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Just like using both :checkinall and :removeall on the current directory recursively.

:route [option...] typelist... typelist [{attr = value}...]
  action filename

Specify the actions to be used to build sources with a filetype in the first "typelist" into targets with a filetype in the last "typelist". One or more steps can be defined, resulting in intermediate results.

Each "typelist" is usually a single filetype name, but the first and the last can also be a comma separated list of filetype names. The route is defined for each combination of the mentioned filetypes.

The last "typelist" may have attributes. These are passed to the final target. A useful attribute is "buildaction", which tells the build action which special action has to be used for this item.

There must be an "action" line for each step. The number of steps is the number of "typelist" minus one. All "action" lines except the last one must define a "filename". This is the file used for the result of the action, which becomes the input for the next action. If the filename is not an absolute path $BDIR will be prepended (the "var_BDIR" attribute is used if present on the source file).


        :route yacc c object
            yacc $(source).c

This defines the route from a "yacc" file to an "object" file, with an intermediate "c" result. The step from "yacc" to "c" is done with an action called "yacc". It will be invoked like this:

        :do yacc {target = $(source).c} $source

The step from "c" to "object" is done with a "compile" action. It will be invoked like this:

        :do compile {target = $target} $(source).c

The steps will be generated as separate dependencies. Thus, for the above example, when an included header file of the intermediate C file changes, only the "compile" action will be invoked.

{default}This is a default route. No warning is given if the route is redefined later.

The defined routes can be used explicitly with the :totype command. They are also used with the :produce command and derivatives.

Note: In a later version of Aap the defined routes may be used for dependencies without build commands and without a matching rule. Thus the routes may be used as rules based on filetypes.

:rule [option...] tpat... : [{attr = val}...] spat...

Define a rule to build files matching the pattern "tpat" from a file matching "spat".


        :rule %.html : header.part %.part footer.part
            :cat $source > $target

There can be several "tpat" patterns, the rule is used if one of them matches.

There can be several "spat" patterns, the rule is used if they all exist (or no better rule is found). When "commands" is missing this only defines that "tpat" depends on "spat".

Can only be used at the recipe level.

A rule is used in the recipe where it is defined and in its siblings, unless an option is used to specify otherwise.

{global}use this rule in all places
{local}use this rule only for targets in this recipe
{default}default rule, redefining it will not cause a message
{sourceexists}only use the rule when the matching source file exists; useful for rules that generate source code

"attributes" can be used to set attributes for when applying the rule.

The "skip" attribute on 'tpat' can be used to skip certain matches.

$target and $source can be used in "commands" for the actual file names. $match is what the "%" in the pattern matched.

Alternative: instead of matching the file name with a pattern, :action uses filetypes to specify commands. On non-Unix systems the pattern should contain only lower case letters and forward slashes, because the name it is compared with is made lower case and backslashes have been replaced with forward slashes.

:rule is introduced in Chapter 3, Publishing a Web Site of the tutorial. Also see :delrule and :clearrules .

:start command

Like :sys and :system, but don't wait for the commands to finish. Errors of the executed command are ignored.

Runs in the same terminal, which will cause problems when the command waits for input. Open a new terminal to run that command in. Example:

        :start xterm -e more README

WARNING: Using :start probably makes your recipe non-portable.

:symlink [option...] from to

Create a symbolic link, so that "to" points to "from". Think of this as if making a copy of "from" without actually copying the file.

Only for Unix and Mac OS X.

{q} or {quiet}Don't complain when "to" already exists.
{f} or {force}Overwrite an existing "to" file or symlink

:sys [option...] command
:system [option...] command

Execute "cmds" as system (shell) commands. Example:

        :system filter <foo >bar
        :sys reboot universe

The following lines with more indent are appended, replacing the indent with a single space. Example:

        :sys echo one

This echos "one two".

{i} or {interactive}don't log output (see below)
{q} or {quiet}Don't echo the command
{l} or {log}Redirect all output to the log file, do not echo it
{f} or {force}Ignore a non-zero exit value

{interactive} and {log} cannot be used at the same time.

When using the {f} or {force} argument the exit value of the command is available in $sysresult.

Output is logged by default. If this is undesirable (e.g., when starting an interactive command) prepend "{i}" or "{interactive}" to the command. It will be removed before executing it. Example:

        :system {i} vi bugreport

Aap attempts to execute consecutive commands with one shell, to speed up the execution. This will not be done when the {f} or {force} attribute is used, these commands are executed separately.

Aap waits for the command to finish. Alternatively you can use :start, which runs the command asynchronously.

When the "async" variable is set and it is not empty, :sys works like :start, except that consecutive commands are executed all at once in one shell.

Also see :asroot for executing a shell command with super-user privileges.

On MS-Windows several commands use a forward slash for options and require using backslashes in file names. But in Aap most file names use forward slashes. To obtain the value of variable "var" with slashes replaced with backslashes use "$/var". See Chapter 34, Variables and Scopes.

When using a variable as an argument, it may need to be put in quotes to avoid it being interpreted as two arguments when it contains a space. To obtain the value of variable "var" with quotes for the shell use "$!var". See Chapter 34, Variables and Scopes.

WARNING: Using :sys or :system probably makes your recipe non-portable.

:sysdepend {filepat = pattern} [{srcpath = path ...}] command

Execute shell command "command". It is supposed to figure out automatic dependencies. When an included file cannot be found by the shell command, an error message is expected that indicates which file is missing. Aap will then attempt to fetch or update the file and run "command" again.

Error messages that match "pattern" are recognized and handled in a special way. The "pattern" must contain one group (a pattern in parenthesis), which matches the file name in an error message. The files where the pattern matches are then updated, like :update is invoked. The command is then executed again.

The "srcpath" option is used to find the files from the error messages. When it is omitted the following directories are searched:

  1. Directories from the $INCLUDE variable.

  2. The first directory in the $source variable.

  3. The current directory.

The repetition of executing the command and finding matching file names is repeated until there are no more matching error messages or the list of file names is the same as the previous time.

An example:

        :sysdepend {filepat = .*: ([^:]*): File not found} depcheck $source > $target

Be careful to exactly match the filename with the pattern inside (). Leading and trailing white space is ignored. When necessary to use another group, use "(?:pattern)" to avoid it's used as the file name.

WARNING: Using :sysdepend probably makes your recipe non-portable.

:syseval [{stderr}] [redir] command

Execute shell command "command" and write its output to stdout. Only stdout of the command is captured by default. When {stderr} is just after the command name, stderr is also captured. Example:

        :syseval hostname | :assign HOSTNAME

When used in a pipe, the stdin is passed to the command. Example:

        :print $var | :syseval sort | :assign var

Leading and trailing blanks, including line breaks, are removed. Thus the last line never ends in a newline character.

See here for [redir].

Note the difference with the :sys command: redirection in :sys is handled by the shell, for :syseval it is handled by Aap.

When executing the command fails, the result is empty. The exit value of the command is available in $exit.

WARNING: Using :syseval probably makes your recipe non-portable.

:syspath path arg...

Use "path" as a colon separated list of command names, use the first command that works.

When %s appears in "path", it is replaced with the arguments. If it does not appear, the arguments are appended.

Other appearences of % in "path" are removed, thereby reducing %% to % and %: to : while avoiding their special meaning.

Don't forget that "path" must be one argument, use quotes around it to include white space.


        :syspath 'vim:vi:emacs' foobar.txt

Output is not logged.

Note: on MS-Windows it's not possible to detect if a command worked, the first item in the path will always be used.

WARNING: Using :syspath probably makes your recipe non-portable.

:tag [{attr = val}...] fname...

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Adds a tag to the current version of the files in the repository. Uses the "tag" attribute.

:tagall [{attr = val}...]

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Adds a tag to all items with a "commit" and "tag" attribute. The tag should be simple name without special characters (no dot or dash).

:tee [redir] fname...

Write stdin to each file in the argument list and also write it to stdout. This works like a T shaped connection in a water pipe. Example:

      :cat file1 file2 | :tee totfile | :assign foo

:toolsearch toolname...

Specify a list of tools. The Python code for each tool is imported and its "exist()" function invoked. The first tool that exists becomes the default tool for the language(s) it supports. See Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools for more info.

For Unix systems three directories are used:

- ~/.aap/tools/
- /usr/local/share/aap/tools/
- The tools directory of the Aap installation

For other systems these directories are used:

- $HOME/aap/tools/
- c:/aap/tools/
- The tools directory of the Aap installation

$HOME, $HOMEDRIVE and $HOMEPATH are environment variables, not Aap variables.

Important: The "tools" directory must have a __init__.py file, so that it is recognized as a package. The __init__.py file may be empty.

:totype [option...] targettype : [attribute...] source...

Specify that each item in "source ..." is to be turned into filetype "targettype". Dependencies will be added to turn each source file into a file of type "targettype". How this is done must have been defined with :route commands before using the :totype command!


        :totype footy {suffix = .foo} : aaa.cpp bbb.y

This turns the file "aaa.cpp" into a file "aaa.foo" with filetype "footy". Since "aaa.cpp" is recognized as a file with filetype "cpp", this will use the route from "cpp" to "footy". "bbb.y" is turned into "bbb.foo". "bbb.y" is recognized as a file with filetype "yacc", this will use the route from "yacc" to "footy".

If the resulting "targettype" files are additionally to be build together into a program you can use the :program command instead. A more generic form is the :produce command.

The filename of each target is made from the source file name, prepending $BDIR. The "prefix" and "suffix" attributes of "targettype" are used ("prefix" is prepended, "suffix" replaces an existing suffix). When "targettype" is "object" the default for "suffix" is $OBJSUF, for "dllobject" the default is $DLLOBJSUF and for "libobject" the default is $LIBOBJSUF. Otherwise the "suffix" attribute must be specified to avoid that the source and target have the same file name.

[attributes] are optional attributes that apply to the generated dependencies. Use the "scope" attribute to specify a user scope to be used before other scopes (except the local scope) in the generated dependencies.

The targets and any intermediate files will be added to $_recipe.CLEANFILES. The source files will be added to $_recipe.DISTFILES, except the ones with a {nodist} attribute.

Can only be used at the recipe level.

:touch [option...] name...

Update timestamp of file or directory "name".

{f} {force}create the file when it doesn't exist
{e} {exist}create the file when it doesn't exist, don't update timestamp when the file already exists

If "name" doesn't exist and {force} and {exist} are not present the command fails.

If "name" doesn't exist and {force} or {exist} is present an empty file will be created.

If "name" does exist and {exist} is present nothing happens.

A "directory" attribute can be used to specify a non-existing "name" is to be created as a directory. There is no check if an existing "name" actually is a directory.

A "mode" attribute can be used to specify the mode with which a new file or directory is to be created. The value is in the usual octal form, e.g., "0644".

:tree dirname [option...]

Inspect the directory tree "dirname" and invoke the command block for each selected file and/or directory. In the command block $name has the name of the selected item.


        :tree headers {filename = log}
            :delete $name

This deletes all "log" files below the "headers" directory, possibly including "headers/log" and "headers/sub/log".

The dirname itself is not part of the selected items.

{filename = pattern}Select files where this Python re pattern matches the whole filename.
{dirname = pattern}Select directories where this Python re pattern matches the whole filename.
{follow}Do follow symbolic links.
{reject = pattern}Exclude files and directories where this Python re pattern matches the basename (the last component in the path). Directories are still entered. For example, when the pattern is "CVS" a file "CVS/Entries" can still be included.
{skipdir = pattern}Do not enter directories where this Python re pattern matches the basename (the last component in the path).
{contents = pattern}Include only files that match the pattern in the file contents. Does not apply to directories.

When neither the "filename" nor "dirname" is given, all files are selected, as if {filename = .*} was used.

When the system ignores case for filenames the patterns will ignore case differences for "filename", "dirname" and "reject". The pattern for "contents" is used with matching case.

The pattern for "filename", "dirname" and "reject" must match the whole name, "^" is prepended and "$" is appended. The pattern for "contents" is matched with every line in the file, including the newline character, and may match part of the line.

Hidden and system files are found as well, but the directory entries "." and ".." are never selected.

The selected entries are ordered depth-first. For example, "tree foo" would select:


Without the "{follow}" option symbolic links to are not followed. The symbolic link itself is included in the results (if the pattern matches). Use os.path.islink() to test for symbolic links. Hard links are not detected and may cause an infinite loop.

Example that creates a list of C files, skipping "old" directories and "test_" files:

        source =
        :tree . {filename = .*\.c} {skipdir = old} {reject = test_.*}
            source += $name

:unlock [{attr = val}...] fname...

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Remove any lock on the files, don't change the file in the repository.

:unlockall [{attr = val}...]

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Apply the :unlock command to all files in the recipe (and child recipes) that have the "commit" attribute.

:update [{force}] [{searchpath = path...}] target...

Update "target" now, if it is outdated or when "{force}" is used.

One or more targets can be specified, each will be updated.

The "searchpath" argument can be used to search for the target in a series of directories. Each item in "searchpath" is prepended to the target name, unless it is an absolute path. The updating stops when a path plus target is found that can be successfully updated.

When this appears at the top level, a dependency or rule for the target to be used must already have been specified, there is no look-ahead.

When the target exists and no dependency or rule applies, the file is considered updated.

:usetool toolname

Specify a specific tool to be used. When used in the toplevel recipe the tool becomes the default tool. Can also be used in a child recipe. See Chapter 30, Customizing Default Tools for more info.

:variant varname

Define build variants. The "varname" is the name of a variable that selects one of the possible "value" items.

The last "value" item can be a star. This item will be used when the value of "varname" does not match one of the other values.

When the variable "varname" is not set or has an empty value, the first entry is used.

The value of $BDIR is changed by appending a dash and the value of "varname". The value is modified to avoid using an illegal filename.

See the User manual Chapter 14, Variants for examples.

Can only be used at the recipe level.

:verscont action [{attr = val}...] fname...

Version control command, also see Chapter 18, Version Control.

Perform the version control "action" on the files. This uses the "commit" attribute. What happens is specific for the VCS.

Common arguments for Commands


Redirect the output of a command. Can be one of these items:

> fnamewrite output to file "fname"; fails when "fname" already exists
>! fnamewrite output to file "fname"; overwrite an existing file
>> fnameappend output to file "fname"; create the file if it does not exist yet
| commandpipe output to the following "command"

The redirection can appear anywhere in the argument, except inside quotes. The normal place is either as the first or the last argument. The pipe to the next command must appear at the end.

The file name can be a URL. The text will first be written to a local file and then the file is moved to the final destination.

The white space before the file name may be omitted. White space before the ">" and "|" is required. To avoid recognizing the ">" and "|" for redirection and pipes, use $gt and $pipe.

When a command produces text on stdout and no redirection or pipe is used, the stdout is printed to the terminal.


In various places URLs can be used to specify remote locations and the method how to access it.


HTTP protocol, commonly used for web sites. read-only "machine" can also be "machine:port".


FTP protocol. "machine" can also be "machine:port". When ":port" is omitted the default port 21 is used.

For authentication the ~/.netrc file is used if possible (unfortunately, the Python netrc module has a bug that prevents it from understanding many netrc files).

Alternatively, login name and password can be specified just before the machine name:


When ":password" is omitted, you will be prompted for entering the password.

Either way: ftp sends passwords literally over the net, thus THIS IS NOT SECURE! Should use "scp://" instead.


SCP protocol (using SSH, secure shell). Requires the "scp" program installed (Aap will attempt installing it for you when needed). Additionally a user name can be specified:


"path" is a relative path to the directory where "ssh" logs in to. To use an absolute path prepend a slash:


The resulting path for the "scp" command uses a ":" instead of the first slash.

Uses "scp -C" by default. Set the $SCPCMD variable to use another command.


RCP protocol (using rcp, "remote copy"). Very much like using "scp://", but WITHOUT SECURITY. Requires the "rcp" program installed (Aap will attempt installing it for you when needed).

Uses "rcp" by default. Set the $RCPCMD variable to use another command.


RSYNC protocol (using rsync, "remote sync"). Like using "scp://", but only the difference between files is transported. This is slower for transferring a whole file but a lot faster if a file has few changes.

Requires the "rsync" program installed (Aap will attempt installing it for you when needed). Uses "rsync --rsh==ssh" by default. Set the $RSYNCCMD variable to use another command.

Part IV. Appendixes

Table of Contents

A. License

Appendix A. License


The files of the A-A-P project that refer to this file can be copied,
modified, distributed and used as described in the license below.  If
this license does not meet your needs, contact the copyright holder(s)
to negotiate an alternate license.

Contact information for stichting NLnet Labs can be found at:

Further information about the A-A-P project can be found at:

                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
                       Version 2, June 1991

 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
                       59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
your programs, too.

  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.

  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.

  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their

  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.

  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.

  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.

  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.

                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE

  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".

Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.

  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.

You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.

  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.

    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
    parties under the terms of this License.

    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)

These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.

Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.

In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.

  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,

    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
    customarily used for software interchange; or,

    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
    received the program in object code or executable form with such
    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)

The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.

If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.

  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.

  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.

  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.

  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.

If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other

It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.

This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.

  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.

  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.

Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software

  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.

                            NO WARRANTY



                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS

            How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs

  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.

  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.

    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.

If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:

    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.

The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.

You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:

  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.

  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
  Ty Coon, President of Vice

This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.